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Black neck

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Black neck last won the day on February 3

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About Black neck

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  1. I'm just on smoko then I'm.going 2 the dunny
  2. Stone the flaming crows they look good cobbah
  3. In the west Midlands a dosser would take the term cracking as beating or otherwise striking said hound Whos adam
  4. You want um doing heavy teeth be that age otherwise it's a 20 pencer
  5. The lady few doors away reckoned the was the best potato she ever had I offerd her some more and she nearly slid on her arse ffs Tbh reckon she wanted a piece
  6. Ah cut your losses he be no use I'll.tek him.spose I'll.just have 2 get used to the fecker doing as its told and not running off, 5r
  7. Any pics of the obedient b*****d
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