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Everything posted by WILF

  1. It’s hard to avoid the fuckers in the UK mate, so as you can when you can is a good effort, fair play. I used to sell to the Africans for export, they was all the same, not bad lads to be fair but all with their various wives and girlfriends and kids potched away in some flat in Peckham or wherever, getting the kids educated buck shee while the council paid for the old woman’s flat and them with a big old pad back in Africa. Pockets full of readies, they had no intention of staying, they just flew over to make money and f****d off back to a life of African luxury, f***ing all the tar
  2. The show was a satire of blokes like Alf……which seems to have rather back fired as we wasn’t Oxford educated like Mitchell so were probably a bit too thick as shit to get it and embraced it instead ! Lol
  3. Tony Boothe……he looks a loathsome c**t and I guess he probably is/was…who cares ? Lol
  4. Strange to think that Warren Mitchel was a Labour supporting, Tottenham season ticket holding, yid !
  5. Represent yourself Rumpole, you know every f***ing thing else why should the law be any different ! Lol
  6. I never did anyway but absolutely spot on mate……all those type of words are used so often that they have in fact become completely meaningless and more importantly powerless except to the simple minded.
  7. I think it’s plain for all to see I’m a modern chap !
  8. Similar story, a mate of mine who used to be on here was digging a fox and was confronted by some nosey Parker’s all shouting blue murder at him……he carried on, broke through, shot it, pulled it out and threw it at them ! Lol
  9. I do hope you will continue with the pushing dog shit through “rich” peoples letterboxes mate ?
  10. Indeed, but that’s what happens when the alien enters the nest
  11. Ok, make a conscious decision to stop breathing…..see how long you last ! Lol
  12. No, the crow raises it after the cuckoo has pushed all the new generation of crows out of the nest to die.
  13. WILF


    Anywhere !……that’s not a flippant comment by the way, take somewhere like Lithuania, flat tax rate of 15% no matter what you earn, low corporation tax and a reduced corporation tax of 5% for small business……you can get anywhere in Europe from anywhere else in Europe. I worked on jobs in Paris and the partitioning lads were commuting from Holland for a week at a time, same in Frankfurt, project manager was driving across because he lived in The Hague. Hungary ??…..Hungarian families come out of the tax system altogether on the birth of their 3rd or 4th child ? A country believing
  14. WILF


    I’d hate to think what it costs you every year just to tick boxes, comply with legislation, make sure all the paper work is order, double check product specs so that you ain’t on the end of a Grenfell witch-hunt at some point in the future, show waste streams and chains of custody and blah blah blah……I know that’s a fortune, and for what ? And to who ? Some pointy nosed government official sitting on his arse for 40 year for a gold watch and a gold plated pension ? That’s before you take £1 for yourself and then some other c**t is having that off you !! It’s just not right mate, I’ve
  15. WILF


    Like most things mate, the rules only apply if you tell them ! Lol
  16. WILF


    I’d say there will be a fair few finally deciding enough is enough mate, not just “rich” people (whatever they are now days ??) but from all income ranges…..they are suffocating people with layers of crap. I read the other day that a firm that helps “wealthy people” (is a million in cash and assets wealthy now days ??!) move abroad has seen about 130% rise in enquiry’s…..don’t know how factual the story is but it would not surprise me.
  17. Categorise and classify !……..what happened to the time when people could be a range of things to various degrees ? Maybe it’s not, but I think all this wanting to put someone in a category by assigning them a label about how they think is a fairly modern thing.
  18. No, it will just be eaten ! Lol
  19. And post of the year gos to: McHull !! Amazing ! Lol
  20. WILF


    So my old area which was urban has effectively banned wood stoves by creating “clean air” areas (whatever that means as they happily cut down all the trees to build housing estates !!) so that you can’t have smoke coming out your chimney !! I believe here in Ireland you can no longer install solid fuel systems or flue’s for them in new builds….so again, effectively banning. I have no doubt they will change any regulation including building regs in order to force people to pay the big energy company’s (drinks all round chaps !!) So I’d say, yes there is a large chunk of t
  21. What with you pict/Scandinavian mongrels & us Celt/Franco/Saxon mongrels and those odd ones in the middle who are a mixture of all of that combined…..we are are a right old mob ! Lol
  22. I watched some racist crows a couple of months back attacking an innocent buzzard because they didn’t want it to visit their nest
  23. Don’t we live in an amazing time when you actually have to make a film to try and show obvious lunatics are in fact lunatics ?………
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