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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/18 in all areas

  1. I got this Adder yesterday just before it slipped into a pond Snake by Martin Billard, on Flickr
    9 points
  2. Had a nice morning on the river with the little one. She really enjoyed the fishing, and made some memories for us both.
    8 points
  3. I've read that half a dozen times and I'm still none the wiser
    8 points
  4. That’s the way I have mine done, stuck up in the corner side on, I like to have them face on so I can look out the window and see onto them, missus doesn’t, if she had her way they wouldn’t be there lol
    8 points
  5. ? I've been lucky,...I've had several dream jobs,...unbelievably diverse, but all, equally exciting, in their own different ways...? I'm an old pensioner now and occasionally, (very occasionally)...I do get the hunger pangs and yearn for days long gone,..but mercifully, this feeling soon passes... We all have regrets, but upon reflection,...I've made it into my dotage,...I've survived,...its time to chill out now...?
    8 points
  6. maybe , maybe not , maybe the two banged up had been doubled up , maybe both did 5 hours each separate digs , history is as honest as the person you wish to believe
    7 points
  7. Years ago, I cleared all the old kit out of the Department of Trade & Industry building at Victoria. It was in the days when they still had little individual offices instead of the big, open plan spaces of today. Something stuck with me from that job, I opened one door to check the room and there was a bloke in there sat at his desk and he looked bad! f**k knows how old he was but his skin was grey, his eyes sunk back with his cheap f***ing suit that needed ironing......it was almost like dust had settled in the poor c**t. He was like a walking corpse and I remember cle
    7 points
  8. Immigration officer
    7 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Still some half decent beddys about not out and out digging dogs but can put a shift in cover work ratting bit to driven for fert and nets . My first beddy X lurcher last pic 1974 .
    5 points
  11. I’m working on my dream right now little by little i run a gardening business right now and do a bit of pest control and have a shop with the wife as well my dream is to work and earn a living from my small holding, I’m planting 4-500 Christmas trees each year just done my second year now so in 6 years when I start selling as cut your own I will be 50 and hope to give up the gardens and pest work by then my mortgage will be payed off when I’m 50 as well so will make it a little easier to do i was thinking of starting a business selling wildflower plug plants online from sp
    5 points
  12. I have a Russell bitch due to whelp 2 weeks today, she's a quality rabbiting/bushing bitch that i bred myself from years of hunt service Russell's. I took her to a beagle dog in hunt service as i want to keep a pup back for myself. These pups will make ideal bushing types. I have added a few photos of the bitch and dog and once born they will be added to the for sale section. PM for more details.
    4 points
  13. I was dancing with this fat bird in a nightclub at the end of the night. When the lights came on, she stuck her hand down my trousers, grabbed my cock and purred: "Yours or mine?" "That's mine." I replied.
    4 points
  14. Coming on well. Just teething like no tomorrow so a good gnaw on a frozen half pig head do him good. Tried guarding it when my 7 yr old son walked past. So put a swift end to that by brushing up on his leave command.
    4 points
  15. Thats the first hankock ever to tackle a pig Head end an all
    4 points
  16. Your right,kites are so yesterday...……. My kids think its a mid-life crisis,but I have been going through it since I was around 10.
    4 points
  17. As well as the nightingale ??
    4 points
  18. when I was a kid me dad worked away loads on the rigs and sites and I knew that fcuker was up to no good from an early age!! so with his influence and Auf Wiedersehen pet promoting getting wrecked in the building game I chose to be a bricklayer... been doing it 30year now and ive worked and got wrecked all over the uk and a fair few places abroad! would I change things??? no... but I wouldn't of turned up for me last two weddings.
    4 points
  19. I am going with a few mates,united we stand divided we fall.
    4 points
  20. 14 years old and still does a good 10 mile walk, if it were,nt for her breath you would never no, she,s the sausage body bull headed type, sadly due to my own age possibly my last one ? Nuttal just like jack Russell was less obsessed with there pure lines than people are today, if a dog was good enough it was in if not it was out, simples
    4 points
  21. Got mine on 2 sides of the garden..... Still get in in the neck lol, cost me a horse to keep her sweet?
    4 points
  22. There's still a few lad's that keep the genuine "early" blood about,,, Another thing which people tend to forget, is quite a few "lines" of so, say , well know terrier men, took bitches to Brian's dog's, but now he's "not the in- thing anymore" never mention the mating's ???
    4 points
  23. Not the best pick but it's the most recent one I have got
    4 points
  24. A picture of my great,great, great grand uncle during the famine 1845
    4 points
  25. Fawn dog...bull/grey x saluki/bull/grey....black bitch 1st x..
    4 points
  26. Here is my good mates trophy room. His wife won't let him keep any in there house lol
    3 points
  27. Bushers crashed through a hedge and this little fella decided it was time to leave home so popped him back up in the hedge before any harm came to him......... not sure wren maybe?
    3 points
  28. Thought some people on here might appreciate this video footage of wild polecats, its a good watch. I have to admit, I love these old videos, especially the jack Charlton ones . Feel free to add more if you like.
    3 points
  29. I,d suggest by the shape of its eye it's a robin chick, did it have speckles on the chest area ?
    3 points
  30. int to sure on that one... but I found this pecker in the street last week, did the same as you and re homed him in a hedge!
    3 points
  31. Bit of sunburn on my forehead but apart from that it was glorious . The begining part through the woodland was clammy as hell and my asthma started giving me jip but when we got through that it was better with a breeze . In the Ben Nevis Inn now with a vodka coke and a roll up feeling chuffed to bits. Quite easily my biggest personal achievement ever bar the usual (kids etc). Off to weathersoons for food and drinks in a bit Might try bring home a Scotland football top for my boy if I can find one for sale anywhere
    3 points
  32. 3 points
  33. I can’t stand all these “self made men” types that want to tell everyone how well they have done.......your ordinary common or garden lad is enough of a proper chap to realise that you put in a bit graft and have a bit of luck, none of it should happen so just enjoy and be honest enough to call it what it is. Lifes a strange old thing, you can go down a damn sight quicker than you went up and if you have spent the whole time being a prick and not conducting yourself right then nobody is throwing you a bone, they will just enjoy watching you drown.
    3 points
  34. Britain First's Manifesto
    3 points
  35. So, unfortunately my FAC/SGC was not on the doormat when I got back ffs, so the wait continues, however, today I ordered a rifle which I can obviously only pick up once the paperwork has arrived. After much deliberation and research I have ordered a brand new Anschutz 1417 Thumbhole, not exactly cheap, but from the reviews is pretty much second none. Now all I have is the painful wait until my FAC arrives ?
    3 points
  36. Border beagle cross Neil, I’ve a dog and bitch off same litter. Only young but tipping away now.
    3 points
  37. Your right,i best get back to the depot and fill the van,got a load of deliveries to do before I clock-off
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. Many moons ago my good friend and flat mate had a simular dream until he delivered a package to someone who decided it was more financially beneficial to just blow his head off than pay him the 20k they had agreed, so make sure you check the small print before you apply because it's not all scar face and pulp fiction mate and delivering for Dhl is probably safer
    3 points
  40. There’s jobs , I suppose that probably are amazing on paper . i watch deadliest catch andvthink , I’d do a bit of that , even just on a lobster boat Rhodesian light infantry section commander circa 1970 would be a good screw as well i like the idea of a remote place , frontier style but the reality of her sat inbthe couch “I’ve bioked a spray tan, we need this , “ sort of knocks that on the head !!!
    3 points
  41. I don't know if it exists. LOL That job that Jeremy Renner's character in Wind River does looks good. Predator hunter in Wyoming for US Fish and Wildlife Service. A back-country hunting guide would be good. Working for a scientific research organisation that spend a good chunk of their time in far flung adventurous places also sounds close.
    3 points
  42. The average digging terrier is rescued far earlier than a couple of hours and it rescues them from ridicule !!!!!!!. So you are saying your Beddies will stay far longer than most digging dogs ,a fact I would pay good money to see .You are wrapped up in yourself ,Mort ,to the point you don't know fact from fiction .Your bolting dogs are the very dross you speak of .Fact of the matter is your no terrierman at all ,every lad I know loves the spade work as much as the outcome .Digging to a dog puts the dog under far more pressure than just chasing foxy round a hole .
    3 points
  43. f***ing about......which is in fact what I do. Its not very secure and sometimes it really don’t pay that well but the hours are flexible ! I had a couple of real jobs many years ago......what the f**k is all that about?
    3 points
  44. As Nuttal was known to buy in litters and sell as Home bred how reliable are his records.
    3 points
  45. During the late 1980s, we put the first cross Deerhound/Greyhounds back to sheepdog blooded lurchers,..they were smashing dogs,..far more versatile than the F1...
    3 points
  46. I have a few more but got my own project on the go so I'm not adding anymore to the huntinglife budget ?
    3 points
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