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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/18 in all areas

  1. Well lads the time came today when I had to have my old girl pts, she wasn't a world beater by any means but she was a real genuine bitch who always gave all. Fifteen good years she had doing what was natural to her, taking her first rabbit, hare and roe by 11mths and her last big one there in December gripping it in a ditch. Well auld girl I'll certainly miss you RIP Molly
    20 points
  2. there some odd fuckers on here fair play , one minute its how the f**k do you get decent blood if no f****r will sell it as soon as someone sell a few he's a c**t puppy peddler no one can win , as far as older terrier having a off day of course they do just like us , thats why we have retirement man and dog , its not that long a go a old red dog from Ireland was getting slagged off for failing all who had seen the dog in its prime defended the dog as it should be , but it seemed the old dog had by these peoples standards failed , little bit of common sense thats all that is needed, terrier w
    19 points
  3. Fair play to them, we should have done the same to Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. In fact Abu Hamza would have looked tidy wasting away from radiation sickness......I’d have had a poster of it on my wall !
    14 points
  4. Not sure if 3 count as a pack, but here is what I have. 3 Welsh cross hounds all under 2 and entered well.
    10 points
  5. I think lance and wiggins should get extra respect for doing so well while on drugs, I tried cycling home from a mates house while full of drugs once and I ended up upside down in a bush.
    9 points
  6. Hopefully one of those serial killers adds Peirce to his list.
    8 points
  7. It's not just the weight difference, though that does play a part. A heavily-muscled lump of a dog with a lot of Greyhound in it generates a lot more heat when it runs, and must take correspondingly longer to cool down afterwards, whereas a light Whippety type cools down much faster. Add to that the extra amount of work the big dog has to do to run fast: big engines take more torque to move from standing to flat out, and that goes some way to explaining why the big dog takes longer to recover. And there's stamina to consider as well. Greyhounds were never bred to run the distances that W
    7 points
  8. Finally managed to get a pic of the great tit with the white tail
    6 points
  9. That's a shame and a sad story for you jjm ,but to be honest you knew what he was doing with the stealing and that should have been delt with straight away and it sounds like was a thief anyway and not just the drink drove him to it once or twice. Blackmaggie i so hope don't get treated the same way as you did and iv'e offered my help in any way as without the folks who did put themselves out and put some time and effort into me then i wouldn't be here today.it won't be easy for any of them but a bit of faith,some trust and some forgiveness and who knows give this fella a chance and he could b
    5 points
  10. The real concern will be when these AI bots set up an offliner at the racecourse carpark and when you turn there is f***ing Megatron warming up on the pads!
    5 points
  11. Here you go Mark. It stopped raining so I gave Si browns 99s a go at 32 yards. Left hand resting on a coffee pot so that's my excuse ??
    5 points
  12. If you have never dug to a dog that's had an off day then you ain't done much.... Bitch is gone 10 did over 5 hrs to ground, 3 times the fox gave her the run around, she brought it back to the same spot, so one hole dug, if it decides to bolt when I was 0.9 off it then happy days, had my 8 yr old lad with me so kind of glad it ended the way it did lol. Just adding to a great thread.... Being honest, no need for a slagging match about other folk's dogs. I'm a big boy who dont take things to heart. I'm happy feeding what I keep in my yard and know plenty that would be the same..... Seasons ove
    5 points
  13. Yeah, maybe he'd get a reduced sentence...
    5 points
  14. I was a heroin addict for the best part of ten years (been clean 15+ years now)and i lost everything i had due to it so i know what i'm talking about with addition and if i can help a single person sort themselves out then my shit time wasn't so wasted..Just don't put all you got into it Blackmaggie as like i say he may well mess it up once or twice and he'll feel shit for doing so and letting folk down,but just be there to help him off his knees mate as just knowing there was someone who gave a fcuk held me on this planet more than once when i could see no light at the end of the tunnel..The
    5 points
  15. I’m afraid to say but the whole litter will be in for a life of injuries, this is just the start and they not even started work properly yet. I had a 3/4 grey 1/4 bull and forever injured. Just not built for the job. What they missing is abit of saluki. Would of solved all these problems wether you like to admit it or not.
    4 points
  16. Morrison's were out of brioche cobs last night! I take it back, this is a crisis!
    4 points
  17. .177 fx impact/hawke frontier 25yds .22 fx impact/Yukon photon 25yds I had to go over the circles with a marker pen as I couldn’t see them through the photon....
    4 points
  18. Had my youngest lad today and we have been snowed in for a few days. I asked him what he wanted to do today.....skate park? Bike ride? No Dad can we take the dogs out!! We headed to a bit of ground that holds a few rabbits and not many people go there. The busher was on fire and the lurcher was struggling to keep up. Haven’t been here for a while so we had a few more bolts than normal. A range of cover from thick brambles to tall grass and bracken. Lurcher was marking well and needless to say the lad had a great time. A few good runs and a couple of decent catches. Perfect afternoon. ATB
    4 points
  19. If you use Viagra to enhance your performance does that make you a drugs cheat?.
    4 points
  20. Nearly every time something has gone wrong on a dig it's been my fault not the dogs, but I learn from them and it never happens again.
    4 points
  21. Yes I have,...caught plenty of gear,.(Hares and Roe) but it was always heart in mouth stuff,..exciting, but to enjoy the hunt, you did require some Valium. However, I still think a well balanced, average sized, cobby style of Greyhound to be one hell of a canine...
    3 points
  22. I'm sorry it ended like it did for you jjm you sound like you did your best and good on you for doing so my mate has never been a thief he did have a good business short of it was put all his eggs in one basket then had the rug pulled under him and lost everything i do believe my mate wants to get dry so he can see his kids again and I do expect good and bad days but I will stand by him if there comes a time were I have to admit defeat at least I tried my best but I do really believe he wants it but at this time I won't turn my back on him we all need help at some point and when I did he step
    3 points
  23. The Israelies (Mossad) Put a hit on those involved in the Munich Olympic massacre of there athletes in the 70s , they tracked them round the world and wiped all bar 1 out , the U.K. Lost there grip on homeland security against those who Fukc us about the day they let Yvonne Fletchers killer waltz off claiming diplomatic immunity . . They should of sent the SAS in (Iranian embassy style) and killed whoever did that and Fukc immunity where murder is concerned setting a president to the rest off the world don't come here and think yous can take the piss !!
    3 points
  24. Every lurcher thread on here seems to head the same way, a match and a fight, the results are always the same.....................no game ran and never a punch thrown
    3 points
  25. Count me out brother I ain't even got matching socks
    3 points
  26. ill stick to my white dogs theirs to much bollocks with the cockers dogs and not the best finders anyway!each to their own
    3 points
  27. Not forgetting his trip to the moon............
    3 points
  28. Would you no think of putting a greyhound whippet over her if she lacks speed just a thought
    3 points
  29. Took a few pics today,bit of crap on the lens of my point-and-shoot Lumix that I didn't see when taking the snaps,the drone is fantastic,i am getting one,ten minutes to learn to fly it and I was sending it out of sight watching its progress on the I-phone screen,a flock of pigeons kept circling it for some reason
    3 points
  30. Here is my oldest sons lurcher. 100% committed to any form of hunting. Just thinks its a bushing dog while out mooching in day time lol
    3 points
  31. Cheers lads ive added the beading to the edges and theres a metal tray in the feed area the hides tarped all way around so should be water and wind proof most of it is hidden within the holly bush oh and theres a reclining office chair tucked in there haha
    3 points
  32. only got 20 at home mark... unless I shoot trough the garage and risk fcukin me door up!! 97 .177 not sure about accuracy but it highlights me sh1t attention span I'll have a crack at the 38 when I can get out
    3 points
  33. Sorry not great quality but my normal screen photo from laptop to iPad, but here is a pretty large feral that appears to live in a sett with a fox, have been looking at a few films on ferals in aus and it seems that they often live underground in rabbit bury,s I have several more of him going in and out the same sett and of the five cams in this area he only ever shows up near this one the fox also appears to have three legs so maybe a marriage of convenience certainly an odd couple,
    3 points
  34. Just been and cleared all my cameras out from a patch of land I,ve been on for a few years after catching several engineer looking type men in there with clip boards etc have had some good stuff under here over a 2 year period and I,m sure I will move back one day but I,m moving to another area I,ve been studying for the last 12 months, just to give some ideal of the effort of becoming a camera trapper here are a few of my cameras and the amount of sd cards I get through, each card has anywere from 50 to a 1000 images on also some of the devices I,ve bought to try and upload the pictures none
    3 points
  35. Yea the kid was on the news and that amber Rudd says"I feel for them but there no scientific proof and we can't give out drugs that haven't been approved" the stuck up toffee nosed bitch would soon change that if it was one of her kids. The parents should start a law suit against the home office for child abuse. The government are denying a treatment that gives that kid and his parents a better quality of life. Utterly useless those c**ts in Westminster there duty is towards its citizens. Hope the parents continue to use it. There not a court in the land who would throw them in jail
    3 points
  36. This is mine from this morning. .......... 30yrds with a .177 HW77 at a bunch of 5p size circles. One feckin flyer and, it was my fault
    3 points
  37. If your on about my sly remark look at it again!!! At the end of what I wrote I put LOL. Daniel has nothing to prove on here to me or anybody else. Seems a decent fella that actually works his dogs. My comment was made as a joke. Anybody that works terriers no they can and will have an off day.specialy old dogs. Goodman
    3 points
  38. Eaten bread is soon forgotten and all that
    3 points
  39. I think when you charge 300 bucks for a pup and sell to blind strangers, you no longer deserve to have control over the breeding of those dogs. Saying that, those who buy said dogs, should obviously breed back to same, if they want to use the man's name.
    3 points
  40. It reminds of the ferrets I used to keep. I should of handled them more.?
    3 points
  41. Firstly their is not a lot of Irish lads have his dogs a lot say they have but the truth is he didn't breed them and 2nd your giving the smart remarks for us no need to bring the man into it the thread is show us your patterdales not who bred them.
    3 points
  42. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, but there straight away you answer with things that come from experience and not word on word advice. Terrierwork is 99% learned from experience and hopefully a lad has a good teacher. That's a big secret either way it's a hard school and sadly it's the terrier who often gets the blame for his masters bad work.
    3 points
  43. It's called sarcasm, don't worry it'll reach your side of the pond one day
    3 points
  44. I hope so welsh he did me a good turn a few years ago he didn't need to but he did I haven't forgot it I just hope he can beat his demons I will try and help any way I can but I don't want him to try and make a mug out of me for sentiment reasons either
    3 points
  45. funny made my day mate i learnt the hard way up here.always from october onwards shovel,tow rope.1/2 tank atleast of fuel and a bar of chocolate,spare pack of rollie papers case the pack i have gets wet
    2 points
  46. Plenty of big black Salamis on the menu for them lad's
    2 points
  47. I've got to over a hour in and its quite a eye opener so far but that's enough for tonight I will let what I've watched sink in before tackling the rest ... its clashed with the Mrs alternative reality I don't think she can handle the truth
    2 points
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