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WILF last won the day on January 22

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About WILF

  • Rank
    The "Memphis" of shooting

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    An Englishman abroad......

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  1. Just started to get a dump of snow which they said would happen as the two weather systems crashed into each other
  2. Only emergency services should be travelling in the morning they have said here. Force 12 on coastal regions with big storm surge, storm force 11 for us further inland, gusting upto 170kmph …..been prepping for a couple of days as the power will go down and dont know how long for…..could be a week if things get really bad. That’s will be cooking over camp stoves etc etc as we don’t have gas. Lowest barometric pressure ever recorded over the British isles I read today !…….stay safe boys, hope it don’t get too wild.
  3. WILF


    With all due respect, we have never been that country……and we never will, especially not the last 30 year where this culture has been promoted and held up as something to aspire to. I get your point and I understand the feeling behind it, but it’s not a reality.
  4. WILF


    Understood, but there isn’t the room. Our reoffending rates are awful, I’d say don’t lock people up, change the culture of the country so that you don’t have to keep locking people up. As in so many walks of life, we are treating the symptoms but not the disease.
  5. WILF

    Ruskkie ship

    McHull once went to CAD, said they never gave him one good bit of advice !
  6. WILF


    About 8000 people have been given the death sentence in the states and the murder rate is still high. People always talk about tougher sentences but they only work on people who care……what folks have to get through their head is that these people don’t give a flying f**k! Domestically this is a cultural affliction, it has infected everyone it touches in our inner city’s and bigger towns…..it’s a 3rd world imported mentality. These people would think no more of stabbing you for your phone than they would throwing a chewing gum wrapper in the bin…..getting lifed off wouldn’t
  7. WILF


    Same for London but you can’t hand feed them……and you get stabbed ! lol
  8. WILF


    6…..6 overdoses worldwide apparently ? There will be a 100 today from Oxy in the USA…..don’t believe the hype, you can’t trust these people old chap.
  9. WILF


    Is this like saying the owner of only fans is a pimp ? ……… As I say, I don’t know, but I find it highly unlikely that libertarians and a presidential candidate attach themselves to a true scumbag……I think this bloke is a platform creator who based his idea on keeping government away from people. But, I could be wrong
  10. WILF


    Don’t know this media outlets spin, but it’s another angle. Why Donald Trump pardoned the Silk Road creator a decade after his life imprisonment - ABC News AMP.ABC.NET.AU
  11. WILF


    Where is that information mate ? See, the libertarians want freedom for lots of things but they don’t tend to expand that to campaigning for the right to conspire to murder and sell drugs……if the libertarians were campaigning for this bloke, I’d guess he has done nothing of the sort.
  12. WILF


    That’s if you believe the BBC spin on things……if you take out their normal anti freedom/anti sanity hyperbole I’m guessing the bloke created a private web platform and OTHER people conspired to do all the nasty things listed while using that platform……I’d need to find out more, but I’m guessing that the bloke personally did none of those things. I guess, and it is only a guess, that’s it's like putting Zuckerberg in prison for all of the memes created on FB….and then spinning it like he created them all himself.
  13. WILF

    Ruskkie ship

    I don’t know what the top one is but the Lab and Charles Bronson are pretty good.
  14. WILF

    Ruskkie ship

    By the time he had done the risk assessment and method statement we’d have all been sipping vodka and eating beetroots !
  15. WILF

    Ruskkie ship

    Well that’s a blatant lie because my phone never rung once !
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