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tatsblisters last won the day on September 13

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About tatsblisters

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Brilliant pics mate i have never seen one in the wild and if i had been near to Wales i would have been on my way to see it.
  2. Pulled a good shot off this morning probably a fluke in my case I spotted a squirrel up the side of the wood that was a fair distance catapult wise and hit it with anhead shot that just flipped it over dead as a dodo with another wasp catapult i recently treated myself to and some bands with a smaller pouch that I am used to off a lad on Ebay called Billy Fowler who makes decent bands.
  3. Very rare i might wrap the lanyard around my wrist mate and like you say they only get in the way.
  4. Who has a lanyard on their catapults. I have recently took them off my wasp frames due to being the dozey bugger I am the lanyard on my recently bought wasp apex must have been hanging out of my front pocket of my wax waist coat and walking through cover unbeknown to me must have got snagged and dragged the catapult out of my pocket and I have ended up loosing it and despite back tracking failed to find it similar happened with my wasp wolf a wile back but I managed to find it.
  5. Surprised on the look north news report it said the fire brigade refused to rescue the dog saying it would alter the structure of the rock cliffs. Just hope some jumped up prick in authority doesn't try and get money out of the lads who rescued the dog for altering these rocks to rescue the dog.
  6. Probably another reason I will never own another running dog. I have never in all my years having a mooch about local seen it as bad for rabbit numbers even a few trips out local with the thermal i failed to spot any plenty of hare's the odd roe and fox though the last month hare's seemed to have got scarcer wether they have started going into cover now the crops are down or the shooters are wiping them out with night vision.
  7. Although I am not about to start getting religious in my old age even though i did get christened as a baby and did attend Sunday school and attend church as an infant and I lost my faith in religion due to the death of one of my kid's. I do find it interesting that things wrote in a time of the birth of civilisation seems to becoming relevant today.
  8. I respect your faith in religion . Do you think we could be heading to end of days.
  9. Brought back a few memories for me mate. I remember having to replace a few of them glass slats and the griddles in the bottom were you worked them for the ash to drop into a tray making it easy to clean out after burning smokeless coke sunbright doubles.
  10. Same as the one I had by the sounds of it early 80s. I will try and find some pics with it on.
  11. Utter madness when we have enough fossil fuel to keep us going for decades and with modern technology these days more effort from scientists to find a way using coal to develop a clean way of using it to power the country.
  12. Once heard a lad calling another lad he disliked a cottager i didn't have a scooby doo what he was on about till he told me. Lol
  13. Tbh Arry it's only field mushrooms i will pick and eat after once picking some blue stalks years ago I ended up spewing my guts up wether it was down to them I don't know so I won't take the risk in trying any other mushrooms or fungi I find with not being very knowledgeable about different types.
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