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white van man

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white van man last won the day on August 14 2017

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About white van man

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I’ll second all them comments. Great weekend. Thanks to all who donated prizes and thanks to everyone who helped organise, run and host the event.
  2. Someone local to me has got 2 kits spare. One hob one jill. 9 weeks old From workers. If anyone at the comp wants any then I can bring them along. Donation into the charity pot. Cheers
  3. Won’t be there until Saturday morning Sean. Happy with left over Chinese for my breakfast though
  4. I’d say the same. Similar to a bitch I have. Minimal bull in her though
  5. They always run for the rocks where I am. I’m not a terrier man so I just leave them for another day. I was out on the hills last year a good 4 or 5 miles from the nearest road. Dogs took off and I located them at a remote pile of rocks marking. As you can see from the pic somebody had been there recently and a dog must have dropped in. The rocks above have all been dug out. Must have been some work doing that and the only way up there would be by quad/ATV.
  6. There should be lads out there with the type you are after. If you don’t want a grew then you are going have to look down the collie grew or beddy grew route maybe. My dogs sire was a grew and his dam was saluki collie grey. He’s been a decent dog so I think breeding along them lines would suit what you wanted.
  7. Rusty roof, dirty cellar!
  8. Still a fair weight to be humping around Tomo! I suppose if you camped out up there then the dogs could have a good feed too.
  9. Good thread this so hopefully it keeps going. Never had a crack at this type of hunting and I’m no expert with any type of cross that suits. Size, weight and grit would make sense. Until you see the size of these animals up close and the power they have running then that’s when you can appreciate a dog that would even get up close. A dog would be no comparison in weight and would potentially be connecting with the quarry at full pace. I would imagine that would take a special dog. Risk of injury to the dog when in a really remote place would also need to be considered. I’ve always wondered ho
  10. Cheers Kev me and Oliver will be there
  11. Weekend of 17th 18th August Bob. Kev will put a post up soon I’m sure. He’s flat out at the mo.
  12. Not too far from me. Might head up for a day if I’m free
  13. Got to be litter brothers them
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