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Everything posted by Francie,

  1. Feck that,out at sea on boat lol
  2. Can you not type it up on tablet then copy a paste it in goly
  3. Nice one don good wee earner. Suppose aye your full of estrogen with all them grains lol
  4. Dom is all them wee piles of soil mole holes?didn't realise there was so many. Do you set the traps then check them 24hr later or what way does it work? Your living the dream tho fairplay
  5. Keep calm goly,an don't end up getting sacked ya madman lol Hope ye get sorted,an don't bore them to death with your constant rebuttals lol
  6. Francie,


    Hmm zero carb life does a cac to check her arteries an it was 0,clean as a whistle an she's carnivore 16 years lol
  7. Mad marine waters bunch of race baiters
  8. Francie,


    I'm not looking reassurance goly,it's very interesting this cholesterol craic lol
  9. Francie,


    Edited because I wrote the wrong thing. Ldl enters the endothelium an the hdl takes it out. How an why does it build up if the hdl taking it out is a normal process? The liver makes all of our cholesterol,our dietary intake doesn't affect it apparently because the liver can regulate the amount that's coming an going. Hdl doesn't enter the artery walls apparently even tho it's smaller than the ldl. Whys that you reckon? How can ldl be bad whenever our own liver makes it an sends it around the body to the places that need it? For most people, dietary cholestero
  10. Francie,


    Here's my point tho saturated fat or cholesterol does not damage your artery walls,the cholesterol is there to fill in the holes in the cell lining of the arteries to protect them,it's the sugar/glucose that does the damage in the first place
  11. Francie,


    An because there diabetic they don't have enough insulin to take the glucose out of bloodstream
  12. Francie,


    Iv been doing a bit of reading an the medical consensus says that the the artery walls are thin an that ldl can get through,iv been reading some research an this professor says the artery walls are alot thicker an ldl cannot enter it. @Golyhave you looked at causes of heart/cvd dicease,one of the main contributors is diabetes,to much sugar/glucose in the blood,that damages the artery walls.
  13. Goly wouldn't know,he's not allowed a lurcher lol
  14. I had my suspicions about him Dan,wolf in sheep's clothing
  15. Francie,


    Enjoy work I'm getting into bed now lol
  16. Francie,


    Well why did you say here 2 to 3 percent lol
  17. Francie,


    Mate your to hung up on dna,chimps have 98% of human dna,elephants have 90% cat have 90% chickens ffs have 75% An your saying neandertal have only 2 to 3% of human dna but they look the closest to humans than the rest above,how does that work out?
  18. Francie,


    I thought you said ten to 20percent lol
  19. Francie,


    Why would it be mind blown goly,its only logical lol
  20. Francie,


    OK so I just googled this,does these differences in skeletons mean that wolfs were not dogs then,or the other way about? Your argument that says neandertals aren't humans does not stand up mate Yes, wolves and dogs have different skeletons, especially in their skulls. These differences are due to domestication and the different diets of wolves and dogs. Skull Cranium: Dogs have a wider cranium, rounder cranium, and a shorter snout than wolves
  21. Francie,


    I would say the neandertals are just humans that were born before the flood,bigger stronger an more healthier,or there just skeletons of big humans,giants,there's alot of them mentioned in the bible,an cause there's only been a couple found
  22. Francie,


    So tell me,what do you call this discovery so I can look it up,because apparently there's only a couple of neandertal ever found,very strange that isn't it that only a couple has been found? If we done a random test an we got a few skeletons from different people around the world,say an Eskimo,a big African,a wee Chinese man,a big Scandinavian man,etc are you telling me that there skeletons will all match perfectly with the skeleton on the right that you posted,I don't think so
  23. Francie,


    What primitive humans are you talking about,neandertals?,I'd call Neanderthal humans an that's it. Your talking of when cain Rose up an killed his brother able,God sent cain to the land of nod,an as said before he married an had children with his sister,Adam an eve had sons an daughters. You have not once proved anything wrong in the bible or shown gaping holes mate. But you can tell easily that one is a cat an one is a dog, two different animal family's,that's nowhere near the same as neandertals an humans
  24. Francie,


    What kind of differences?
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