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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/18 in all areas

  1. Yes not dead ,but it can't be long now and I want to get in before Ken
    11 points
  2. A mate rang askin for as many bunnies as possible so gave alan a shout and he was ok to go out .an hour n half trip in motor and we set off and we thought the wind was going to hamper us but it didnt alan was using impact i stuck with my mk2 rapid and it was becomming obvious that a good bag would be achieved tonight . Good numbers about and as we had to do a bit walking (alans pet hate lol) we used walls to creep up on them and bump them off .after a good few hours we drove to another spot and as i walked along a track i heard a clatter and alan was cursing i shouted back and he said he ha
    10 points
  3. Man's a legend and says what most of us thinks. I for one will be sorry to see him go.
    10 points
  4. 16 month bitch just started her
    7 points
  5. My pup, showing all the right signs!! Hopefully dig to him this week! To think he was almost given away! Lol
    6 points
  6. 10 pints of cider & i do most of them moves just walking across to the bar ?. Atb
    6 points
  7. When you have talked the talk and secured a profitable rabbiting job,.you had best have the tools, to walk the walk... Reliable (and capable) working ferrets are essential...?
    6 points
  8. We had builders buckets and bt blue rope to get the dirt out lol, remember saying to the lads before we back filled. 'you could lose a lwb sprinter van in there?...... Funny thing was the lad put up a post on here asking for help first day, the fire service came, useless, on ground with written permission, even made the local paper and fishshop sent us out all grub, nice touch that was..... Went on for 30 pages at least with the thl armchair hunters giving their opinions and conspiracies pmsl...... Not 1 got off their arses to help out mind... I knew from that day on that at least 95% of the
    6 points
  9. What a shame, remember he had a near fatal accident years ago after a chain snapped and hit him, always liked his work restocking his place with hares, building the big pond etc a real countryman, rip Johnny old mate
    5 points
  10. First night on the lamp last night for mine. Looking promising.
    5 points
  11. you f****r ....told the mrs befor a read the post.....lol.....
    5 points
  12. Or God forbid penn could it be one a these Wheaton bull grey lol some how i know not atb bill
    5 points
  13. He looks ok for small edibles probably not the strength for ote else like
    4 points
  14. Had a day out with your pups brother today going to be a good dog
    4 points
  15. That's about as strong a case as our own government have, it's a waste of time waste of money and probably been a smoke screen for our own government to slip through some other bill or proposal that will make our lives worse, I,m going away in a minute so can't join in the ensuing noise that's about to occur but to clarify my postition I don't love or hate any one and I don't trust a single word that comes from the mouths of politicians regardless of what nationality they are, all governments the world over are capable of the most heinous of crimes if it preserves there grip on power and manip
    4 points
  16. I carry a wallpaper scraper in the truck.... Handy to clean off the sticky stuff. Always have rope, ratchets, straps and a bucket, never know when your out in the sticks..... Can save the day ?
    4 points
  17. Starting back slowly after the pups this be our 4th short trip gonae take a while yet but we will get there
    4 points
  18. My big dog for this season cant wait to get the pup out next season
    4 points
  19. I know what, you get yourself lathered up in fox lure and I’ll send you over to hide in the trees to see if it turns up. Bearing in mind if I don’t see it walk into the trees your getting bummed by a fox due to the fact I’ll have no clear shot???
    3 points
  20. My young dog coming up to 14 months. He’s only 12 months in the pic
    3 points
  21. Well I decided to show my face for a couple of hours the other evening as I've not been out for a few weeks, sat In wait under a large beech tree, seen a few woodies land but could,nt get a shot in as soon as I move they were off, but the squirrels kept me busy for a while then just as the light faded Roger rabbit stepped out so I obliged with a .177 jsb heavy....
    3 points
  22. He served in the second world War. He's from a world where coons were called coons and Indians called you sir. A relic from another time, slowly being replaced by sadiq khan's and Jeremy corbyns.
    3 points
  23. You know where you went wrong don't you! Smelling like two woofters. Get some fox scent glands on you. You can rub it in each other if you wish. And stop buying pedigree chum. It's tripe mix they die for. U.?
    3 points
  24. His "election" was happening during this and we know how russian elections work . Total distraction !The war of words with Britain over this masked the rigged election. Billions he has syphoned from his country's resource's not to mention the murder extortion wrongful imprisonment of his critics. Never mind keep the staged public pics and his hard-line stance on the west will let him Rob more money from his people and russian businesses.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. Travelled to stoke few yrs back to rescue 2 young dogs that had dropped in with out collars on for 2 members on here, dropped a Russell bitch in and got a mark at 7.2 m on railway embankment?...... Dug from 8am until early hrs, found the young bitch just about alive, carried on tunnelling for the dog, my mate mark was up the tube and i had him by the legs and someone had my feet lol.... Everytime a train came we had to get out the hole.... Could see the dog he was brown bread just couldnt quite reach him..... The lad said leave him there not worth you lads ending up the same way...... Wish
    3 points
  27. I don't get out now, so ive just been looking at some of my days out in the field wi Nell, cracking dog and a great and faithfull companion, I used to look forward to getting up in the mornings and being greeted by her. and my ferrets pacing up and down in their hutch waiting to go out, thanks for looking
    2 points
  28. 1st time in hide with the new 28 bore. Using 24g no5. Managed 41 in 3hrs very pleased with it was fun to shoot a light load ..grebb
    2 points
  29. Sad to say jerry my goldfish seems to have died through the night .
    2 points
  30. Been a while since I've posted on here, but I thought I'd put up a few photos of a pup I bought, or should I say rescued. Stunted, half starved, legs like twigs and supposedly 8 weeks old, though she was no longer than my hand when I got her. Now, 3 months later, it has turned into the oddest looking thing. Just curious to see what other members make of her. She must have Collie in her breeding as she is a sort of red merle, though the speckling is only on her head and she has one ticked eye. But she is turning into a right lump, and has gone from weedy to tank in such a short time. She also h
    2 points
  31. So nothing to do with letting one go in a lift?
    2 points
  32. ????iv dropped the rapid out 4x4 window on a few occasions but when 4.5k worth of gear drops to the ground it's a total different feeling lol in my eyes the fx is a rolls Royce but when it fell it was like Mr.beens mini woulndt even cock but it's all fixed now great nite Billy hundreds of bunnys about pity it was cut short cheers allan
    2 points
  33. That's my whole point I don't particularly care if a defector/mole gets killed that's the danger of the trade they peddle in. But that could have spread and killed a lot more imagine an inquisitive kid finding that talking it home to his mum or some school kids spraying it on each other for a laugh. But im sure even if that scenario did happen some would still defend Russia. They have never had any morals or compassion when it comes to killing as long as they get there particular target is all that matters.
    2 points
  34. Ive been informed by alan that he has sorted the gun out lads .he wouldnt have went to bed without getting hands on with it lol
    2 points
  35. No big surprise it was them to me. Wonder if there be more outrage if a wee kid or deliveryman postie had been killed going near that door. They think they can do as they like without any consequence. Said it months ago should send someone over there to top Blake futile gesture but why not. Not like there ever going to extradite the c**ts who did it.
    2 points
  36. Russia is a rogue nation under Vlad , he likes to flex his muscles like a character from a Godfather movie . In reality I think this will blow over . “Let he without sin cast the first stone “ , anyone that thinks that us and the Yanks don’t pull similar sh@t in other countries is mistaken ,
    2 points
  37. At least you managed to remain humble
    2 points
  38. He couldn't even if he wanted to
    2 points
  39. Some reet good breeding there...?
    2 points
  40. Once you reach a certain depth a bucket and rope is the only way to get it out and away from the hole.I like yourself do a lot of deep hand digs for a living and once you get much past 3m you aint throwing much out with a spade without half of it coming back in on you and if your in wet sticky stuff youve got no f***ing chance.Im sure a lot of these lads you hear talking about 15ft plus digs or 5meter plus these days dont actually realise how deep that is.
    2 points
  41. Save it lads my cocks bigger ?
    2 points
  42. Sorted that for you. ??
    2 points
  43. My bitch 21 month old first full season for her this year
    2 points
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