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Showing content with the highest reputation since 20/07/24 in all areas

  1. Hi folks, just little post, as I've had some great replies from the folks on here since my wife Lesley died in Feb. As I've always said there some real good people on here deff. I cook for my self now, and done OK, norm it just quick meals pasta etc. I've had couple Sunday dinners before. Got the veg OK and gravy, but over cook the meat, it OK but bit burned, chops or very small joint etc. Well I've been really busy in garden cutting lawns watering Tom's, French beans, they nice veg that. Done that sewn all bushes/branches hanging over old Buck kennel, bloody hell took me a hour to cut it al
    22 points
  2. Well JP certainly got the send off he deserved with 100’s of people from all over the country, Ireland and France turning up and showing their respect they had for him His family did him proud and it was lovely to hear memories from the past from some of his life long friends. there were many tears in the mass crowd when the hunting horn was heard as he was exiting his service “Gone away and gone to ground” He will be missed by many but not forgotten !
    15 points
  3. Theres the right to protest, yes, then theres these wankers who just think its ok to block public roads, stop people from getting to work to pay their bills, you know the type, the loony left greenies, they peotest against oil yet came down on public transport fuelled by the oil industry, the greta turdburg scare tactics type, the cwis packham type that can label you everything and get you cancelled and shut down, yet never face the music they create? Nah the time for revenge is here
    15 points
  4. People have said to me “ why bother, a tin of peas is 30p, eggs £2 a dozen from the supermarkets. My reply is “ I get dozens of bags of peas from a 30p packet of seeds, my veggies are organic without the additional price, I use my own compost, no chemicals, no weed killer, every weed is ho’ed or hand pulled and I can have veggies on my plate half an hour from picking them, they are not flown in from all over the world” ! My eggs are from hens I’ve bred myself, they are free range and fed on organic layers pellets and home made mash , the culls when they stop laying are “recycled “ as
    14 points
  5. 13 points
  6. Started picking and eating a lot of things from the allotment. Have got second and third crops of some things growing well. Various tomatoes; Onions and garlic on the drying racks; Green cucumbers and melon cucumbers; Hot chillis and sweet peppers starting to show; Swedes coming on well; First lot of peas and sugar snaps ready for the freezer; A lot more stuff growing well, caulis, broccoli, scallions , green beans, runner beans, rhubarb, pak Choi, Chinese cabbage. Poultry all laying well. Just n
    13 points
  7. saw a couple of fatty pork chops on the eat now or die shelf ...in the co-op ...yep i will have them thank you......made loads of deliceous gravy with the juices and put in a jar in the fridge and have with pie&chips and gravy sometime get in there
    13 points
  8. Misses birthday yesterday, went to a wine and cheese restaurant in Cheltenham had a wild mushroom and garlic fondue a fiery chilly fondue and a cold meat board with salad all very nice
    12 points
  9. Bass caught this afternoon. Bit of pig with fillet could done two meals but I battled through mullet during week
    12 points
  10. I couldn’t even imagine how anyone lives with one of those quiet boring meek timid things who look like squirrels and act like they haven’t got a voice or personality of their own , or one of those couples who do everything together , it ain’t normal . Other than That , a set of decent sized slangs, some red lipstick and an arse squeezed into a set of wet look leggings , I’m genuinely good to go
    11 points
  11. Mate, he’s 81 years old and suffering from what is likely vascular dementia, he will die soon enough and it won’t be a conspiracy, just a combination of illness and old age. What is appalling is that his family, advisors and others in government allowed him to continue when it was plain to see that he wasn’t up to it. He should have been sitting in a rocking chair on his porch with his grandchildren around him, not being made a fool of on TV. Cheers.
    10 points
  12. He was that mental, he had the mental capacity to arrive select his target and make his getaway on a moped, yep that’s the planning of a real deranged person, god they talk some shite.
    10 points
  13. Bought some nice Broadland smoked ham................so why not.....
    10 points
  14. What if he wakes up and thinks he's still in the running?
    10 points
  15. Roast Chicken. Cheers Arry
    10 points
  16. Prep done , I'll par boil spuds now rough em up and salt and let dry before roasting later on...garlic and rosemary butter stuffed into leg of lamb stabbings. Beans from my mates and I saw sprouts in Morrisons so having them with boiled or steamed carrots. A bit of stock pot gravy with some veg water ...geddon..
    10 points
  17. Beef roast, forgot my cowing Yorkshire puds
    10 points
  18. Munjack neck stew..
    10 points
  19. Up and at it !! Just finished Big Mac cheese burger pies and spam cheese and beans , are today’s specials !
    9 points
  20. 9 points
  21. Wife's halloumi burgers, my shop bought burgers and the lads 'man burgers'
    9 points
  22. First ripe tomato of year and all rest came from garden aswell.
    9 points
  23. I used to love saying with my Gran but she only had one cold tap in the house potties under every bed and a jug of water and bowl in the bed rooms. Toilet was right up a steep garden and was more like a porcelain funnel than toilets now with a big square wood seat. News paper squares hung off the back of the door on that old fluffy string and a roll of that tracing paper toilet paper. The door was six inches short at the bottom and a bigger gap at the top was horrible on a cold windy day. Lol still have really good memories of the best Gran ever that cooked the best fry ups and cakes. Her
    9 points
  24. Chicken dinner today
    9 points
  25. Roy cropper,no one ever suspects Roy.
    9 points
  26. I think it's fair , it needs to stop they're only affecting working people and stopping people getting to hospital or work and endangering lives on roads or blockading cooking oil depos lol. If they were fanatic they'd target the people who run these businesses but they don't have the spine for it. Will their actions achieve anything? Are they made up of anxious folk who think the world is ending, could they have put there enthusiasm into designing eco friendly stuff. They're bums , who deface Stonehenge and terrorise sporting events , not interested really and to get those sentences there was
    9 points
  27. Just watched a clip on You Tube by a chap called Paul Thorpe and he hits the nail on the head when describing what a Muslim protester was saying outside a police station in Manchester if that had been Tommy Robinson saying stuff like that one he would now be sat in a prison cell and two the MSM would have gone into a frenzy condemning him.
    8 points
  28. I will take mine over most a fantastic mum shes loyal never moans about me being out with the dogs I always come home to a hot meal and clean house
    8 points
  29. The Irish Elk….. Just to see who would be the first to claim their bull cross had taken one single handed ! LOL ! Seriously though, it wasn’t an elk and evidently it’s closest living relative is the sika, and there are plenty of well preserved fossils, so it might be possible, who knows ? Cheers.
    8 points
  30. My first x, 12 months old. Not best picture, stands at 30tts.
    8 points
  31. Burgers and garlic, black pepper wedges tonight
    8 points
  32. Most outside stuff I've been doing is testing this 6 ARC I built my dad
    8 points
  33. A circular rout at Start Point down to Mattiscombe Sands lovely cove. Veiw from the car park at Start N. Hallsands then Beesands then in the distance Slapton sands. Mattiscimbe Sands And on towards Peartree Point. Bit of a tiny beach at Peartree Point. Cheers Arry
    8 points
  34. Hi folks, just little post, as I've had some great replies from the folks on here since my wife Lesley died in Feb. As I've always said there some real good people on here deff. I cook for my self now, and done OK, norm it just quick meals pasta etc. I've had couple Sunday dinners before. Got the veg OK and gravy, but over cook the meat, it OK but bit burned, chops or very small joint etc. Well I've been really busy in garden cutting lawns watering Tom's, French beans, they nice veg that. Done that sewn all bushes/branches hanging over old Buck kennel, bloody hell took me a hour to cut it al
    8 points
  35. A home grown new potato you can cook in no time. Ones from the shop you can boil fookers for week still hard was looking at me old pics times of plenty for sure. Makes me mouth water looking at it
    8 points
  36. Steak ,cheesy chips ,mushrooms and onions for me this evening
    8 points
  37. Could Hilary take a short break from eating and sexually abusing children to challenge Rasputin, sorry Trump? Nah, loser. Kamala Harris is not up to it imo. No charisma. It was a big step to have a mixed race president. A woman of mixed race? No chance. Bernie Saunders? Could we get a genuinely left leaning, trade union advocate whose focus would be to pass laws like universal health coverage and protection for the environment? Who promises to represent Joe Public? Too dangerous. Nah, not the American way. The Democrats could put Jesus up as their candidate, but the American
    8 points
  38. We all live in the corporate world. If anybody disrupts a capitalist economy, expect the might of the state to bear down on you. Our political system exists fundamentally to protect the economy at all costs. In a minute way the JSO protesters disrupted the economy, so they were made an example of. The same thing happened in the miners' strike. The miners threatened the power supply of the economy hence they were punished, big time. A young student was sentenced to 6 months during the 2011 riots for stealing bottles of water worth £3.50. Again, if people disobey the rules, smash wind
    8 points
  39. I’ve had to smile at a thread about “what you don’t like about women” in which men who probably look like the love child of an obese corpse & jack Hargreaves’s, with a penchant for killing little animals, sitting on riverbanks covered in 2 days of sweat, mud and fish slime and a fashion sense like they have been rolled in glue and dragged through oxfam by a horse discuss women like they are Brad Pitt ! Lol lol Amazing !
    7 points
  40. Some great post's been added since I was last here,top job folks..I've been away up Scotland in our old motorhome & I'll reply to what's been asked later on today,thanks everyone it's very much appreciated ..here's the 'pup' from a couple of days ago,she will be 12 months old in the very near future..
    7 points
  41. Cottage Pie with a Hot Pot top. Cheers Arry
    7 points
  42. Proper Scotch eggs from our local butcher.
    7 points
  43. Double cheeseburger with onions and black pudding
    7 points
  44. Had my old line bred collie x bitch pts yesterday it’s true what they say it never gets any easier I remember picking her up in 2010 like it was yesterday got some grate memories with this gentle giant that will never be forgotten me an my misses picked her up in 2010 me an my misses were there at her end and berried her together rip millie
    7 points
  45. Job lot of curry paste cooking tonight
    7 points
  46. That was actually the time both my children died in my arms, two years apart from particularly nasty cancers and I found I was using arguments on THL as a vehicle for my grief and anger. Luckily I realised and took a break and came back a lot calmer and wiser. Cheers.
    7 points
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