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Arry last won the day on October 21

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21,108 Excellent


About Arry

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Totnes Devon
  • Interests
    Fishing, Ferreting, Foraging, Shooting, Metal Detecting, Gardening, Photography And Cooking.

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  1. Couldn't believe it this morning looked up the garden theres another twat sat on next doors shed eating and apple. Set the trap and bob your uncle got the bugger this afternoon. Cheers Arry
  2. Wifey home early today so sparked the BBQ and done a couple of Rib Eyes. Cheers Arry
  3. Weren't the eggs fried in a mould then the frankfurter around the egg. Cheers Arry
  4. I did get a bit carried away Mel and have to admit it beat me. Ah well Chicken and stuffing sandwich tomorrow. Cheers Arry
  5. Cottage Pie last night. Tonights Stuffed Chicken Thighs wrapped in bacon. The same but with sprouts and some Horse Mushroom i got today. Cheers Arry
  6. I said 110 grams dried fruit and all I had was Sultanas so just chucked a load in. Cheers Arry
  7. Cant even get the Jab here anymore Rob so for the last two years they have stayed in season. f***ing Vets. Have you ferrets just got natural light ? They should come out now all mine have but one hung on till a few weeks back. I just kept them clean and well fed mine are a little over weight which I'm now sliming them down a bit now except one old little one who I will retire this season. She is late changing coat and look a bit ragged but she's been good to me. Cheers Arry
  8. If you are really interested these are the two recipes I sort of muddled together as the Devon one only has the one proving. So it was the Devon one with 110 sultanas and 5 grams of mixed spice. Its bloody hansom and it not lightly to last the night Lol. Cheers Arry
  9. Heres a curious one and interesting I think. Last year I saved some runner bean White Lady seed I just saved the longest beans and dried them. All the seed were pure white as the originals. I sow the seed end of February and the germination was 100% and I was chuffed. When it came to flowering this year I had about 25% red flowers. I remembered I had two red variety one on the end of the row the previous season and they must have cross pollinated but the seed was all white. Well save some of the longest beans again and left to dry in the green house. To my surprise on splitting them for the se
  10. As wifey I were out to lunch today thought I would knock up a Dorset/Devon Dough cake for tea this evening. Cheers Arry
  11. She should come out of season by herself now the days are getting shorter Rob. Cheers Arry
  12. Arry


    Parish Records as well mate some are on line. Cheers Arry
  13. Pub lunch with Wifey. Fish and Chips and a pint of Dartmoor Brewery Dragons Breath. Cheers Arry
  14. Bit of a lazy knock up tonight. Cheers Arry
  15. No marks I can see Torchy just what a detecting site told me. Whats your thoughts Mate Cheers Arry
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