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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/20 in all areas

  1. Happy with my deerhound greyhound pup , the mrs has named him Boris for gods sake he’s a good natured little thing
    13 points
  2. My dog pups are coming on very well I couldn't be happier with them
    11 points
  3. After you boys got my mouth watering got this bad boy out of the freezer. Cheers Arry
    11 points
  4. I have and know stuff from teddy dogs and bitchs daughters , sons, granddaughter, and grandsons, and great granddaughter and great grandsons, that are working to good standard. It could be coming from either side but hay I've heard others with the same. Great tread let's keep it going that way. A daughter as good as terrier shed still put a lot to shame and shoving on with plenty of graft behind her believe me on that . No need to up her name tho she's serve me and my digging partners well with digs and offspring.
    10 points
  5. Had one yesterday..very nice.. Done my tikka chicken kebabs Terriakya veg A couple of salads...with home made dressings...I enjoy a bit of cooking and like it more outside..
    10 points
  6. Some of that blood in him.
    10 points
  7. Suffolk pork the finest eu subsidised pork farms biggest shit on earth Suffolk pork free range is free range poiish eu pig farms are hell on Earth. Chop there tails cos the crammed in pens so tight they get chewing on each other equivalent of keeping your running dog trussed up on a washing line I picked up 15 kg of small holder pork for 20 notes will I fk buy lamb or pork from a supermarket that welcomes eu or New Zealand lamb as for veg sack of Desiree 8 quid sack of onions from next door farm leeks carrots duck eggs for next to nothing had to drive 80miles never queued never swapped
    7 points
  8. Google earth is your friend when looking for these gems, I use it all the time to look over land before I go mooching, find isolated parking spots and ways in and out of places ?
    7 points
  9. Lovely bitch Poxon. Think mines done in height now 23.5tts 10 months.
    7 points
  10. "We fell asleep in one world, and woke up in another. Suddenly Disney is out of magic, Paris is no longer romantic, New York doesn’t stand up anymore, the Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, and Mecca is empty. Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents & friends becomes an act of love. Suddenly you realise [sic] that power, beauty & money are worthless, and can’t get you the oxygen you’’re fighting for. The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it’s sending us a message: “You are not necessary. The air,
    6 points
  11. well as the restrictions say no to most car travel and only bikes seem allowed out due to being able to exercise i got the old bike out of the garage.been a few years and the front trye was puntured and the back was fecked.had to fix punture on the front and the new kits to fix punctures have changed a lot.rear tyre was replaced but put back on the wrong way around doh but eventually all was sorted.out on the road it is a lot harder than on the bike in the gym fecking wind was in my face all the way to leckhampton hill.nearest challenge and to be fair it was hard work but as usual i got up in
    5 points
  12. Your bang on it's not no one got Infront of the curve rather just getting swept along and reacting to things when it was too late when anyone with a brain cell should've known the Chinese would be playing it down. I was planning for this months ago i.e stocking up on ppe for my guys some of the stuff I've heard from my guys on the frontline so to speak is shocking, Mrs works for NHS also and upto a couple of weeks ago no one had mentioned a thing to her re precautions or what's going to happen. All that furlough thing was wrong aswell the priority should of been getting NHS staff into hotels e
    5 points
  13. Dragonfly nymph ?
    5 points
  14. A daughter of Alan's old blitz 98/99He goes back to her.
    5 points
  15. Another pic false peds sent me on pd old dog vinny we used over a mates bitch about 14year ago produced a very decent litter.
    4 points
  16. My year round record I think is 187 in a yr not at work from today for a while reckon it be a record yr for flower powered BBQ’s
    4 points
  17. what in tarnation is an iphone. look I may be a wrinkly, but im with it, I have a dorro phone we a pull out aereol pay as u go, but I cant find were to insert my money in the phone
    4 points
  18. Got to be honest I’m having the time of my life . Misses out the door at eight. Me and the kids have breakfast. Bought a new blender last week so we’re smoothies all round at minute. Tidy house up, admin got me , then homework until dinner. They eat , then we train at home In The garden. Housework , dishes, Hoover up, mop floor. Misses home then tea , big walk with kids in bike and the dog. Bath, settle them in , chaos for an hour then I do some real work , studying online two courses risk management and project management. Watch telly then bed by 1 , wake up when the k
    4 points
  19. We all fired up here ?
    4 points
  20. If a man is replacing a dog that don't work out it has to be the fairest thing iv heard of any terrier man doing!! Hats off to anyone that has done it ?
    3 points
  21. Tp invested in nigger teddy ect and it paid of it was his cash cow his only thing was he supplied a.c. With dog meat he didn't really graft his dogs never did like he didn't when he lived in Chorley and now he's breeding these big foreign hairy guard dogs for cash whatever breed they are a.c. has always replaced a dog that didn't work out no questions and always stuck to his word and that's on both sides of the water shame some have profited using his name and line because I know that's not what he intended helping folk
    3 points
  22. Cool Ive seen some huge ones catching minnows from under wooden fishing pegs they leave there empty body shells stuck to the rocks when they change. Great having a fish tank and collecting all that stuff I was going to get one for this spring but didn't get round to it in time with all what's going on I have a 450l tank with all stuff we've collected from rock pools in,kids love it.
    3 points
  23. I think all this don't come to the countryside stuff is out of order personally, if I had a second home and I wanted to go there'd be no stopping me it's my country I'll go were I like. Most of the people saying it will be the ones inviting all the refugees with their million and one diseases to the cities, did the papers write articles supporting people sticking signs in there windows saying f**k off back to were you came from when it was a load of Johnny foreigners moving into an area? Did they f**k.now the boots on the other foot they don't like it. I'm lucky I'm semi rural so best of both
    3 points
  24. LOL maxhardcores head will explode with the reverse racism
    3 points
  25. couple of pics of my pup i brought a couple of weeks ago shes had not been out and about alot think spent a lot of time in kennel did not know how to use her legs when i had her would not run around with the other dogs ect been spending a couple of hours a day with her since then mostly just 1 to 1 and shes coming on leaps and bounds jumping realy well and what she cant jump she will find a way over/under 100 percent with stock,had her retriving a rabbit skin and marking up a few burrows,shes starting to click now wanting to chase everything inc her own shadow lol just coming 7 months old hig
    3 points
  26. Kept telling me the site was down ... it’s a fukcing conspiracy........
    3 points
  27. Sexy bitch in that upper hand...... Had many a teenage wank over it. Rip Honor
    3 points
  28. good walk with the pups today few more pics of the little GOD KNOWS WHAT X pup lol bull whipppet something along them lines what you think lads?i dont think shes going to grow much shes a cracking little pup and someone has lost out on a chancy little animal full of confidence ,jumps relay well full of drive and listens well so we will see how she gets on September but high hopes for her iv a feeling shes going to be a fiesty little f****r
    3 points
  29. Wrong thread, this is the little Ray of sunshine thread ?
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. Get rid and get another- pretty much sums you up I would say. If you were any sort of man, you'd fight tooth and nail to get the dog back. Little wonder that Jake guy chirped up, he's cut from the same cloth. Still, you've got 6 more to get through eh? Poor c**ts.
    3 points
  32. I remember that post3,Chesney a real honest post and he summed it up in a nutshell. I remember one part of it,ac never looked for recognition in the terrier game it found him through his dogs, lads can paint the picture anyway they like but deep down they know they exploited his name and all for a few euro, and these were all lads he looked after.
    3 points
  33. I dont think he see the explosion of litters of pups that was going to be churned out i doubt anyone did it just went into over drive but look ya live and learn as they say whats done is done. He gave matings and gifted plenty and it was basically thrown back in his face some people are just ungrateful selfish in away imo they lack a bit of class show respect to those that are fair with ya that help ya out do ya turn manners cost nothing.
    3 points
  34. My father raced them in the 80/90's, all had a touch of greyhound in, not many lines wont have. I took the odd one out for a run on the rabbits, catch no problem but easily got banged up, usually feet trouble. The odd one lasted longer, my mate had a ex track dog around 23" whippet greyhound, that would be mid 70's, i used to skive school and take it out, fantastic rabbit dog and a decent nose, not so great on the hares, if it didnt catch it in the first couple of hundred yards it didnt normally catch it. Didnt have great wind but recovered fast enough. Some he had, the little black one was ar
    3 points
  35. From a local Dr in Connemara To all the holiday homes owners who came down to Connemara during these hard times: we will remember you. You have increased the pressure on the food supply, the medical teams already overstretched, the staff in the shops and petrol stations. You have contributed to spread the pandemic to a rural area disregarding the rules. We know who you are and you will be named and blamed. We will not forget. You are the rich and privileged who think they can do as they please. As a doctor and member of this community I know how to recognize a psychopathic behavior : you
    2 points
  36. I reckon footie players are like every one else ,some do great things ,some do good things ,and some are selfish fkers ,like all of us ,,I know at least a dozen boxing and kids football teams that would of folded but for the help of fellas society considers ,a bit iffy.Big business ,industry ,and multi millionaires are the same , some great ,some good some a waste of space, . I hope all this finger pointing and holier than thou attitude is not going to prevail when this is over .
    2 points
  37. I dont have that problem anymore with them what i keep is to old to bounce around to lads i dig with control whats going on with the dogs i dont have much say in them they give me pup back when i breed im only there to help them dig them out well i do be there pass them the shovels lol.
    2 points
  38. Frightened you might miss a call while your out with the bins? Cheers, D.
    2 points
  39. Very similar to my dog he's a first x
    2 points
  40. Top pic is son of bully grandson of mick and toby. Then soldier (blitz) day aftrr he was got before he was pimped out all over ireland. Then mick last are of toby the day after he was bought back
    2 points
  41. ??i didnt even mean ta bring up this thread i was trying to post on another one but to be honest an undershot dog wouldnt bother me once it was working for the work id give him he wouldnt have them undershot for long.
    2 points
  42. You are not kidding. I used to do that on a river local to me in Sth Yorks. And I made it harder by using fly-tackle ? They aren't like trout all facing upstream. Chub are usually in groups and are like sheep in that they are all looking in different directions making it harder to sneak up on them. Then just when you think that you've waited until the big one is on its own and cast to it another, smaller that you hadn't seen nips in and grabs the fly ? I did fluke a few though........ .
    2 points
  43. A few more dogs bred off mick stuff some be double bred
    2 points
  44. Right, no more Bloody Mary's for me then ? Cheers, D.
    2 points
  45. Best thing that can happen now is to let people know where the poor dog has been left and maybe someone might be willing to go get it and give it a decent life. ? Hopefully anyone on here will think twice before sending a pup his way.
    2 points
  46. 2 points
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