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morton last won the day on August 7 2016

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About morton

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Interests
    Lurchers,terriers and fishing

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  1. chasing a few 7 ounce rodents is no fecking test of a terrier,a pup under 6 months of age perhaps,most beddy owners work adults as a pup and they never work above what the average pup can ascertain.the vast majority of beddy breeders and owners are puppy workers and peddlars of overpriced dross.ill gift a decent bred pup to an owner that is willing to get the mutt out and see beyond a fecking kc turd.07887674657
  2. The history of the fmwtc needs no fecking reinvigouration,its numbers where once honourable,honest and reliable.a few at the helm of the fmwtc now would not recognise a working terrier or its owner,fact.The rest do a fecking marvellous job and if you put a terrier to ground you should join,its stupidity not to join with the benefits,especially financial,at hand.
  3. Or buy a second class postage stamp and in 5 seconds write on the back of it everything you know about working terriers or bedlingtons.
  4. sight hounds where once owned by owners with the nous to let them off a leash,that sort of nous is possibly lost now on the owners of expensive trinkets.
  5. anything to do with the fmwtc wants a big crowd,i know it as its problems now but the few that need its assistance,as and when,get fecking value for a pittance.
  6. Ive better things to do at times,the best advice I can offer with the vast majority wanting a beddy is source something else as the vast majority of folk selling bedlingtons sell shite,utter,utter shite and they hunt accordingly.If you want a Beddy to graft then grow a thick fecking skin,toss the ego in the bin,become a tad more honest than the majority and do your homework.Genuine bedlingtons,like their owners,are thin on the ground and the company they keep is as scarce as the progeny,or should be.I put up a bitch to breed from and the working owner of the sire could have all the pups bar 1,
  7. How is it then that decent lurcher owners want collie.deerhound and whippet in the mix,and none of them want the smell of bullshit in the pedigree.I know of a few that want a deerhoundy /collie in the mix to rescue what the bull lacks,pace,nous and minerals,because the vast majority of bull bred lurchers and the owners lack all 3
  8. Id walk back mucker,the best thing ever to happen to me is the granddaughter,she goes everywhere and does everything with me,she as her own dog,wellies,fishing rod etc,etc.Best of wishes for your future time together.
  9. If you want a decent ratching about lurcher,a bit of ferreting,lamping ,general mooching about and doing what a proper lurcher was intended for then the last thing on the pedigree would be bull infusion,over bred,over priced,over exaggerated and over indulged by nuggets.The decent bred,owned and worked uns have little in common with rodent hunting,feather plucking, lurcher owners.
  10. Ive been more fortunate.Ive seen terriers of many breeds and styles working,ive witnessed very good russels,lakey,s,black terriers and many a mongrel.Ive been the owner of many and been in the company of folk that had better,ive never been kennel blind and have had many an happy hour with like minded souls and their terrier type,we all have a type we adhere to don,t we?.In my 40 plus years ive appreciated all of what ive seen and wished id been the owner of a few and in all that time ive drifted towards the beddy.It may never have been the best ive seen yet it remains the best ive wanted to br
  11. Einstein was not a dog owner,if he was he would have been far smarter?.
  12. I believe it was Einstein that stated that if you keep asking the same question and seek different answers you are then insane.
  13. Your lack of knowledge may not be as lacking as you would wish some to believe as you mention "live pheasants".Some lurcher owners knew the advantage of owning a mutt proficient at filling the pot and wallet,the wallet and pot are unconcerned with what fills them,the lurcher never gave a toot and many an owner hunted with a brazen manner.Id find the hunting level that you are at comfort with and hunt accordingly,if you have a problem with the consequence of your actions seek a lesser consequence.A roasted fowl or pheasant is far more tender and tastier with the time you put into the catcher,gu
  14. Id source a Beddy/Grey hybrid as they offer a tad more,as you are in Scotland you are in an area that still holds a few decent lurchers of this type.Take your time,do your homework and be willing to hold your wallet at bay.
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