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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF

    Turn Offs

    Nothing says “George Clooney” like coming home after 3 days away stinking of pigs and wet terriers…..your average women is positively ripping her clothes off to jump into bed ! Lol
  2. Sir, having trod that path, I salute you !!
  3. WILF

    Turn Offs

    I’ve had to smile at a thread about “what you don’t like about women” in which men who probably look like the love child of an obese corpse & jack Hargreaves’s, with a penchant for killing little animals, sitting on riverbanks covered in 2 days of sweat, mud and fish slime and a fashion sense like they have been rolled in glue and dragged through oxfam by a horse discuss women like they are Brad Pitt ! Lol lol Amazing !
  4. When you know how money is now created then you understand why ever increasing debt just don’t matter. The books don’t actually have to balance
  5. I don’t find it shocking because I know a British bloke don’t matter in Britain……no matter what he has contributed. The Torys & Labour (and all the academics and civil servants and media) f***ing hate us…..the sooner we curl up our toes and die the better they will like it.
  6. WILF

    Turn Offs

    I can see you haven’t really thought about it ! Lol
  7. Genuine question mate, what makes you think you and your life matter in any way, shape or form in your own land ?……..like, why is anyone even surprised about any of their stuff anymore ?
  8. We can’t talk about there being a two tier police system and then applaud the use of a two tier police system….it’s ludicrous mate. Which by the way is completely unrelated to the massive infringement of your freedoms this legislation has enshrined in law.
  9. Sound the alarm !!!…..someone is attempting to tell the truth !!! Theres a reason we, as a nation and as a people (along with most European nations and people) have flourished at a fairly steady and constant rate for nearly 2000 years……and there’s a reason it only took about 60 years for those African nations to decline after we left. Its because we are different !…….you can’t teach a cow to be cocker spaniel !………different intellects, different ingrained characteristics, different everything !! We have seen it, not just sadly in the latest 3rd world atrocity on our streets,
  10. And there you have it boys…….
  11. Course he will, we will be cutting about the Deep South like Riggs and Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon !
  12. They all are…..didn’t you get the memo ? Lol
  13. I admit, it was a low blow, but it’s an easy win because I know it’s coming every single day.
  14. What’s going on is that we are being destroyed as a society and many of “our own” are applauding as it happens. They vote for it, they approve of the legislation to let it happen, they buy into it……it’s a b*****d when you understand it mate, breaks your heart. This poor bloke, a bloke who has served his nation will just be another forgotten casualty in the long list of casualty’s in this war on indigenous European people. Its a bit churlish to say, but hey, as long as none of it makes anyone late to plaster a wall who gives a f**k, right ?
  15. Let’s hope they don’t decide that protest isn’t legal a mate.
  16. Why are they here is the question, that’s the bottom line. They just let all the people destined for deportation to Rwanda out buck shee yesterday…..on Monday they were worthy of deportation and on Wednesday they are your next door neighbours!! Its got f**k all to do with some paki making speeches about how he hates us, we know that already……making a big deal of the symptoms when they won’t talk about the disease.
  17. It’s as simple as this mate, they shouldn’t even have to.
  18. Ditto mate I believe having looked briefly at the legislation that planning an atrocity and planning a protest are now worthy of a long prison sentence, except for the latter, which only requires a random government official to decide it’s illegal on the day at any given time and can be applied (or not applied) to whoever that official sees fit……..and that is what many lads are approving of in approving of these people being jailed. That’s bad law anyway you stack it up imho mate. Now, my suspicion is having watched the trajectory of my country for these last 40 odd y
  19. Why don’t you organise a protest about it that the government has to take notice of because it’s having a real newsworthy effect……if you fancy 5 years behind the door that is. Lol Sorry, couldn’t resist…..
  20. My fault, I wasn’t clear and the writing skills leave a lot to be desired. My rather badly worded phrase means that if we are not locking up people like the Palestine mob or the Black Lives Matter mob then how can we in all Logic lock up these people ?…….you either have to lock them all up or none of them, I’d prefer none of them because the cost to freedom is too expensive. We have conspiracy to murder law already, you can’t lump this in with that……because it’s just not the same in any reality.
  21. No mate, they were completely different things but the point is, they are not now and you approve from what I can see if it ? unless I have complete misunderstood ?
  22. Made up scenarios mate, except the football match of course…..they can be used to peddle any bit of rhetoric the powers that be see fit.
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