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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/18 in Posts

  1. Took dear old Dusty for her last walk today...? I was gifted this good-hearted pup, from a guy that in reality, I hardly knew. I traveled from my home in Hampshire to a Welsh Valley and collected her... She was a super friendly pup and fitted into our lifestyle, no problem. She served me well, for nine long years, we had some good times, caught vanloads of game and enjoyed plenty of laughs,... I am sad to say goodbye ... Alas, the Big C has no mercy and seems to enjoy inflicting horrendous pain.? I feel privileged to deny this heartless monster it's perverse en
    15 points
  2. Had 2 days with keepers , terriers only, some very hard going , rough ground etc ,couple of tough foxes accounted for !! Ended up with 4 .head keeper was over moon , gave my youngest son full permission to fish his own private pond in summer ,
    11 points
  3. I can only speak for my bitch, but her nose is good and her desire to find game is as you could imagine. Watching her track scent is a great thing to see, sadly there is not enough open ground around me, so my chance to see it is limited. My bitch looked bit short in the back in my pics, so I've found another. It'll probably be the last, as pictures ain't my ting ?
    9 points
  4. my big dog pup is matureing very nicely and now the rain has come time to start giveing him some stick carnt wait to see how he goses sunday
    8 points
  5. Went out last night for a look about with the xq50 (blackwood outdoors)as thought somethings been stopping the ducks sitting on pond,well it wasnt too long before this vixen appeared heading straight for the ruff ground round the top end of the pond,already being in a position down wind of a nearby large wood, where I thought it may have been coming from.a couple of a squeeks later and I came into my range,job done
    7 points
  6. A cracking day to be out with the dogs and ferrets today
    7 points
  7. I've been asked time and time again, so I waited for the new coat to come through and here you go. This Bitch was up for grabs as a pup, a suitable home never came up, so I kept it and I'm glad I did.
    6 points
  8. Wouldn't think he'd of broke his pelvis in 4 places
    6 points
  9. Aye he has a decent nose, just getting to grips with his marking, he is a very subtle marker, nice and steady running sets, will hold a rabbit in the purse net or quick set but when rabbit bolts if I say leave it he doesn’t touch it, only thing I am struggling with is retrieving. He was retrieving not to bad but is going backwards in that department. Very soft mouthed. Just need to get his retrieving better and more hunting experience. He was only 2 in August, I am not to concerned about his retrieving just yet, he is still very puppyish. I like him that’s the main thing, Got loads of time to
    6 points
  10. Male sparrowhawk looking down the lens at the noise of camera clicking in my hide.
    6 points
  11. Out stalking this afternoon and was rewarded with the sighting of a hoopoe . First time I’ve seen this bird in Englabd . Apologies for poor pic on phone
    5 points
  12. A few weeks difference in age from Roxie as a pup to her own pup on the same road with the same cheeky handler
    5 points
  13. Got to laugh at these drs on TV saying"I think it's a bad idea it will harm people blah blah blah" Then 2seconds later they are handing out opiates like smarties. Hypocratic oath f***ing hypocrites more like. I get 100 full strength co codomal every week and have done since 2003. No questions asked no follow ups f**k all. In fact was rudely told by 2 different practices " you don't need to keep asking for appointments you have an ongoing repeat prescription! When I questioned the long term effects was told "then suffer the pain". That's no bullshit either The r
    5 points
  14. 4 points
  15. Yes he has mate, just been taking him out solo ferreting, very biddable and easy to handle dog with a fantastic temperament. Different people require different standards but i am more than happy with him, i have had dogs of my own for 40yrs and worked other peoples before that, i have had some i have had a great bond with but none like this young fella. Ive found with him to take things slowly and it sinks in no bother.
    4 points
  16. Nice bitch mate, my dog is 1/4 mally 1/4 collie 1/2 greyhound.
    4 points
  17. Just seen this pic thought I’d share 1943 with the men away these ladies knew how and where to find meat to put on the table
    3 points
  18. Putange traps need no modification. They are efficient and humane killing tool straight out of the box. I'll be honest with you mate I think that you're talking the biggest load of bullocks I've heard in a long long time.
    3 points
  19. Ooth and sweeping The chicken ranch was having the odd bird lying around with its head missing so I strolled up there to take a look. I scanned as I went and then out of nowhere there it was, 30yds the other side of the wire (chicken side) watching me stroll by! In a smooth and fluent manner I brought the rifle to bare without stopping. No cold winter nights for that vixen! U.
    2 points
  20. I was with the mrs on holiday once and we were walking along the cliffs and some runners came along and I said look at the daft fookers killing them selves but really I was jealous as I hung off the gate with me 10 chins and more spare tyres than dunlop. So i started running well crawling. Couldn't run for 3 minutes solid to start but two years later ran 50 miles. Ran for few years cycled to work for a couple and now on weights coming upto 50. Torn a groin muscle which is hold me back called a sport hernia which is a pain. Tell you what a healthy diet fooks the old gut lol. I used to be able
    2 points
  21. Think it's just a tweaked version ... Can only see better things to come with Huawei. I know they're blowing iPhone and Samsung out the water atm
    2 points
  22. I never bred him but like to think that abit of my knowledge was took on board the bitch was taken to a greyhound ,I thought of using him on the alsation xs bitch but I really want to see how these malli xs finish out ,they are tougher and harder temp than the alsation xs,that's those of ours the f1malli greys I seen are not the same of those lurcher xs malls we bred but they were from a strong working line from both the lurcher and the malli . We never in fairness expected them to be a has prey driven on things has some are but there yas go strictly talking how I see it buck on the malli lu
    2 points
  23. guns worth 150 - 250 depending on condition with a bog standard scope and the wtc ive seen making 70 - 100 so id split your kit pick up a cheap scope .. list it for 220 hoping to achieve 180 - 190 then put the wtc up for 100 and accept anything over 70 so potentially you get 250 - 320
    2 points
  24. When Fury fought Klitschko, the next day Klitschko looked like he'd been hit by a truck. When a 17 stone fighter jabs you in the face for 12 rounds, it comes keen after a few slaps, no matter who you are. I remember Jeff Lacey telling Calzaghe that he slapped like a bitch, and we all know what happened to him. ?
    2 points
  25. Read a bit about them haven't tried any yet I would take with a pinch of salt on what Matt manning says about anything ,he is a on line magazine just like any mag ,sponsorship
    2 points
  26. Cheers Francie?I did that on my road bike mate. Mid range bike i suppose it is. Carbon frame. Good thing is you can swap the tyres to somthing heavier duty, beef them up if you want to ride a few tow paths or the like. There are lad's local to me that have got to the coast, turned around and rode straight home, same day! Obviously we've all got different levels of fitness. Massive buzz though and sense of achievement. I get that even after a 20 odd mile ride! I'm fully paid up for the year at a gym by the way, i can't stand plodding away on stationery bike or tredmill. Fcuk that gam
    2 points
  27. Ya bunch o' fannys ......... The first thing I do with an HW100 is put an A&M cylinder and silencer on - they are lighter so, they bring the centre of balance further back, making the rifle less front heavy and, easier to shoulder. the standard HW full length cylinder weighs approximately 870g - the A&M one is 395g. A&M carbine cylinder is 332g ........ And, you get an increased shot count - I've not bothered counting it with my full length one but, my old Kt went from 4 mags, to almost 7 Yes, you can't remove the cylinder without losing al
    2 points
  28. We humans are such long lived things that the older you get the more dogs you'll lose: sad fact and one that becomes ever more poignant with age. Sorry to hear of your loss, Phil.
    2 points
  29. This one was hunted by an old hunter at a driven hunt in an area next to the one I'm hunting. It is no additional cost for members
    2 points
  30. My youngsters know all about different drugs and the affects they have not only on the mind but the family.I choose to teach them first rather than letting them try it and then trying to educate them about it afterwards..
    2 points
  31. After years of research I finally found out when, and where from my family 1st left Ireland. 1873 from Ballinamore in Co. Leitrim. One day I decided to pack the dog and a few other essentials into the car and go on a little pilgrimage. A beautiful place now but would not have been so at the time. That still quietly resonates. I came across this more recent memorial with the family name on it and could not resist a picture on the "ancestral seat". No disrespect intended to the lady who's memory it is actually in.
    2 points
  32. She helped one of mine to learn the game ......
    2 points
  33. Laughable to suggest McGregor ripped off people who are struggling to make ends meet ?? No one forces anyone to buy a ppv
    2 points
  34. I tend to skin the native wildlife and stick it in on my head. Their skins are usually a pretty close comparison to to the local climate . Although it gets messy in skunk territory.?
    1 point
  35. Is that smoke coming out of her ?
    1 point
  36. 16.09, evening, 'Molidis' - The first roar is early, 07:09 PM. When the sun goes down, 2 females and a calf are showing in the clearing at ~140m, close to an apple tree. After a while a young male is also exiting the protective forest. He had decent antlers for his age but it was in a bad physical shape (too weak for this period of time, we also discovered later some strange things on kidneys and lungs) and I received the permission to shoot. I would normally wait for a better position and to come closer but the wind was changing and the oldest female was already alerted. I take the shoot
    1 point
  37. Dogstran.com think there's another crowd in the North of Ireland too
    1 point
  38. In someones garden which skirts a Public Footpath. Hello, dont go away Your are welcome to stay Rest for a while On this bench by the stile Take a breather or two Enjoy the view Then continue your way We wish you good day Cheers, D.
    1 point
  39. Gamekeeper John is a victim of his own success and personally he will not see a penny of my money again. A rude ignorant man he is. Sorry to moan on your thread Flynndog, I wish I could be more help to ya.
    1 point
  40. You should of left a thank you note ... ..I'd be more inclined to sit If you cleaned off all the shit .
    1 point
  41. Another good few hours got a couple of pheasants,flushed a fox in great condition and a few rabbits , cracking day.
    1 point
  42. A lot of mental disorders are already there and some of the strains these days bring the issues to the forefront.
    1 point
  43. i think the long term effects are.....it does your brain in, i have had lots of friends who use to smoke it on a regular basis, some of them, would have one the minute they woke up.....where as some just smoked it as a evening thing.....when i saw them over the years, and had a chat with them, some, seemed to have this vacant look, like, the lights are on, but no ones home look....with a pause between answers, plus the ones that smoked them like a normal fags.......got bad tempered, grumpy, when they didn't have any, also another one was paranoid with everything....and another one was paran
    1 point
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