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Stavross last won the day on September 10 2023

Stavross had the most liked content!

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14,298 Excellent


About Stavross

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 30/04/1978

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    All thing outdoors, if I've got my wellies on I'm happy

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  1. I’d appreciate that, somewhere that does chips, because I’ll have to feed her as well ( lol )
  2. That looks top notch that, I’m going to have to pick your brains Mack, the missus has just informed me that we are going to the big smoke in a few weeks for a couple of days and no matter how much I protested, I have to go, any recommendations, I’m not into posh restaurants ( well I am, but unless they do turkey dinosaurs, she’s fu*ked ) I love street food, where I get to try things I’ve never seen before, especially vegetarian, appreciate any tips from someone as well travelled as your good self
  3. Bed edging in, gazebo up, now they have decided they want veg boxes so that will be a Monday job
  4. Chicken, mushroom and spinach pasta, looks a bit boring but tasted ok
  5. Busy old day today, first job putting in ducting and posts at a school for electric gates, second job at another school to replace a lamppost then off to my patio job to start putting the flowerbed edging in, hopefully this job will be done by Friday
  6. Burgers and garlic, black pepper wedges tonight
  7. Gravel down today on the driveway of the everlasting job, the place looks a lot different from when we started about 18 months ago, still some Yorkshire stone to go down around the back of the house and possibly some foundation work for another building but they can wait
  8. That was an excellent game of darts
  9. Both semi’s were cracking, I thought Wade was going to get through, my money is on Hunphries now after his performance last night
  10. Yeah, that’s what you need on a Sunday, is that a touch of apple sauce on the side?
  11. Griddle pan, it’s about burning it a bit, I suppose you could do it in a frying pan what went in it onions, garlic, fresh tomatoes, tomato purée, ginger, salt, black pepper, spinach, cumin seeds, and this shop bought paste, which to be fair is decent, and saves a lot of time
  12. Chicken and spinach bum burner tonight, my Indian mate ( who is a very good cook) told me to griddle pan the chicken until it’s about black, before adding it to the curry, makes a big difference
  13. View from my office this evening, laying on top of the bails to see if anything comes my way
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