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An do you seriously beleive that labour or any other party will do any different?there all the same,get rid of the lot an get qualified normal people to rule,like an experienced doctor for health minister who dont need ten advisors to make a decision,your living in coo coo land sandy,on the one hand you shaming the gov but on the other you have beleived everything they to you,get some help13 points
Dad round last night, done us a curry... Used a whole chicken and jointed, cheaper than just breasts and adds flavour having the meat on the bone imo.. Marinaded the lot in my tandoori mix t and fried the chicken off... own paste etc.. came out well...I like making curry and love eating it..9 points
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7 points
interesting film...so us lot were right to be weary of an untested drug.7 points
Lots of fairy stay at home dads nowadays too ffs. We done a job for one he was doing the school run, ironing, getting his wife dinner ready for when she come home, then he made a sponge cake for a coffee morning he was going to with loads of other mums. He made us boys a cake too , I took mine and threw the f***ing thing over the Nieghbour’s fence. Shocking set up7 points
A selection from my last trip out . Amo ngst the underwhelming bits of scrap were a couple of interesting things. No idea what this slightly dished disc is. A blinker plate. The base of a pinfire cartridge. And a flintlock action .6 points
My mates Mrs earns 80k plus as a partner for a mortgage company, tried for a baby for a few yrs,ended up adopting a little lad,my mates not worked for the last 4 yrs,daddy daycare,sends his days doing school runs,cooking, cleaning and tending to his allotment...Hes a good lad,but you can see it's taken it's toll...men ain't cut out for it let's be honest ?6 points
Tuesday I had my first Hammered, a silver 3 pence piece and a musket ball with some other bits and pieces. Whats the chances yesterday had another hammered ( Tiny ), a silver 3 pence piece and a small musket ball ( probably a pistol shot ). Any way I'm a bit chuffed. Musket/Pistol shot. A nice Gwano bag seal. Think this might be off a horses spur. Any body any idea ?? Cheers Arry6 points
I some times think to myself going on today's society and what we put up with was the industrial dispute I was personally involved in 39 years ago all a dream when thousands of men like me stood up to a government that was intent on destroying our culture our communities and job's. At least I can sit here and say at least I had a go and in all honesty like some posters have said we have been dumbed down that much an uprising of the common man will never happen in a month of Sundays.6 points
Average brit is far too apathetic, would rather watch footie or Love Island or ready-steady-cook on telly and certainly wouldn't go to Westminster for a demo as they can't get permission off their wives or they are having a bonding session with their mates over a latte in the local fair trade coffee shop discussing how emasculation and emancipation has set them free from the toxic masculinity that led this country and their forebears to invade a third of the world at one time and maybe after coffee they should apologise to their Pakistani neighbour for historic wrongdoings?6 points
Despite signing a contract that precluded him from voicing partisan political opinions ,he made a tweet criticising the home secretary's recent decision regarding illegal immigrants and comparing the Tories to Nazis .it has nothing to do with free speech ,despite what his supporters claim .5 points
Chicken balti for me tonight, some orange sh*te out the freezer for her because she’d rather eat that crap than real food5 points
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5 points
Mate please this was not an accident or an over reaction, the video of Chris witty the man that guided our government through this shows right at the start they New it was killing less than 1% of people,the other vid I just put up shows that Pfizer new the vaccine risks were higher than the risk of covid before they even launched it, scams on this scale do not happen by accident this was a deliberate calculated and funded experiment, when all the people were in uproar about lockdown party’s they all failed to grasp the fact these parasites were willing to get together drink grope and be merry5 points
After having a complete melt down at end of the season due to being let down couple times , finally sat down and realise was a really good season for me , old bitch last day was Xmas eve had a few kills and didn’t walk for 3 days after so I finished her and she then went onto getting a infection in her uterus so had that sorted the pointer x bitch inpressed a few lads and had a stormer of a season but I need a second dog , after a lengthy conversation with old boy thst bred my pointer cross gave me a pure pointer bitch really opened my eyes ! Going it alone totally is different , hundred and h5 points
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5 points
Ironically the ones most outraged by this are the ones who promote cancle culture the most . "First they came" ?4 points
For me Fury won't be a great mate, I'm just not a big fan of his style, his few fights with Wilder were good entertainment and he showed loads of heart, but they were so messy...tripping over each other, feet tangling all the time, wrestling non stop... his fight with Klitcho was a bore fest...but fair play the man finds ways to win, has a big heart... hes probably the best of this bunch, definitely a good fighter but I dont put him in my favourite top ten.... there's probably another 3 or 4 fights that are worth making for him but I'm not carried away by all the hype...4 points
Been busy inbetween the snow delays lol got a slab base down and shed erected last weekend Then managed to get the flight up and inside partition sorted today4 points
I think if the English ,Welsh and Scottish were more like the Ulster unionist , when it came to there culture and heritage Britian would not be in the mess it is in today .4 points
Mate my neighbour was putting dettol on every single piece of shopping that was delivered then taking all his clothes off at the back door and getting re dressed4 points
4 points
Due to this paragraph I'm not getting excited just yet lol However, the WBA says an agreement was made before Friday's 22:00 GMT deadline, though both sides have requested time to "work on the contracts to close the deal".4 points
Tats have you not read the leaked whattsapp messages from hancock an co?it wasnt an overreaction as in they care for us,it blatantly shows its all about power an money an restricting an trying to subdue us. Hancock:when will we release the next variant to scare the pants of everyone. Hancock is a good little w.e.f puppet,doing what his masters tell him mate4 points
It just keeps on getting worse ? first man to take two jabs live on air changes his tune after healthy dad dies of heart attack after taking jab ?? some of the data coming out now is what I was afraid of at the start and tried to warn others about, I,m not anti vaccine, I,m anti government and anything they ask me to do I know full well is not about making my life better but how to take more from me and restrict my freedoms, big lesson for many, follow your instincts not the crowd ?4 points
I find something calming at dusk and Dawn walking among nature in the off months with no intent, I think watching them natural is soothing. Hod it and dod it had other ideas today as something caught there eye in the distance. Was a cold snap this morning, hopefully that changes soon4 points
In the day a chrash bang wallop type of dog that in a split second will hit a hedge hard cover or what ever and give it a 110% on the strike helps. Every split second counts any delay its gone4 points
4 points
Maybe when’s there’s no money in the banks and they go default …. The people don’t give a f**k unless it affects them directly I’m alright jack f**k everyone else attitude has got us in this mess4 points
Went today had some bits and pieces. At last a bloody Hammered small one and a bit tatty. Elizabethan Sixpence 1582. Also Silver 3 pence piece 1888 I think a small Roman and the green coin just make out the detail. A strange musket ball with little cut all over it. Cheers Arry just clean the green one enough to see it's a 1910 Indian quarter. Weird its in middle of a field in Devon.4 points
my kind of dog terry?. but with commitment comes injury. Young whippet bitch has had 7 stitches in her chest last year and 3 weeks ago had her front leg stapled. 18 months old I do like her but it comes at a cost. she does work shit places though, this is a old pit tip.3 points
I honestly believe that it was an over reaction by the government and other world organisations and most believing this virus was going to be like TB and Polio which we all know was eradicated by an immunisation programme in schools and such like as it's turning out to be nothing on the scale of these viruses .3 points
And sadly still think it is, but as has been shown on numerous occasions there is only around 20% of the population capable of self thought and the other 80% need to be told, the governments have worked this out for themselves which is why they are becoming more open and blatant with there intentions because people like the two mentioned above and 80% of the general population will still turn to the government when the shit hits, I think a phrase that soms this all up perfectly, is the one about how sheep look to the Shepard for protection from the big bad wolf but it’s invariably the Shepard3 points
Watching Sky News yesterday, it was announced that three US banks "lost $52 billion overnight". My missus asked how they could lose that much money, where's it gone, who's,got it ? I told her it didn't exist, it want real cash money, just firgures on a balance sheet that someone changed as they though the banks were worth less. A very simple explanation, but who has the authority to make these decisions ? Its just a guess, but I bet someone did make some serious, REAL money out of it ! Cheers.3 points
3 points
They will keep on leading you by the nose, creating outrage amongst the gullible to stop them thinking about the reality.3 points
3 points
A lot depends on the dog and ground like a golf course for rabbits or short grass for hares there's loads of things to take in to account is it day or night but personally I like to see a dog hunt up in day time watching the dog body movement speed up with there nose to the ground before something raises in front beats a point and slip for me3 points
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3 points
Absolute moron,in response to the above I think it's time to Delete, Distance, and Avoid these lads who are constantly posting snapping videoing ect,it's very simple if you've a lad in your group at it then it stops or cut contact with them,like jig said alot people will eventually get a knock on door3 points
Boats and engines are probably cheapo's ordered direct from China by the container, freighted to a mainland Europe address, it should have been stamped out when it first started with zero tolerance, it won't be stopped now, I am a realist, watch how many arrive this year and listen to the governmental excuses.3 points