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About fred90

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    east midlands

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  1. raw, and a bit of high protein biscuit, sardines, eggs. she's never been above 23 pounds but she is high energy, never stops when she's out. also I think she as thrown to the racing side of her breeding.
  2. it divides opinions, he's young so time yet, what some call sticky others would say no interest, personally I like a pup using it's nose early, wanting to find out what's around the corner, I would rather have to reign a dog in the have to gee it up, the keener the better.
  3. mine is very hard mouthed, this is the only time of year she keeps any weight on, she's lightly built but doesn't lack stamina.
  4. they would knock them out to worm them now ££
  5. nice one mate, have you bought a couple of kits in?. my only ferret a 6 year old Jill unfortunately didn't take, the good stuff isn't easy to find nowadays, but I managed to get 2 Jill kits a couple of weeks ago, how's the whippet coming on?
  6. hearing test, eye test, doctor and dentist, you can't be in fxxking England my friend.
  7. I think that was a chap called Jason Powell.
  8. she's 3 in September, didn't have her 1st season till 14 months old.
  9. thanks for the reply, she is in good condition, very active when we are out, just a pain in the arse coming in season early.
  10. my whippet has come back in season after only 4 and half months, all my lurchers tended to be pretty regular at 6 months, is this normal with whippets?
  11. all mine have had Jaws like a gin trap, shows how different dog's can be.
  12. Yes I can see your point, I have always used them for hunting up cover, marking holes etc, this they exel at, they do catch on short runs but I don't class them as running dog's, not mine anyway.
  13. I certainly think that beddywhippets have changed through the years, in the 70s and early 80s I grew up with a few first cross dogs around me. they were around 19tts and very whippety and fast, my own first crosses since have all lacked a yard, and not been as racy built, I can only put it down to the beddys of today.
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