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iworkwhippets last won the day on September 9 2023

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12,317 Excellent


About iworkwhippets

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/05/1944

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  1. Moan moan, and some more, look when chaps reach my age, you will mount out as.comes along, as fer me, I'm. Happy we a mug of Horlicks
  2. noooo, youve read me wrong, its the horse that reminded me , lol
  3. Hey up matey, i was watching a john wayne film yesterday, there was this actor , i , couldnt think of his name, youve just reminded me, it was Gabby hayes, i thank you
  4. Good morning mentlegen, and what a lovely morning it is to, put offs eh, well there must be summat wrong wi me, I would be more than happy, to assist Diane Abbott to put her shoes on the right feet
  5. Do you buggery as need help , nowt wrong with woman
  6. i put an add outside my flat yesterday, people are loaded here, they buy summat one day and the next day they are fed up we it and renew it, amazon are always calling here. anyway my add was a toaster, brand never used, so i put the add outside my flat, about 1oclock my bell rang, ive come about the toaster , i opened the door, well i nearly passsed out, there she stood this young lady, talk about beautiful, so i lets her in we got talking she asked me where i was from cos off my accent. cut a long story short cos i need a lie down, shes offered do any shopping i need in the future cos she p
  7. ffs cheer up lads, your enough to give me dementia
  8. turns my stomach does that, ans ended up f****n president
  9. and so did i sir, but not at the age of 36
  10. Bugger it eh lads, I'm stopping in bed, my carer is coming shortly, she can spoon feed me, I'm only avin porridge
  11. Kamala then, now look, I dunno wether crawl out mi pit , or fester a little longer, it's pissing down
  12. Does it really matter , he showered we his daughter fer f**k sake, no excuses, stop digging , as fer sitting on the porch we his grandkids, I dunna think so, president eh Jesus Christ , and trumps nowt but a thug wi billions, id give that kamila one though ,
  13. I'm as broad minded as the next bloke Scotty , but bloody hell, your own daughter, I've said this before, but the bigger hypocrite, and b*****d you are in life the better you get on , my apologies I doubted you
  14. Never post owt ya can't prove,
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