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mackem last won the day on July 17

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24,965 Excellent


About mackem

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Outside the box looking in!

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  1. I shall draw you up a list Stav, loads of good restos in the city,I don't do vegetarian but steak/seafood/oriental I can list loads.
  2. Are you there? I saw a Pakistani robbed in London today,I was on commercial road,everyone was heading for the mosque,the human herd were moving intent on reaching their destination,all save a predator who had singled out a weakling.It unfolded in front of me,people crossing the road when a black lad,clad in black riding a black Surron sped past and snatched the Pakistanis phone from his hand,didn’t miss a beat,snatch and gone.For the next 30 minutes I was looking at everyone on their phones lacking situational awareness wondering how many phones that bloke took per day from such folks.
  3. I love olives,they are my comfort food,some people have chips every day,I have olives,though not today. Had the best lamb chops I have ever had in the UK,melt in the mouth,I am stuffed I ate so much,fantastic cuisine,I will return. The Tamil Prince WWW.THETAMILPRINCE.COM
  4. No Dutchman,that’s not the resto,that’s the leaning house next to the castle,I just took a pic because it’s quirky,I always liked it.
  5. Windsor yesterday,went to the Greek restaurant down near the river (that’s the leaning house,not the Greek resto).
  6. No mate,he is in the Tyrol museum in italy,these are in the natural history museum in Kensington.
  7. Ken walker,world champion taxidermist with his Irish elk and his Bigfoot.
  8. I watched a program on the world taxidermy championships,Ken Walker recreated one using 3 modern elk skins.
  9. mackem

    Turn Offs

    And tattoos (forgot that one).
  10. mackem

    Turn Offs

    I like feminine educated women,smokers,capers or women who drink beer or spirits are a no go,likewise mouthy loud women (scary) and those who can’t hold a decent conversation in mixed company.
  11. Bargain,memories are priceless,YOLO.
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