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Francie, last won the day on March 11 2023

Francie, had the most liked content!

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1,913 Excellent

About Francie,

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Emerald aisle

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  1. The plot thickens,dodgy goings on by BlackRock.... they probably thought trump would have been dead so no one would have noticed there dodgy transactions
  2. Camel face is in fact an Indian woman not black,fact checkers GO
  3. What do you call an Indian man in a skip? Rumma jing Il get me coat lol
  4. Joe biden is one sick man,have you seen the vids of him sniffing children that he doesnt know,on the regular,disgusting.
  5. Wtf is this 100percent Kampala?
  6. Yep I agree,tho I dont feel sorry for him,hes a dodgy sniffer of children at best.
  7. I seen it mate just wondering what hes gona say,well told what to say
  8. @chartpolskiwhst times old joe getting rolled out of his bed today for his big statement?
  9. It might not be her,but the jury's out,an hasnt been confirmed either way mate.
  10. Wait to you see this for a conspiracy joke lol Go to 21.30 in the vid an look st the woman directly behind trump,an Guess what shes the decking assistant director of the f.b.i. She didnt try to help just recording when the shots are fired,looking toward to shooter just before it happened dodgy or what lol
  11. Just heard there now shes resigned
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