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Gypsydog94 last won the day on May 15 2023

Gypsydog94 had the most liked content!

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4,452 Excellent

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About Gypsydog94

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    South west somewhere

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  1. Had the flying about regular last summer not seen them this year. They stir the cattle up that’s for sure!
  2. I’m looking for a spaniel bitch to breed first cross from
  3. And put death duty on agriculture land. Be plenty of farms on the market when current owners die
  4. The fell and moorland area he runs. He was the organiser and he rang them. seen him about a few shows down this way never had much time for him pouncing around in his wastecoat
  5. The Bulgarians I was working with couldn’t understand how we could have Remembrance Sunday in the same month as pride month. They reckon they tried it in their local town 20 of them started marching. 300 blokes soon put a stop to it
  6. For stud? I got two
  7. Cheap up there. Be half a million for a run down place like that around me
  8. The hunting photographer Jim meads has gone away to the hunting fields in the sky
  9. Play with fire you get burned
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