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saluki bouy

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About saluki bouy

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    scottish borders

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  1. Funny that mate rogan had on a ex Mexican cop and they discussed sicarrio 2 film where it happened and likelyhood of it happening in the future for real very interesting podcast have to have a look and listen to it again tomorrow
  2. @Goly if your serious mate and not trying to get a bite pm me where your about all get my pastor to recommend another in your area go meet with them read the bible with them have a discussion with someone with greater knowledge than you that’s how you learn …. Do a Exploring Christianity course or Alpha some other good books are Mere Christianity or God meant it for Good R.T Kenndall If you open your mind and are willing to dip your toe in a little see how much your life changes in the course of a year
  3. What you using for tracker pal?
  4. For anyone interested bitch I’d hopefully due mid feb she’s not been scanned I was abit behind on the crack lab x pointer to greyhound
  5. Know a keeper going to bred a litter this year greyhound over his wirehaired pointer x lab bitch good vermin dog If anyone was interested can put in touch ill even run one down the country for anyone genuine the snare ban up here few folk be going this way
  6. Get someone to read it with you mate Matthew’s a good start try Proverbs or James something will jump out at you all about having faith i found it similar to Francie no have a peace and contentment in my life never thought possible can handle situations that used to baffle me wont throw it down anyone’s throat if they want a discussion about it great just spent morning stripping wallpaper with my pastor led to totally different life’s and his faith and the way he follows the bible are worlds apart than the way I do but tell you one thing since I found faith my life’s done a 1
  7. I go to baptist church most Sunday have done for a year don’t doubt there’s a God always had faith enjoy the service enjoy the bible lot of stuff clicks with me had a couple experiences when I was early days getting sober that removed any doubt at all God gave us all free will what do you do with yours because I tell you what I burned mine to the limit until I was broken now I try live with a thought to Gods will basically if I do this is anyone likely to be hurt by my actions if so probably my will not Gods I live far better life today so do my children and family due
  8. Stunning mate that’s my kind of special place
  9. Two men charged following hare coursing incident in North Berwick WWW.EASTLOTHIANCOURIER.COM Two men have been charged with hare coursing after being spotted harassing the animals in a field in North Berwick.
  10. Lads up here got done for coursing with German wire haired pointer sure it was so basically a guy out walking his dog crazy they’d have van dog of you and a ban for a rabbit
  11. Theo Von he’s boy him like can’t stand James English “I like to start by asking my guests who you are and where you came frae” f*** of
  12. Lass up in Lanarkshire had videos doing the rounds getting pumped of one I never watched deleted them soon as they were send pretty horrific I’ve been told
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