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tank34 last won the day on June 24

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2,237 Excellent

About tank34

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 21/05/1977

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  • Location
    west yorkshire

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  1. So thay demanded kids back or will riot again the social service have give kids back to keep the peace , all will do now is riot to get what thay want now country f****d
  2. Pewit more people was jabbed more money was made , covid was about control an making money, remember you could not go to care homes or hospital to see family dieing but could got to pub an be home for 10 you be fine lots people say only got jabs so could go on holiday
  3. I have a friend like scotty stuck down the rabbits hole , been there myself it can take over your life , thing is most that thay come out with is true or happens , my friend told me trump will win then putin will storm Ukraine an take over an the elite will fall , she says Ukraine is the head of the snake chop the head of the elites of the world will fall
  4. I found best way not to get covid was stop watching the news , no masks no keeping your distance, not doing silly test, not having the jabs , an magic never got covid , that deadly needed tobe tested to no you got it an people still falling for it , if government said covid can be spread by a fart most be on love honey buying but plugs
  5. Be bbq and vodka day tonight be riot time
  6. In leeds harehill ss taken 5 children away from Romania family all kicked off , shit hole is harehill full of Europeans smashed police car up set bus of fire
  7. Reform uk for me we need change get our country back
  8. Two storey going about one todo with drugs an other a gofundme scam
  9. He mentioned tobe held by gang others to find money to bail him out
  10. Story going about is he gone over to deal drugs for a gang over there an it's gone wrong the go fund me is to pay the gang for him back he alive
  11. Hand held metal detector fit in your pocket picks up about 6in deep mate
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