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jukel123 last won the day on January 7

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About jukel123

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Floating like a butterfly.

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  1. Funny thing tribal loyalties. When Man U played Rangers on Thursday, I got two separate calls from old classmates from the 50's. Both were about Ranger fans managing to buy tickets for the Stretford End and causing mayhem provoking fights with Man U fans. I don't know how true it is but they said an eighty year old had been taken to hospital and later died. I felt like, even though I'm75 I should jump in my car and go and defend the Stretford End.Lol In the end I went to bed with my cocoa. There's always been aggro with Rangers and Man U. It might be religious, Man U were ori
  2. That's my guess too. Imprinted in the nightmares of every forward who played against him. Principal character in every forward's PTSD flashback.
  3. I can remember my dad having a bolt action .22 rifle. I don't think you even needed a firearms licence back in the 50s. He used to take off on a weekend on a motor bike, and come back Sunday day with all sorts: moorhens, coots,( quite tasty) hare,rabbit and anything else he could come across, like farmers hens and ducks. Once he came back with a sheep lol. He would sell some and we would eat some. He was a skilled snarer of rabbits and hares and general survivor. I remember one Christmas we were flat broke. Christmas Eve, I was 5., I heard a commotion and got up hoping I would spy Santa. It
  4. You are right there. People sit about too much, eat too much and then complain of psychological problems. As James Brown sang: " Git up offa that thing/ And dance till you feel better".
  5. No mains power yesterday and overnight. Lots of trees down and lorries blown over on the M6 near Scottish border. Fortunately I have a generator as we often lose power supply. Unfortunately I picked up two,waifs and strays from the cottage down the road. Two ladies in their late 80s. I went to check on them and brought them back to ours. One of them was with it and good company, the other has dementia. She insisted on smoking in the house and moaning non stop. Normally I would be strict and ask her to smoke outside but since there were 90mph wind gusts, I couldn't. House stinks of tobacco smok
  6. You're not listening to the the THL massive mate. It's just going to be a bit blowy. Calm down. Calm down. I've been a bit hysterical too. I was supposed to be guiding some punters goose shooting. I've rang them and cancelled. It will be impossible for us to walk on the shore and equally impossible for the geese to fly . Any that do get airborne would be slaughtered. Hardly sport. f**k that. I'm staying in bed. The met office is expecting record breaking wind speeds for Ireland tomorrow and I'm not far from the Emerald Isle. It's going to be be rough.
  7. Or, JFK was the first Catholic president which upset wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) America deeply. Who knows the truth? Whatever the reason, the movers and shakers wanted him dead.
  8. Red warning for areas of the UK. I've been tying whatever I can down. I'm very exposed as I live near the shore. Got the generator primed and checked my emergency heating and cooking gear. Pissing down now, + mph winds to follow. Hold on to your hats and stay safe gents.
  9. jukel123


    Seems the most pointless sport of all time to me. Obese men shoving each other. You can see that at last orders in Weatherspoons.
  10. jukel123


    Guess you will need a suitcase of face masks otherwise you will be thought of as a European barbarian. Although, from observing the coach loads of Chinese tourists who visit Gretna Green and Edinburgh, they are not fussed about masks. In fact both women and men think nothing of spitting in the street or holding one nostril, and blowing snot through the other. Maybe it's all those fags they get through. I think many other 'Orientals' are pretty religious about face masks though.
  11. Its funny how different people's brains are. Some are naturally Maths oriented, some are born artists and others are linguists. The very fortunate are good at most subjects areas. I think everybody should be given the chance to go back to full time education, perhaps at twenty or so. Most people get discarded or written off by the system when their brains are still under developed. Or perhaps their home circumstances aren't great. A fresh start at twenty or so would produce many, many late developers. I've known some exceptionally sharp people with little or no paper qualifications
  12. Battle of Britain tomorrow night lads. Man U v Glasgow Rangers. Last time Rangers came to Manc 17 years back they unleashed, according to the cops, "the most violence and disorder since the blitz". The city centre was wrecked. I am therefore expecting all true born Englishmen together with right thinking Scots to be supporting Amorim's misfits tomorrow night. 'The Hun' as they are known this side of the border cannot win and must not win. They must be disgraced and humiliated . Anything less and my life will be blighted.
  13. Yes of course mate. Understood. ( What the fucks he on about?)
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