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Born Hunter

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Born Hunter last won the day on September 5 2023

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About Born Hunter

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    Quantum Reality Hunter

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    Wolds & Vale

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  1. BIOT returned to the previous owners.
  2. Taking one civilian out is comparable to this mass strike, lol. Fantasy.
  3. At a guess Israeli intelligence have penetrated the supply chain and their boffins have created a substitute battery/bomb. Possibly requiring a firmware update too for the trigger event. Imo this isnt so much a mass assassination as it is a psychological attack and command and control attack. The physiological and C3 affects probably greatly outweigh the human casualties.
  4. One hell of an innovative operation! They reckon over 2k injured with 200 critical.
  5. I meant the secret wires holding them up…
  6. If they cut the wires they would go flying off!
  7. You absolute spastic You literally biased the question to get the answer you want! This explains so much about your world view.
  8. It was an iucn report. I posted it on here years ago. Can’t seem to find it now. Google is flooded with the usual left wing hunting hate.
  9. Isn’t that what Cali did with lions? I saw something about the state now kills as many a year as hunters did! Only difference is a negative rather than positive contribution to the state piggy bank.
  10. I remember before the cull they were parroting really flakey science saying that the cull wouldn’t work. The real science that came out of the actual cull blew it to bits and showed a very significant reduction in TB. So what are they saying now? Trying to say the the reduction was caused by some coincidence?
  11. Yes I do. A typical wildlife utilisation strategy in Africa is to turn the most pristine bit of wild land into a national park that is based entirely on wildlife tourism. These don’t tend to be financially self funding and run at a loss. The land around them is then leased off for sport hunting. This then creates tax revenue that supports the central national park and creates a self funded conservation buffer zone to protect the national park from the truly threatening and destructive farming and cities that encroach further out. Without sport hunting, not only would 60% of Africa’s wild place
  12. I might be able to find out I’d kind of hope that they’d have done a census and then have demographic breakdown on the quota for the years. X young boars, Y mature boars, Z mature sows etc etc. But maybe practicalities mean they just have to crack on and next years quota is based on the predicted impact of the previous years depending on the breakdown actually taken. I dunno mate.
  13. Let’s be perfectly honest, trophy hunting of any form is the least threat to wild places and animals and certainly in Africa is the only reason 60% of the remaining wild places haven’t been sterilised and turned to barely productive farmland. The bear hunt in the PO isn’t really a trophy hunt either. It’s outright population control. Self funded predator control with the goal of massive population reduction from the numbers quoted.
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