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NEWKID last won the day on May 10

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  • Rank
    The Sensible One Who Looks Like The Gay Eastender
  • Birthday 02/12/1976

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    anything outside, hunting and fishing want to give my young lad the same upbringing as me ferrets,dogs and fishing try to get my girls into it to.

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  1. Nice one Ray, that looks like a proper dinner mate.. Hope you're keeping well Kev
  2. Thats it mate...buy the tool that works...these muppets who have a big 4x4 to only take the kids to school, never pulled a trailer or been on a country road, let alone off road in there life... where I live an electric car wouldn't get up the hill to here in a bit of sleet let aline snow!!
  3. I don't know of you saw it but I read something the other day about a bloke who had planned to rape, kidnap Nd murder Holly Willoughby, he got sentenced to life... He is obviously one very sick and f****d up man, but I found it strange he was sentenced in line with the act itself when he hadn't carried it out only planned it... no sympathy here by the way, just rang a bit with this case.
  4. I wouldn't make the switch, one I don't believe electric cars are any better for the planet, production of lithium batteries abd disposing of them plus the methods of producing enough electricity means they are possibly more impactful. 2 they are impractical for my day to day life, and business activities...
  5. Is it about having sympathy for them? I couldn't give a f**k about the individuals personally, don't know them or care for them....but...it don't mean a 5 year sentence for the "crime" is right, this is more about the people don't fit "our kind of blokes" than the crime committed imo
  6. I've not read any of the sentencing reports etc mate, if it is purely for demonstrating it seems ridiculously harsh, but as you say if the "powers that be" have uncovered a more sinister plan then that might explain it... It does seem odd that this particular subject had been dealt with so hard, it is in line with pretty much all of the main parties views and championing their cause, so to come down so hard is strange..if it was a campaign against immigration or pro hunting you'd almost expect it
  7. All threads twist and turn mate...it'll be about baking cakes and smoking blow by the time its finished! Lol
  8. Personally I think the health issues, particularly in built up areas are the first thing to be sorted, we were privy to a monitor being set up in an inner city nursery in London and the carbon levels were higher than found in most garages, the kids are breathing in exhaust fumes/particulates daily... I don't completely buy into the carbon issues on the environment as i think if we didn't destroy forestry and natural lands so quickly this would help naturally to combat the co levels...but that is my view...I do however completely believe we should make cleaner air zones, practically and efficie
  9. I think any sentence should match the crime mate, you're quite right if you are willing to commit an offence expect the consequences... If I murdered someone I'd expect to do life, if a robbed a shop I'd expect 5 maybe 10 years, if assaulted someone maybe 12 months etc.. If i sat in a road in what was a disruption and a ball ache for everyone, but in the main peaceful, I would not expect 5 years... P.s I've not read what the charges were, I'm only going on what was on here
  10. I'd say there are half truths and some facts, and lots of bullshit.. humans are polluters of the highest level, no doubt, from dumping our waste in the sea to pillaging forests and land to cover in concrete or burn, we ruin and destroy.. I like Greymans ideal of mother nature will eventually take control, we can't beat that in the end.. what we must realise is every man made solution to every man made problem revolves around money...the problem was sold to us (diesel, coal, etc) now the solutions are being sold to us (solar, heat source, electric vehicles).. unfortunately the solution is never
  11. Perhaps the sentences are actually a huge win for these people, it has divided opinion and made them a talking point again, that's all you crave I suppose when you are campaigning (to stay relevant and in the public concious)..
  12. Agree mate, this new climate "war" is built on impossibilities, half truths and out right bullshit, we all know that, electric transportation is a pipe dream..perhaps in inner cities but logistically world wide, even nationwide a non starter...our reliance on fossil fuels is here for good...I've said before on here we were talking with EDF about the diesel generators at Hinkleigh point, potentially using our systems to reduce the carbon out put...15k diesel generators of various sizes to "back up" the green energy production...smoke and mirrors mate
  13. I do wonder if these people were causing disruption as pro hunting or anti Islam if the sentiment towards them on here would be the same? As I said absolutely not my type of people and I don't agree with their tactics (in the main) but 5 years?? And where did this law to imprison for 5 years come from? Is it really a sentence that matches the crime?
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