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About Dinosaurs

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. They should send in the army & let them sort it No Questions Asked Afterwards. Atb
  2. Vile bitch & het son is a cnut aswell!! Atb
  3. It would make a dildo go limp!! Atb
  4. Absolute Cnuts !! Hope you get them back safely & Theives get a good beating. Atb
  5. Cruel but still made me chuckle. Atb
  6. Down to my last two both lurchers mother & daughter 13 & 10 these will be my last dogs due to no rabbits on my permissions & health issues. Atb
  7. My brother always said Only one thing worse than getting old and thats Not getting old!! Atb
  8. I’d definitely be having a pig roast Minimum 5-7 hrs cooking then load of mates round. Atb
  9. Great bit of fun/sport for you & the dogs. Atb
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