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Welsh_red last won the day on March 6 2017

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About Welsh_red

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Yeah that's why I asked what age she was when it happened
  2. She's got weird sort of bug eyes would put me off
  3. Yeah he's all sorts of creepy . When you watch someone on YouTube go through all the things this politicians have done in their life you wonder how they wernt thrown out decades ago Theirs a great 3 part on ben shapiros YouTube chanell about kamala harris . The stuff she has done and got away with is unreal
  4. I sometimes wonder if the people like this are born this way or if power has turned them . Would biden be this creepy if he was a trucker from Montana.
  5. Yeah that's completely different
  6. When my kids were really small babbys/toddlers I used to go in the shower with them in shorts to help them wash their hair and get them used to the water . That's the only reason I asked about the age
  7. Reading that I'd be looking into the " weekzacks " aswell and find out who Caroline is Does it say how old she was when the shower with biden happened ?
  8. This site would be dead if that was true
  9. Tulsi gabbard had kamala harris on the ropes few years ago about some of the things she did while in power . Harris had no answer for her and then hillary clinton started saying that tulsi gabbard was a Russian asset (even though she is a army veteran) and tulai gabbard seems to have been forgotten by mainstream now
  10. My interest in American politics is new , what did he do to his daughter????
  11. You can hear her mouth dry up as she is being grilled , clicking noise as she speaks
  12. Watching bits on YouTube now . The guy with the glasses is like a honey badger after her
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