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Dig-deep-draw-charlie last won the day on January 5 2020

Dig-deep-draw-charlie had the most liked content!

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2,708 Excellent

About Dig-deep-draw-charlie

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/08/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Planet earth
  • Interests
    lamping, lurcher, terrier, digging, bating cover, hounds

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  1. Came up on my memories, dogs gone a few years now
  2. Long shot but anybody on here from around that area??
  3. Been a while from I have been on here…..the wee man, kindly donated from a friend of here…….
  4. I have hunted with 1 hound and hunted with 15 plus! Depends what ur doing, when we run them to lurchers 3 or 4 is enough
  5. Out for a couple of hours this morning on the hill…… not long in the door….. baby sitter arranged, me and the missus out for dinner….. all out the window, was a sticky dig lol
  6. Mate it’s gonna come, Facebook and egos…… never a good cocktail
  7. That’s the 3, still working lol I couldn’t see past Garmin in fairness
  8. Yeah mate, they are only a couple of months old ffs
  9. Does gps does spare antennas??? My pups decided to chew 3 of them in the trailer at the weekend lol
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