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bird last won the day on February 26

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About bird

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    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/08/1952

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  1. Yeah deerhound as good feet and wind , OK the none ped whippets could have good feet wind from the greyhound and the staff in there genes , but didn't think kc whippet would as it a more refined type, than more rugged none ped whippets , some of the males hit 23-24in..36lb mad buggers the males pile into foxes, and cats a bloke down Cannock had to muzzle them in the street as had few cats there lol
  2. Keep trying racing kennels, or try dogs that winning few races, a bloke who was on here Max, from up north Sunderland, he good on racing dogs. If you still don't get any luck with racing kennels. Pm and and your info on you and dog type it is, he might tell you where look regards kennels. Or even a bone man. Ray
  3. Spot on Phil, your right, OK I know it a pup, and dogs, are all different. And just look at any dog or pup, (body language). Some as been said will piss of once out of the kennel, some tail up, walking round like bullfighter, others, don't leave your side from the pics, he don't look like confident pup. But bred for forthere all get there in the end, and what there for. My big dog Buck, is quite in kennel, none dog aggressive, had lot dogs over the years try to kick off on him, maybe it's his size don't know, he don't fight any of the other dogs, if did he would have wreaked most them if bite
  4. That sounds great, I shop Friday I see I can get couple, when I do I let you know, I might send a pic as well.. Just out of in treast don't know, if folks are good on the info regards mobile phones. Got my old smart phone, it about 5-6 years old, it OK . But had fookin prob with EE pissing me about etc, so left them gone to Vodafone , so there my new provider, right had new sim card, gave my PAC code to them, but still not on there network, so carnt text or email or phone from my mobile. My mobile, not showing mob number, under my name just black critic sigh.. Told the shop they said be o
  5. Thanks Wilf, and other folks. Yes I trying mate, it is hard on your own. More so at my age. But I just take one day at a time, and your right, and few other good lads on here, that having the old dogs about does help when you feel bit sad old Buck and little woody have helped, little woody follows me about. I swear they can tell things have changed deff. I give Buck some veg and gravy last night, he loved that, took to him by his kennel, bloody clocks it, I close the door on him lol yeh getting better cooking a bit now , I have to or starve lol. Yeh thanks again folks, it does help lads.
  6. Hi folks, just little post, as I've had some great replies from the folks on here since my wife Lesley died in Feb. As I've always said there some real good people on here deff. I cook for my self now, and done OK, norm it just quick meals pasta etc. I've had couple Sunday dinners before. Got the veg OK and gravy, but over cook the meat, it OK but bit burned, chops or very small joint etc. Well I've been really busy in garden cutting lawns watering Tom's, French beans, they nice veg that. Done that sewn all bushes/branches hanging over old Buck kennel, bloody hell took me a hour to cut it al
  7. Hi folks, just little post, as I've had some great replies from the folks on here since my wife Lesley died in Feb. As I've always said there some real good people on here deff. I cook for my self now, and done OK, norm it just quick meals pasta etc. I've had couple Sunday dinners before. Got the veg OK and gravy, but over cook the meat, it OK but bit burned, chops or very small joint etc. Well I've been really busy in garden cutting lawns watering Tom's, French beans, they nice veg that. Done that sewn all bushes/branches hanging over old Buck kennel, bloody hell took me a hour to cut it al
  8. why not just load them up in your van, and get out near where you run/ mooch with them, that way they wont be seen so much by nosy fookers . bt i know what you mean though , when i had that big bulldog bitch, she was reid lines 20in 58lb, my neighbors asked me lot times what is it, told them mastiff x lol, but i did start taking her out at night with me lamp few times, that was experience lol no wonder me back and knee fooked haha , stick with what you know and like your bullxs. mind did read the big wire haired g/p more of a handful than the smooth , and make very good guard do
  9. Thanks mate, like said all through this post, there some great folks on here , and really does help you, because you are right mate. Your feckin brain all over the place, mine deff is. I've been on here a long while as you know mate. And I've met quite lot of lads of here at shows, and hunting, I've helped few lads out, if I could have been around Lurchers a long while, but as most know that at my age I finished with a good dog with old Buck. And it strange really that in the garden to day I was sitting on the garden bench, in the back garden. Well it where me and my wife would chat about l
  10. thanks mate , i had very input from all the folks on here, sound people . yes you gone back 12 years when Buck was a pup, it worked out real well with the 2 of them, because as young pup, Buck settled in real quick with bryn, and was top dog all the while , Buck never had a go at him, if grabbed like his foxes, it wreaked bryn. but they were real good mates bonded real well. little fookin woody the jack x took over the 2 of them the little shit lol.Buck missed old bryn for good 6 months or more. just got back with 2 of them, just fed Buck, little woody lock him in garden , then loose him the
  11. i loved them, i love one but not sure i handle it now with my IBS prob ive got now .? i have to look at my diet sheet if sea food a no no. eat fish no prob .
  12. bird


    Should have cracked him in head, don't get me wrong I've been pissed lot of times as young bloke, but even pissed, I could still walk not badly, I know this because, I pulled few women, and most thought I had couple pints like most lads, but I could hold me drink with in reason. I will say this regards obese/over weight people. I am one nature's slim people, just under 6ft, and 80kg = 12st 8lb I can eat and drink what I like and don't put weight on, my mom and dad were the same. My late wife who died in Feb, she put weight on dead easy, was battle all her sad life, her parents were same, more
  13. Good point that, sometimes you got to look at the big picture 1st, not small picture your dealing with now. Deff give it couple months rest. I worked at racing for about 6 months, picked up lot good advice regards sighthound and there xs. Phil right keep on top of the nails, the trainer did them regular, meaning he clip them, only take bit off every 2 weeks, 1st the dogs used to it, and it don't hurt them. The prob is with long nail, the quick is towards the end, so with out hurting the dog, to cut right back, you have to cut the cut through blood supply to the nail, and that deff will hurt,
  14. bird


    Sent you a pm.
  15. bird


    That's class 2 he got, he not passed his class, but could as moved big trailers round the yard lot times. I think he might do that if really want to chase the coin
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