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Francie, last won the day on March 11 2023

Francie, had the most liked content!

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2,222 Excellent

About Francie,

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Emerald aisle

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  1. Another dirty paedo in labour,you couldn't make this shit up,caught trying to meet teenage boy,watch the video the hypocrisy of him last week before he was caught
  2. Francie,

    Pet hates.

    Wilf an gnash I don't know if your on fb but you get a good laugh at this,funny fuckersteve bracknall Sunday league manager,some of his vids are on YouTube buy most on fb Log into Facebook WWW.(!64.56:886 Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you...
  3. It will open it up an show us who was complicit an allowed it to happen,they won't spend nothing until details are revealed then we can go after them
  4. Forage has the balls to say it p
  5. The Jay report was not good enough,only mentioning Paki rape gangs once
  6. Nice setup lads,instead of using accro drains,my mate put a 8 inch width manhole in the middle of four pens with the floor slightly sloping to manhole,with the same width pipe running underground to sewer,real easy to clean just lift the lid an everything straight down
  7. Diversity equity an inclusion hirees strikes again,that mayor an gavin nuisance should be jailed
  8. Goly you don't seem to get it do you,yes there is white paedos an paedo gangs,but these Muslims are epidemic,its not there colour its there culture,they marry young children an have sex with them when they hit puberty which is a guaranteed fact,also if you look into Pakistani culture its full of paedophilia,there's a documentary channel 4 did,its an epidemic in Pakistan fact,little boys getting drugged an buggered Who cares who brought it up the whole establishment are up to there eyes in paedophilia an that includes white men at the top. Scum the lot of them are.
  9. Francie,

    The Bible.

    Who knows scotty lol I can't watch videos I ain't got time tik tok
  10. Francie,

    The Bible.

    If you read the gospels or any of the books youl notice the author don't talk about themselves,I don't think jesus would need to write about himself,as he knew what he did would be recorded,who knows tho,I heard there's other books hidden in the Vatican.
  11. Francie,

    The Bible.

    Science correspondence,weekly telegraph uk he cites.
  12. Francie,

    The Bible.

    Definitely,but did you get the last two minutes about timeline of our decendants,he cites the studies to check also
  13. Francie,

    The Bible.

    Yeah I'd say so mate. Very interesting this especially the last two minutes. I used to watch hovind 20 years ago,very good creation videos
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