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About leegreen

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I rode an Elephant in central Delhi back in 1989. I had just come out of the American Express building with my travellers cheques that I had been waiting for for days, so was buzzing anyway. Then come along this geezer on the back of a what seemed to me to be a large Elephant. I waved him over, as you do and he obliged. So riding around Connaught Place on the back of an elephant was amazing, everyone (mainly stall holders) came out to feed this majestic animal which I could see was highly worshipped. The whole journey took about 45mins or so. Cows were scared and running and peopl
  2. Loads of real facts here, on all sides. I can honestly say, none of them are totally straight. I can tell you all one thing for sure, we will never know exactly what is going on and never will. Can I/we do anything about it? No. I for one won't lose any sleep over it. Got too much of my own business going on. All I know is, I've got plenty of ammo if it all goes wonky
  3. Sounds like he shouldn't smoke
  4. I agree with what you say, but Putin is a sneaky fecker and a murdering one at that. Not say anyone else isn't, but it doesn't make him a nice bloke. He is a wrongen just like most of them, these types can always justify their actions.
  5. The Huntinglifes next greatest running dog Hybrids
  6. My first bunk up.
  7. You will never lose, no body can steal it and you can use it as much as you like. Only downside is you cant use it how you like, to an extent. Woodland doesn't even have inheritance tax. Or at least that used to be the case.
  8. UK land, in the right place.
  9. Not sure what happened there. If you click on the text, then click on the icon, you should get a nice piccy
  10. a few lures from the Kenyan connection
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