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THE STIFFMEISTER last won the day on March 10

THE STIFFMEISTER had the most liked content!

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    Secret top shelf airgun mag browser

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  1. I’d like to see the British black panther make a come back
  2. I couldn’t even imagine how anyone lives with one of those quiet boring meek timid things who look like squirrels and act like they haven’t got a voice or personality of their own , or one of those couples who do everything together , it ain’t normal . Other than That , a set of decent sized slangs, some red lipstick and an arse squeezed into a set of wet look leggings , I’m genuinely good to go
  3. Aug 10th , 1305 quid , room only on website mate
  4. She’ll get f**k all until she starts screwing the nut That 1600 and change will turn into a 2er before you can say “sale in primark and I just panicked “
  5. Wedding anniversary coming up . 10 years , when we got married we went away for a weekend and one of the nights stayed in an up market boutique long established hotel and restaurant , witchery by the castle in Edinburgh, got an email , reminding us of the anniversary, discount rates applied etc , moving soon , back up north again and the stars were aligning for a revisit . paid 500 notes last time for a 5 course evening meal for the two of us , we overnight in one of their 7 suites and breakfast the next morning . same in August this year on our anniversary date ? 1700
  6. Yep notification popped on the phone ten mins ago big news eh
  7. It used to be on channel 4 on a Saturday morning years ago , like a Gaelic match of the day , Gaelic games it was called . I need a team get invested in this , used to have an O’Neills Armagh top years ago off a relation . That’ll do .
  8. Special guest appearance by enya and clannad at half time
  9. Good for hares along there , spent many a night roadsiding and Sundays piss wrapped on the hills
  10. Oh absolutely agree , but why would the need to control a populace exist when there’s very little armed threat ? the insinuation was an event was staged that lead to that
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