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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/11/20 in all areas
20 points
17 points
16 points
I'm f***ing sick of listening to people who could barely string a sentence together done very little in life, who now know some big secret that we are all to stupid to understand... I'm gonna be honest, very little has changed for me that I've not done for myself, I dont understand the upper workings of the world order, I dont think any politician particularly gives a f**k about anything more than their salary, I fully realise I can only affect my small bubble and the people in it...pretending I can change the world on the Internet (honestly not aimed at anyone on here, more the f***ing i14 points
What exactly are we falling off a cliff about that hasn’t been 50 times worse in the last 25 years ? .......this is what I don’t get ? Not hardly heard a peep out of anyone as we have been slowly but surely walled in over the last 3 decades but now folks can’t go to Wetherspoons every c**t is a freedom fighter ! I wonder how quick they will all disappear again when this shit passes ?9 points
9 points
Had a walk on a knew bit of permission just to look at the lay out of the land .great patches of whins .2 foxes out but where well away .had a great hunt .look forward to going back in the new year7 points
Here’s a thing, who gives a f**k what anyone believes or don’t believe about masks, it’s a really easy thing to do and costs you nothing so why not just muck in and see if it helps ? Cant hurt can it. What are we?, all a load of f***ing coons who couldn’t give a f**k about the collective ? It also has the added benefit of not having your mush plastered all over some government database 400 times a day !6 points
His hunting up is getting better ?? , he air scented this cock bird from the path.6 points
There's no point sharing your days/pictures out on here, you just get ripped...dogs not dirty enough, holes to small, its as if folks are jealous if you do abit more than them...6 points
Jesus, Ben, the government said you can still go out to exercise during lockdown ?6 points
6 points
The farm manager has been feeding this very elusive fox up at the chicken units and finally he got it feeding in a safe place so tonight the bait was tied and my car positioned for a shot. First though let me tell you about next doors dog! It's a standard poodle dog and my little bitch has taken a shine to him! So much so that she keeps asking me to let her out but really she just wants to check if he is there at the fence. Well this morning at 5:15 she said she wanted to go out. I got up and went down stairs to let her out but the outside security light came on as I got down the stairs s5 points
Took my dog for a long leisurely walk this morning, sticking to the roads and giving all the mud a miss. Well I came across a farmer, Ken, who last year granted me permission to shoot part of his land. We again talked country matters, as you do but when he realised I have been taking care of the surrounding farms for years and mostly very quietly with air rifles he said " Well Mark you might as well look after our lands as well " He only gave me permission to shoot a further 1,400 acres !!5 points
A few landscape pictures of Forrest and bogs. My Anschutz on a frosen lake.5 points
5 points
Thing ive found with alot of terrier people is the ones doing the most are fairly quiet about it. They dont try to brag about how theyve inbred stuff for 30 years dug here there n everywhere dogs seem to just be there odd pic of a nice looking youngster n that ome bad thing about terriers it does give a pretender an easy way of never really bieng put on the spot.5 points
5 points
Went down on the Calder this morning for a few hours to see if I could get past the minnows and get anymore big chub on the stick . Put 4 balls of thatchers original in when I got there with some hemp and maggot and then loose fed maggot and hemp for a bit before starting and was in to grayling from the off on double red . After about 30 of them plus half a dozen brownies I switched to double white to see if it made a difference and had a few more brownies and some chublets around the 3/4-1lb mark and then had this small barbel . I know they are in there but they are nowhere near as common as4 points
It’s a great feeling when the penny drops with a young dog, and they start to understand the ferreting game. The time when they change into a ferreting dog, and not just a dog you take ferreting.4 points
Terriers don't give a shit do they? Impressive looking men and horses and hounds, an hour or so later they may well have all probably came to a standstill waiting for the little white dog to his job.4 points
This was "Molly" 3/4 greyhound 1/4 beardie, best allround bitch I've ever had, took all edible and loved feather always had the knack of appearing with a few pheasants, if theres one I could have cloned for an allround moochin, ferreting, lamping bitch that loved a night on the pheasants it would be her. Sire was a greyhound called "Porterhouse Joe" if I remember correctly4 points
This little bitch was out of "Stormin Norman to a black greyhound bitch called Lily", took all edible and had no interest in teeth, lovely bitch to have around4 points
Teach a kid the basics and it's not long before they're outshooting you. All down to young eyes, I reckon. Mine are full of floaters, mist and hallucinations!4 points
The smell of frying bacon mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats it im having some now before i head out lol just fry some bacon just befor he walks in that will feck him lol atvbjimmy4 points
Found some more hogdog pictures of mine that I haven't posted before but couldn't figure out where to post so I'm putting them here.4 points
4 points
Hello, today I finished this small Wanderer. 80mm blade from m390 (the hell to sand, wear resistance gets a new signification) bronze, micarta and sambar. Regards Nicolas3 points
Went out for a few hours this morning to a garden perm thats got a few rabbits in it, seen a few and got close enough to get 2 good shots, covers dying off so should get better3 points
3 points
Retuned FX crown .22 with AA fields heavy 18 gr @ 912 FPS, instead of 950 FPS with H&N 21gr slugs . Must of worked ?3 points
Stalking again this afternoon on my mates ground. On our way to our chosen spot I glassed a roe peering over the top of a high cover crop , head shot only which my mate performed admirably, no pic as a bit messy. We then headed for the other end of the ground where I spotted 2 roe , a lot of open ground between us which meant for a challenging stalk which involved a nice crawl. The 2 roe then decided to lie down . The distance was about 150 yds but my mate dropped the 1st one with a shot through the atlas joint , straight over. The 2nd doe stood up and continued to check out its fallen comra3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
He’ll have that celebration thread up quicker than he could spend his dole check in Harrods.3 points
3 points
Id say its another over hyped zero loss one hit wonder, theyre world comes crashing down when they get hit back, as we seen with wilder fury, they need to stip blowing smoke up these fighters arses, and get sparring partners who actually hit back and make them feel and see its not all one way in a proper fight3 points
Nice one mr Wilkes nothing more pure in my eyes, man dog and home made weapon things don’t get any better than that ??3 points
Yep... McCullough issued that order on Wednesday. The allegation was that the Pennsylvania absentee ballot law violated the Pennsylvania constitution... ... PA supreme court overturned it, today saying "the lawsuit was filed months after the law allowed for challenges to Pennsylvania's expansive year-old mail-in voting law." Unanimously. With prejudice. My understanding is that as the case wasn't a violation of federal law, or the US Constitution, and was brought by PA plaintiffs and against PA defendants, the state supreme court has the final say. Which in this case looks p3 points
Took 25lbs of deer meat to the butchers to make me some cheese jalapeño beer sticks and smokies thought we would change it up from the honey garlic 20lbs of sticks and 20lbs of smokies3 points
3 points
Bugger, all in it together huh. I always had the most luck with green, I heard years ago animals can't see green spectrum? I could have made that up though just to justify a purchase ??3 points
3 points
Could be worse a mate of mines son who used to come beating is going out with a Vegan !! He has now turned vegan himself and says he will never come beating or go shooting again . All those hopes and dreams he had of spending frosty mornings down on the marsh after a Wigeon or two with his son as company , stalking their first roe buck . I said you may as well tap him on the back of the head and kick him under a hedge , he’s ruined now .3 points
3 points
3 points
Just offerd him a mtc mamba sf for £0 as a gift Mitch the old ones im not using them now iv got the pard and i know you dont like them but its a £150 scope for 0 and ill even pay the post for him . atvbjimmy3 points
3 points
Its a thread about trump...........leave if you dont wanna hear about him........its quite simple2 points