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About David.evans

  • Rank
    Eastenders fan
  • Birthday 10/10/1953

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  1. I’m out the weekend, and if I get one stav I’ll let you know mate by pm atb
  2. Don’t understand that Ben , there all the same with mint sauce, lol ?
  3. That happen a few years back DB , and killed a good few I can’t rember the country tho , I think it may have been on a promenade
  4. I hate them f****n things with vengeance ?
  5. Bollocks just a bunch of?s not you Phil Atb mate
  6. Mine has shrunk so much with old age I can’t find it , so no chance ?
  7. Fucin pussy ?? welly’s and over coat requirements atb pal
  8. I’ve not been well this last 3 months , but I’m fecked if I tell you lot , talk about piss taking fuc me no thank you the tinternet would crash ? lol?
  9. FFS lads please don’t start all this bollocks again , let’s all play nice we’re all only on this earth once and it’s far to short be slagging off all the time no if it was the talbain , fair enough peace man ?????
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