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chesney last won the day on April 6 2020

chesney had the most liked content!

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5,402 Excellent

About chesney

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Tipperary Ireland

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  1. Media won't say anymore when it's anything to do with the people of colour seems to be a daily occurrence across Europe now
  2. Political elite in Britain and Ireland need putting in the ground
  3. Then wonder why they fail or don't switch on that quickly
  4. They have just given £29m fund to pay for security to protect mosques ffs ya couldn't make it up
  5. chesney


    She not a him him is a shim
  6. Time to reopen them ovens in Europe I smell burnt nigger and paki coming up
  7. It's f***ing wrong the way these politicians keep allowing these people it's happening here aswell they c**ts of gardai batton charged protesters in Dublin last week shower c**ts
  8. That c**t has some cheek to lay a wreath should of been told to f**k off
  9. They will do as much as they can to keep it quiet they done same when it happened ovr here family's of the kids were never allowed speak to media
  10. Dead and wounded white kids don't fit the narrative
  11. There labour party will fall all over these people and give them whatever they ask for
  12. David Moyes is available
  13. There getting everything here that's why they all coming from UK and now the government has voted in this EU migrant package so with bit a luck Putin will nuke the whole place
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