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As is all too often the case, opinions are frequently trotted out on these forums as if they were fact. And whilst I’ve no desire to “pee on anyone’s parade”, or to speak ill of the dead, it’s important that when this happens those who have actual first-hand knowledge and are still fortunate enough to be able to still tell the tale, should at the very least attempt to put the record straight. Otherwise history will be rewritten…. and sadly in some instances rewritten very badly. I was fortunate enough to be a close friend of Bert’s from the early 1970’s up until his death in June 1995. Al19 points
we have all done it as kids.....you could argue that at least there out in the countryside...rather than sat indoors on an xbox...... and lets be honest they could get a hole lot more stood in a line with a shotgun......and a load of beaters driving them...or with a rimmy and lamp/nightvision..14 points
Few pictures from today.some real good hunting.dogs home and fed.rested up now back out sunday.happy hunting lads9 points
her car to put right will cost 250,the merc ive spare parts for looking at 200 that includes back quarter sprayed,it would of cost her a lot more if she went through her insurance and at years of age with 2 accidents in 2 weeks problaby her licence,she seemed a decent sort and spoke well keep saying I'm sorry I told her its only a car we are bothe ok,we will sort it took her home and had her car recovered we all have to get old8 points
Afternoon lads First post over on this side of the forum so here goes, it's been a long while since I last owned an air rifle, 1978 to be exact and it was a lovely brand new bsa airsporter .22 calibre bought new from Linley Bros in Leeds (which has now sadly gone out of business ). Now almost 40 years on and having recently retired i have ,for the past couple of months or so , been seriously looking around for another air rifle, i did a good bit of research on the different types, models ,and manufacturers available and decided to go down the second hand route and keep a lookout f6 points
Just another excuse for a piss up! I'll get together with family and a few friends and have a couple of shandies to bring in the new year. Some on here want to f***ing live a little..., maybe make a resolution to try cheering the f**k up. Have a good one when it comes. Cheers, Pesky ?6 points
Foxdropper Unlike so many others, I don't come on here to be contentious or to argue, I have far better things to do with my time. I'd like to think that in most things I say and do, I always try to be honest and base my comments on my own experiences rather than those of others. Clearly you have some doubts about that and you obviously don't know me very well, if at all. As I said previously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's right that it should be that way, but if we're to fall back on old cliché's I'd suggest "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is prob6 points
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Heres two pups i kept back off my bitch 4 months old ,coming on nicely ,looking foward to next season with them atb4 points
brother in law taken into hospital just before Christmas, heart attack, and on the 23rd sister in law was taken into hospital had a bad fall at home, she is still in, so as you can gather, my lady is in a reet state, im on the mend now having soft tissue injuries due to a fall, but I must say, credit to the nurses and staff at the north Staffordshire hospital, boy do they deserve their pay, came round with chocolates for us all with a smile on their faces bless em, so I grab a mooch when I can4 points
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4 points
its going to cost her 250 and 100 labour,i think that is more then fair under the circumstances4 points
I've got arthritis in various parts of my body, but I feel a lot better after reading the above posts.4 points
left before bright,and arrived at the hill,it was cold but dry,not for long though,snow bucketed down and after 3 hrs we called it a day,couldnt see in front of ye,,,Last tuesday,went out and it pissed rain on us ffs,,,try again tomorrow4 points
A deerhound x greyhound bought out of the exchange and mart in the mid 70s as a pup who turned into a decent dog despite him being 31tts the lad who bought him as a pup said two lads deliverd the pup to him after phoning the advert up always wonderd about the history of his breeding.4 points
Had a couple hours out yesterday with my lad , lurcher and a couple of ferrets.. had a couple of bolts and a shallow dig to finish with 3 rabbits.. we’ve been getting more rats than rabbits lately especially near the feeders .. ferrets are working well and we’re back out again today see if we can fill the freezer a little more..4 points
4 points
that wooly coat came in handy for Lucifer,lol..the greyhound felt the cold a little,but performed ok when called upon to do so,, and sonic couldnt care less either way...the son had a wander at the far end of the field in search of something too4 points
Unlike yourself, I am privileged to have met ALL the names mentioned,...and I would have to agree that Chapman, Newcombe (and most definitely) Bert Gripton, knew the score as regards working dogs....as for Plummer,.well,...in all honesty,...I could not say the same...4 points
3 points
Just walk around with the ferrets this morning just enjoying our walk and the dog was a pleasure. He did every thing to perfection keeping in nice range checking on me where I was. Big forestry of young tree's so at times on my knees looking up the rows to catch a glimpse as he crossed over checking out bits of scent. There was scent about but in such a big block biit of a needle in a hay stack job I liked the way at one point he heard a magpie chatter and went off to check if charlie was sneaking about he seems to have sussed that one out. I keep showin3 points
Never, ever been to a New Year party.........and I don't plan on starting ! I don't do all that "New Year, new me" bollox either !3 points
Civilised dinner, im making venison stew, will be some good wines drunk but not appreciated by me & maybe a bit of a song. Whether your in or out have a good one and I wish you & your families good health.3 points
Wow!! What a pile of crap!!! Horrible.....just horrible.... JUST KIDDING PAL??? You made a bloody good choice mate. I've had the full length and the carbine in .177 and couldn't fault either of them. My full length loved bis mags to bits....i mean crow head shots at 65 yards kind of accuracy. I didn't have the carbine long enough to really push it but it was more capable than I am that's for sure pal? I'd love to say that I moved onto a better rifle in buying the bsa r10 supercarbine but my ears wont take the barrage of abbuse heading my way so i will keep my mouth sh3 points
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Had a nice walk out this morning myself and a mate after having a full english. I can let the dogs loose up here and watch them do there thing. It keeps them quiet til tonight.3 points
She was 3 generations back from the Blindman and 4 generations from the General. My point is I've heard people go on about these dogs down from Bert Gripton stuff. One terrier from his stuff was bred into the lines way back in '62. A decent bitch for sure, but this stuff was built on local terriers and hunt terriers throughout Munster mainly and sometimes further up the country...3 points
3 points
Last of this year’s kits are from my best ferret Willow, will be keeping two of her for myself, they are looking a treat, can’t wait till they are 6 month old, and get them out and about, exciting times lie ahead my friends. PS stumpy is growing fast. A.T.B - Doug3 points
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Well after a mental and pretty much disastrous Christmas it was great to get rid of the last of the family today and get the kids and dogs up the moors for a yomp.... love walking this time of year..3 points
I wouldn't touch the shit mate, a) it's going to be banned it's that full of shite, it encourages the dirty fu*$ers to stay over here.........3 points
I stumbled accross this one a few day's back. Mr Porter with the E&E. Reminded me of a walk out i had wthe the E&E few years back. "Pike o' Stickle in the background.. a very distinctive lump! A rew snap's i managed.. View from Little Langdale with Pike o' Stickle in the background.3 points
Deerhound x greyhound and some other stuff in the mix.. mainly used him for lamping... done what i asked of him .. would have this X again in the future3 points
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Try & keep moving mate I got stenosis of spine which gives me stick but got to try & plod on keep active is the game atb Flacko2 points
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It's great being out early in this weather. Especially when you get in on a Squirrel sex fest! Got eight in the end. Just missed a magpie offhand at sillyyardage You can sure have some fun with a 22. U.2 points
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