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brambles last won the day on March 6 2018

brambles had the most liked content!

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3,250 Excellent


About brambles

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    just walking and watching

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  1. Purse nets any good to you, there mainly nylon but all in good nick no holes and all pegged
  2. Ah glad to see it's been put to good use mate lol
  3. You had a night out in this yet mate
  4. Ah well atleast it looks like a happy ending lol
  5. I like a nice bit of solitude with just a dog or 2 for company and the odd white hare
  6. Great mate it's all starting to fall into place for her, she's a delight to be out with I'll get a few better pics
  7. 15 and 7 years think themselves lucky they weren't caught fcukin hare coursing, then they'd really have had the book thrown at them.
  8. I'm sure when they brought the ban in involving dogs on rabbits up here in Scotland even on permission the farmer/landowner could be liable for up to a £30,000 fine. That's what happens when your run by the SNP who's shagging the green party. Country is fcuked lads, glad I'm nearing 60 and I've had a great life with dogs, ferrets, I really pity the youngerer lads now a days in the sport !!! Great Britain fcuk all now, atb for the future lads
  9. Send me a postcode for a bit of rabbiting then Jok, 2 men 2 or 3 small rabbiting dogs no guns couple boxes of ferrets, Borders not to far from me, would be a joy having another permission. Hope you get back in touch. Regards Brambles
  10. It's YOUR God given right mate to run a rabbit or hare, just because the SNP and Green Party don't agree, laws are made to be broken. Keep at it
  11. There you go lads, here a poor swine that already been caught
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