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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/11/22 in all areas
13 points
9 points
No sir, brits aren't lazy, at one time this little island ruled a quarter of the globe, we are still the 5'th or 6'th largest economy on the planet, genuine brits did that not Pakistanis, Nigerians or polish.9 points
8 points
8 points
I’ll second that, nobody put better posts on here than Mr Bernard Sausage, a proper country shooter and a bloody nice bloke always happy to share his knowledge7 points
If you look at Sausage dogs content going back over the years one of the best contributors on here especially his musket shenanigans, a great loss to the site in my opinion.7 points
noticed old sausage dog has stopped posting ? shame because a few folks can't hold their tongue ?7 points
Had this one on my phone for a while. I knew it would come in handy at some point!!7 points
7 points
I am always interested in Sausage dogs posts . I didn’t always agree with him on some things , but respected his opinions. I just don’t get this negative “banter”. I personally don’t care if you are out every night or once a year , it’s not my business. We are all on here because we share a common interest . Most men aren’t professional footballers, but go to any pub and it’s all people talk about . I also enjoy Foxhunters posts . I would like him to continue to share his “ hunting “ experiences. Can everyone remember how this section used to be ? It was friendl5 points
5 points
no, not with people , but we had a big male 19 in 50lb , that once locked on to a great dane x type thing , this dane thing came charging over to our dog, our dog hit him behind his front leg, by his chest, my old man new how brake him off, he always had small type stick with him, even in our garden . this was about 1962 , i was 10 year old then , but once you seen what these type dogs can do in few seconds , that dane leg was a mess , so a small child got no chance , even full grown man would be in trouble the speed/ power , and grit in them you be fooked, like been said over and over5 points
5 points
5 points
? ? ? Hopefully that was tongue in cheek ! Although it still amazes me how many folk either cant see or dont want to see how white people are being systematically attacked on a daily basis particularly in Britain.....not only have we been forced to label the worlds majority ethnicities as " minorities " but we have also had these lies built up into victim groups and communities like BAME.....we are the only nation in the world who does this....if people think it will stop once we become minorities in our own homelands then they are simply not paying attention and need to wake up before it5 points
5 points
5 points
I was sitting on the board of governors of a school over 10 years ago now and I was watching as the school community got ruined with an intake of people moved out of the ghettos of east London who had absolutely nothing in common with us and had no interest in having anything in common. It was in many ways a microcosm of the wider community. I stood with a group of parents and told them I was going to insist we stop taking these people into the school community…..the reaction was almost universally horror ! ”You can’t do that” they almost all said. I brought it up at full g5 points
Good Bull/whippet. No ebt in it, her face is swollen through seeing action in the field?5 points
We arrived at the mark early, half expecting there to be people there and have to go elsewhere but luckily there wasn't a headlight in sight. We all got set up slowly due to being in no rush; nice and evenly spread out as with the tide pushing through lines can tend to stray a bit. Rig wise I had gone for Limitless Sea Fishing LTD 80lb XT super strength mono for rig body with 60lb for trace joined with limitless #4 Megapower SSXT super swivels and the same for the pulley swivel (these little swivels punch well above their weight with a breaking strain of over 170lbs!) with a single 3/04 points
The fact she was wearing traditional Hackney dress attire to the function should really have assisted the nuance of the situation really shouldn’t it ?4 points
4 points
Don't throw cash at inferior nets ,, as the lads above have said ,, Nelson's the man to contact.4 points
Oh, his comments are nonsense, i'd have to respect his opinion to be bothered. But I've had 9 different people messages me that his constant bitchinğ is putting them off posting on the forum, & that's a pity.4 points
4 points
My mam & dad tried similar by cooking me a huge fry up morning after I first got pissed (14??) and similar making me smoke 20 deck lamberts when they caught me...... Fast forward to now, anytime i have full English on morning after, always end it with a fag!! ?4 points
4 points
If the cops want to be fussy they will charge you for a catapult but most are ok. Try and get some pheasants or pigeons next time you are out3 points
Totally agree stav and the only bloke out of 70 ,000 members that could shoot loaders and share the experience with us , it’s a shame and a few can thank them selfs he’s signed off atb3 points
Your only problem was that neither trees nor tins make remotely good eating. Jok.3 points
3 points
That only works if everyone is in a level playing field mate. People have been made to think of some poor white c**t on the dole as the enemy but the reality is, he is the victim ! He is the victim of every policy implemented since 1947 by both major party’s. They didn’t invest in him, they cast him aside and shipped in blacks and Asians instead. They told him at every opportunity he was nothing, they got “us” telling him he was nothing. They incentivised those they shipped in and put barriers in the poor white c**ts path at every opportunity. They gave blacks £23 points
End of day it's their homeland and the white man is the invader. And it's same here but we're the natives3 points
I think your bang on.. Last night was a prime example of that.. very professional in first half, only occasionally upping the tempo and moving the ball quickly... 2nd half moved the ball quickly, Wales couldn't cope with the high press and speed England attacked once they had won the ball... this side is well drilled, very mobile and athletic and have a bit of bite all over the park.. They may well come unstuck, if they progress and meet France that is a real test, but I think we have the players to match them.. they have absolutely game changers.. but so do we... There is str3 points
I was in hospital in the Middle East and they found out I had o-negative blood. They asked if I would become a blood doner, and they would give me £50 each time or after ten times I would be awarded "The King Khalid Gold Medal, second class".......I chose the money ! I once gave blood twice in one weekend, as there had ben an RTA, and a child was seriously injured and needed a lot of blood. I felt a bit woozy for a while afterwards, but I heard the kid pulled through ? As ive got older, I've got low haemoglobin and I'm back in the UK so they aren't keen on me giving blood.3 points
I honestly think a lot of that is down to each person's circumstances i have worked with Roma Slovaks who came through an agency 5 of them lived in the same house so with their combined wages it didn't matter if their was no work for a couple of them on the other hand a lad who now works with us was on the dole for a year saying that he would not take the risk working for an agency on zero hour contracts when his rent and council tax was being paid for by being on the dole.3 points
3 points
3 points
Ive said for years now......the further you breed pit bulls away from " the pit " the more problems you will have.3 points
Always a bit of a double edged sword for me now this sort of stuff...." If only you had listened to us,but all you did was call us dirty names,now its probably too late " If you had only listened to the BNP when you had the chance !3 points
I wouldn't bother greb your not going to catch anything led up under your bed reaching for the door slipping the catch up for the fat akita to have a run round your garden3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
Neither were most other breeds but most will have a munch if in the wrong hands and some dogs are just cnuts plain and simple. Put that recipe in the body and mind of a performance bred pitbull and there's every chance it will lead to a bloodbath.2 points
Not hunting but greyhound race in London early 1920s I screenshotted on Instagram when it caught my interest2 points
Found an old catalogue in a canteen 45 feet below ground in a cold war nuclear bunker in Canada,1960's I think?2 points