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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/20 in Posts

  1. The missus treated me to a birthday night out tonight ? ......
    10 points
  2. The bitch was put let in to bolt a fox. How many terriers will have gone to ground to bolt a fox today. Unfortunately the bitch got stuck luckily there’s something call the fell and moorland working terrier club. They paid the hire on the machine an some decent lads turned up to lend a hand to RESCUE a stuck terrier. Most dogs that are dug to today will have been bred out of dogs that was used in places like that and unfortunately sometimes get stuck. That’s why all them years ago certain men started the club. Are you saying he should of just left the bitch and not dug it
    9 points
  3. No clowns here bud that’s for certain, if it’s not your bag don’t worry about it but don’t try pulling people down who’s sport this is week in week out,
    8 points
  4. Wilfy ,I like your no nonsense ,say it as you see it outlook on things ....but to compare that case with what happened in your host country ,then use the phrase " crying your eyes out " and claim your not looking for an argument !!!!you may as well open a pub over there and call it the Oliver Cromwell Arms .. " not looking for an argument " ?????
    8 points
  5. Here is one I had last night. I've been trying to get a 2lb perch for about 3 years now. Waters are few and far between here in Wales. I was shared a place by someone I know who told me to keep the secret which I will, he showed me photos of plenty of 2lb fish he's had and one weighing bang on 3lb. I went there yesterday for the first time and landed this 3lb 11oz monster!!! I'm still buzzing from it, and I absolutely smashed my aim of a 2lb fish. Caught on worm using the drop shot method. Had another 5 perch all under 1lb. I fished from 9pm til 11pm so that answers any questions regarding of
    7 points
  6. Ignore the negative comments Fair play to the lads involved they stuck it out to the end to get the terrier back and done everything they had in there power to rescue the terrier risking there own lives in the process. They got the terrier back after 3 days that in itself is a result
    7 points
  7. For a start , don’t f**k about with the dog in the house, every environment leaves a dog with an energetic feed back of how he felt the last time he was there, dogs don’t think this shit out, they go back into the same head space , the same energetic mind set it was in the last time there ,mother nature’s shortcut , so if the house was a f***ing play zone as a pup , the script is already typed, I’m not saying you caused it the point I’m making is , inside calm outside play , you don’t want to want to be stimulating a pup/dog in the home because your creating a physical history of how
    7 points
  8. Pretty sure there was a fox here today- hell of a big old rock place, best left alone!
    6 points
  9. He works f**k all let alone rocks with his over rated rabbit dogs, I have seen and done earths he has failed on with his mutts so pass no heed of him, he's a chancer
    6 points
  10. One week to go officially, although none are looking imminent. This is always worse time for me, waiting & also half expecting to find something going wrong (prolapse etc). Keep checking for signs of any that look closest, "looking for slack fannys & big titties" my mentor told me as a kid! Sweets for the triplets! This time of year it seems every waking hour I'm looking at sheep. And then I have a sodding dreams about them at night!!
    6 points
  11. My advice is don't go for the head, put one across the ribs and it'll go down. Your Bobby hasn't seen my photos I guess re the 22! Never had a 22 bounce of a fox's head or heard of it, that's a new one on me but then again I have only been doing it for thirty years.
    6 points
  12. I can honestly say that I wouldn't put a terrier of my own in a place like that. I will drop them in any diggable earth but that would be a no no.the men and the dogs that work these places have to be commended and I know they probably have worked them a lifetime and it comes 2nd nature to them but they have to be respected.
    5 points
  13. Took the bitch out this morning just for a walk on some permission, no spades or nothing and let her go over some earths by herself, didn't say anything or walk over to her just stood still up against tree. She sniffed round all entrances and got to one and done a pointer impression then went in, was quite for about five minutes, I looked down hole and couldn't see her and stood back for another five minutes, still quite, she come back out so I put her on lead. There was a fox smell around that hole but it was a big deep earth so putting that down to inexperience if there was someone home. Bet
    5 points
  14. Good advice from both the above keep the range sensible 100/125 max , I would go chest my self with that small round , and hit the paper a good few times till you get to know your rifle good luck ?
    5 points
  15. I'm glad there are so many that can see the positive long term outcome for the UK being independent and able to broker new trade deals... I also think there could be a few bumpy times (although its quite the opposite at the minute as we've noticed a sharp increase in works coming through since the decision has been made). I honestly think.if we had another year of uncertainty we would have been on our knees this time next year, as it is everyone is now cracking on and businesses are buoyant.... The EU think they had us over a barrel, and must have reveled in the mess our politicians
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. First win £30 profit
    4 points
  18. i cant be arsed being round folk getting pissed and hearing the same shite they were spouting years ago might be a age thing but i prefer my own company
    4 points
  19. Don't f**k up a good topic , do you work rock piles ? Sometimes you have to leave the fox an just be glad you got your dog out
    4 points
  20. Thats the way to go. That woofter that raped all them blokes should be first it the queue along with them b*****ds that cut up them guards in the prison, why keep the twats. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  21. Same as you moaning about your country been overtaking, when your lot have been doing it for centuries, just saying like
    4 points
  22. Nobody wants to hurt anything, the more you know the more you will make the correct decision, you must have complete respect for what you shoot, foxes are an amazing animal, unbelievably intelligent this is show by how many there is and how they constantly out smart me ?
    4 points
  23. That’s bullshit Bob , everyone knows you can go on Facebook and buy a guaranteed world beater for peanuts..?
    4 points
  24. Talked to Dave at the fishery today... Anyone wanting static caravans need to order ASAP as they are taking orders quickly... I've said Ken will want the normal van he has... Hes setting aside the top 3 pounds for us so we will have plenty of room for fishing, I think that's around 35 swims, we'll peg it so there is space on each pond...I doubt more than 25 will fish...
    4 points
  25. Not the best pictures , taken with my phone while walking the dogs
    4 points
  26. The one on the left had a good twatting as morton put after taking after a lamb at 5 months. I hated doing it but I remember thinking its for his own good. From that day on he was the most reliable dog I have ever had with stock and I would literally have bet my right arm on him under any circumstances. The one on the right I don't recall her ever doing any thing wrong just wasn't in her nature
    3 points
  27. f**k football im sick of it...350 mile round trips with nothing to show for it dont bother me im used to it....but doing it to get totally stitched up is another story. Since when did this rule come out that theres no such thing as accidental handball what the f**k is that all about we scored a perfectly good goal last night and it gets ruled out.....then today watching my local non league club an opposing player scores in exactly the same way and the goal is allowed ! Football should be the same game whether its under 10's playing a sunday league game or LIverpool playing in the Pre
    3 points
  28. certainly are showing your'e email address........cock shot pending ??
    3 points
  29. Nice pics Stavross and good to see you’ve got a few left . We shot today and it was the first shoot of the year . We shot on the 28th December and they had a fortnight to pull back in . It was very windy today and and a bit of drizzle, but the birds were there and tucked up in the brambles , rushes and bracken . The syndicate were on form and shot well . We’ve only got one more day now ( next Saturday) and I guess they don’t want to leave any for the beaters. I was surprised by how many we shot , I decided to only shoot four drives instead of 5 which we usually do , but instead blank in more
    3 points
  30. Only seeing this now, go with greyhound. Pleasssssssssseeeeee . And good luck with the mating. Too much other breeding in it if ya go shitluki Lolol keep the good old fashioned wheaten grey. Lol
    3 points
  31. Hands in? Sometimes I'm in up to my shoulder mate!!
    3 points
  32. Seeing as you don't work rock piles bud only comment on what you no..as reading what you post makes you out to be a clown
    3 points
  33. Bernard manning was married to his first love and stayed with her all her life until she died. He was also a very big secret charity donator I’m not a massive Bernard manning fan but he was certainly no jimmy saville type figure . Also bernard mannings next door neighbors loved him....they were Indians
    3 points
  34. Hate bloody things Joe but it's a bit of hunting interest at the top of the garden Lol. I don't know if any body is interested but here is a picture of the Victor tunnel note the red fishing line so I know if they have gone off. No bait just entrance each end. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. I’ve shot a fair few foxes with the .17 and my advice would be keep it under 100 yards and head shoot them with ballistic tip, ( I’ve never had one run when head shot ) if they are square on I would take a bib shot, I’ve shot them side on but there’s a big margin for error and with it been such a small round there’s always a chance it will be running dead, this is only my opinion and as the wife tells me my opinion means nothing ?
    3 points
  37. Hannahbear the above post is the answer to all your problems.
    3 points
  38. Is your rifle up to the task? Great pellets are not going to do much with a naff trigger, naff barrel, inconsistent power output and poor build standards. But if yours is a quality air rifle, then the right pellet and the work from you will produce the results you are after.
    3 points
  39. The dog is bored, it needs to get rid of it’s pent up energy. Can you run with him or run him next to a bike. He needs some sort of activity to chill him out. A tired dog is a well behaved dog.
    3 points
  40. Reading this thread reminds me of good times sat above the rocks watching hounds just patiently sat waiting for a bolt and listening to the terrier moving about below baying away hassling a fox enough into bolting before the waiting pack.....then the cheering on and spine chilling doubling of the horn, then the sight of full pack in full cry launching themselves downhill.......wonderful memories
    3 points
  41. Yes, we are aware of the pension question mark. It is only really an issue when inflation is high and / or you are dependent on it. At the moment the rises are smaller and we have other income so the UK pensions are not as important to us as they might be to others. I'm planning on retiring from Mole Patrol if and when I get my pension. ? I appreciate that we ex-pats are likely to come out of the Brexit situation worse off. But, I firmly believe that the UK itself will benefit over the medium to long term, and if Brexit has the affect of knocking the EU hierarchy back a peg or two then E
    3 points
  42. I think they're great - they give you a real sense of achievement I remember the first time I ever saw it, some ol' sort sat back on an arm chair and said 'watch this'. I thought it was good watching her rub one out but, I was a bit surprised when she got one of my shoes wet - I wasn't even stood that close
    3 points
  43. Sounds to me lads that Shrooms finaly made a bird come ....
    3 points
  44. on a trip to Ireland met a lad that had rockpiles on his permission, he had out and out digging dogs and avoided the rocks, saying "you need a wanker that can dance like a cat" lol no offence intended, the phrase tickled me.
    2 points
  45. Hope the father in future gets him where it hurts and leaves everything he owns to the donky sanctuary.
    2 points
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