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bigmac 97kt

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bigmac 97kt last won the day on August 30 2020

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About bigmac 97kt

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    I'm thinner than I look. Honest.
  • Birthday 22/10/1963

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  1. And are they any good Just for air rifles ranges
  2. Fecking hell And yes I dont like the price Its only a peace of alloy Cant rememder where I got the adapter From iv had it a while now Phil Atvb Jimmy
  3. It dose have one iv got a single point sling adapter on it at the moment but iv got the bottle gaurd on it and it says not to put a sling adapter onto the gaurd as it is not strong enough to take the wait of the rifle
  4. Well i cleaned the barrel out and what a difference it made It was good before but after watching vids on it and nearly every one sayd clean the barrel out i did Took it out hunting and what a rifle it is Shot one at 56yrds lights out And one at 30yrds Its a cracking gun but heavy to carry around as there is no where to fit a sling But I'm well happy with it Atvb Jimmy
  5. Was told yesterday that there going to ban hunting All forms of hunting Dont no how there going to pull that one off like And its supposed to be one of the first things on the agenda Atvb Jimmy
  6. There a different game Dean And ur right I mean this ixia in my eyes is a impact iv had loads of lads say Nice impact lol And it was floorless last night at the farm Set the zero at 35yrds I'm over the moon with it Yes they copy a lot of rifles And it may not shoot like a impact but its up there with the HW 100 and other models But I'm sure with a little tweak here and there it Will be just as good Dean Atvb Jimmy
  7. If anyone wants a little hard case This one is up for grabs Mind i Will say it will not take a rifle with scopes fitted But on saying that i was told that it will take a rat catcher with scopes Or may be of use for pistols I'll not post this mind and Will be for pick up only pm me and we will sort it out If no one wants it I'll bin it Atvb Jimmy
  8. Well took the bottle guard off as there is no sling on this rifle yet and its a heavy rifle To carry around and the rail digs into my arm to the point my arm was sore Defo need a sling fitted to it Any one have a sling fitted to there's And where do you fitted it Thanks lads Atvb Jimmy
  9. Not just a descent lad a BLOODY goot lad And a friend Atvdjimmy
  10. Got it today and its a lovely bit of kit And as close as you can get to a fx impact Its the gen2 First impression is its good Just need to test it out to longer distances Something I'll do this weekend Atvb Jimmy
  11. Right lads need a set of turret caps for my MTC mamba scope's Has anyone got a set laying around or dose anyone no of any 3D printers who Will make me a set lads thanks Atvb Jimmy
  12. Well back out with the bairn Where he managed to bend the probe on his rifle Iv sorted it this morning for him So he got to shoot the prosport,,kral mortal And my mates hw95 Time i think to get him used to shooting springers now i think atvb Jimmy
  13. And he is one of the old lads on here Not many of us left now like
  14. Mind i was suprised the other night Ran out of jsb and had to use AA pellets None of my rifles bar one hated them And the one that did like them Mind really liked them was the hw100 It was pin point accurate with them I no I no its a 100 but feck she was good really good I've not seen it shoot like that before Atvb Jimmy
  15. What the fxxk He is a good lad is Mitch Allways been there for me Even offered to send me a hw100 up for me to use when I was down and fxxked up Not a lot of lads like that now One of the best Probably daystate got into ians case As we all no what mitch thought of them At least Ian could of told him y Just hope it gets sorted and his ban is lifted Atvb Jimmy
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