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forest of dean redneck

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About forest of dean redneck

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 18/09/1974

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  • Location
    not saying lol
  • Interests
    eating meat,dogs

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  1. I’ve had a search on here and think it was 5/8 collie 3/8 grey ? I can’t find the breeder but think it was the ones sesku and border Scott had a pup from ?
  2. I remember the old survival weaponry and technique magazines bought them as a kid in the 80s everyone thought they could survive with a airgun ,tin of 500 pellets an a sheath knife lol
  3. I’ve seen worse on YouTube , I swear some of the air gunners on it are pigeon watch members lol
  4. You know you could be the next Jack hargreaves . I’m not even extracting the urine , There Was a discussion on a Facebook page other day everyone wants a similar tv program to out of town . rural affairs ,bit of history and good dollop of countryside pursuits .
  5. Making a rod for your back keep treating her so often lol
  6. When I see the collie blooded lurchers I often wondered what happened regarding the litter bred south east wales way years back . How they turned out or was they bred from ?
  7. I’ve not bought one for well over 10 years all of them seem repetitive from airgun to sea fishing and the countryman’s weekly .
  8. Seen a few YouTube videos of people going around festival grounds after it’s finished , and the stuff they take on is staggering .
  9. Don’t mind listening to them lol
  10. 14 is a good age for a dog nowadays , enjoy the memories of her .
  11. Good for them, should done the same here in the uk .
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