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mackay last won the day on May 13 2015

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About mackay

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I've known like many people about the cover ups. The reason we're discussing it now is that it's in the spotlight, and, brought into the spotlight by a man who didn't need to give a shit about it, but did. I don't care how we got here, I'm just glad that we are, and if it's giving those guilty of neglect sleepless nights as to their future even better. A full enquiry, bring it on.
  2. I'll happily and readily jump on the bandwagon. Do you really not get it?. It's not just the systematic abuse and rape of those kids, it's the total cover up and failings of the people in power who turned a blind eye to this scandal. Trust me, I would hang the bstards who raped these girls readily. But strangely I would consider worse for the absolute fecking scumbags who aided and abbetted by turning a blind eye, and that goes right to the top like that geenie eyed bstard Brown. You could also argue Blair was complicit due to his come one come fcuking all open door policies. An independent
  3. Farage has said if labour don't sanction and do a full independent enquiry into this rape scandal reform will do so.
  4. I'd actually give her and folks like her more air time. Let folks see what the left is really about.
  5. Pretty much what you said. If Tommy Robinsons job was to highlight the rape gangs then it's job done. Whether anyone in office is held to account is another matter and if Farage the tories and public outcry can't get it done neither can he. But he as a man can't really do anymore. He should take a break and go and sit in the sun for a while. Same with Paul Thorpe. Ukip should get behind Farage, because from where I'm sitting he's all we've got and if he's a chancer we're fcuked but if we divide the troops we're also fcuked. So to my mind give Farage and reform a chance. It's the the only op
  6. Mate, I'd wear a mask just to look at that picture.
  7. Cats amongst the pigeons now with folks stating Farage is a shyster (or worse) due to distancing himself and reform from Tommy Robinson. Many folks threatening to withdraw their support for reform. With all the coverage recently of the muslim rape gangs and Tommy being involved in highlighting it for many years for some reason he's still toxic to some people. Is it clever politics from Farage and reform ?. Or is he just another establishment stooge?.
  8. He'll just cut back on the rich tea biscuits with their evening cuppa. He'll recoup that in no time.
  9. Once you get your head around the fact it's intentional mate it all makes sense.
  10. Which just goes to show that even they never thought they would be in power.
  11. It shouldn't be far down the scale, it should top the scale by a massive margin. The majority of problems (if not all) this country is facing is caused by unchecked, come one come all migration. Not racist, not right wing just fact. From infrastructure to gp visits to national security and everything in between there's your cause. The fact it isn't top of the scale screams to me that this situation is in fact engineered.
  12. I listened to Ben Habib and I got what he was saying about all the fanfare and much ado about tories joining reform. As he said, they were part of the establishment and the reason he and others like him started reform in the first place. I think his big worry is that reform will just morph into a tory party. That said, there has to be some tories out there who still have tory values and are more akin to reform than what the tory party has now become. Time will tell I suppose.
  13. I started work in 1978 and I got corned beef on my piece for a year solid before I asked my old mam if she couldn't maybe change it. She did, she added brown sauce.
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