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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/18 in all areas

  1. the clothing firm H&M are in the shit after running this advert ......
    10 points
  2. Been a while since I was last on here, hope there are still a few old faces around. Here's a few pics I took recently whilst out with the dogs and Tyla having a couple of hours with the ferrets
    8 points
  3. I feel a big claim coming from the Milky Bar Kid !
    7 points
  4. i worked the doors for a lot of years ,not all bouncers are bullys ,my job was to protect the public from the idiots that just come out to start a fight,id always try to be polite and talk things down,but one you through a punch at me id take you down,i was not there to be a punch bag for the local pi,s heads ,i was in the gym 5 days a week never big and fat ,yes i worked with juiced up steroid freaks but thats the way they handled the doors
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. Here are a few more pics as a couple of you asked for
    4 points
  7. Never understood folks breeding lurchers or terriers for money. £3-400 is feck all compared to KC dogs like French bulldog and the like fetching upwards of £1800+ a pup. And let's be honest, probably going to better homes than your chop and change lurcherman who buys from the dealers. If I were to breed dogs for money I certainly wouldn't want some of the arseholes in the lurcher world at my place! ?
    4 points
  8. You’ve got to ask yourself where does all the potential for work go in a non working lurcher, dogs are stimulated on sight, which is great if it can run and hunt and burn off stimulation if not stress is produced, as stored energy, it builds and builds until it finds a trigger , dog cat , cushions , moving objects, energy will leak out everywhere unless the f****r has a clear notion of where you show it what to do with its energy energy has to flow , a working dog has a clearly defined root to restoring balance through work, that’s why it ignores anything not work related ,
    4 points
  9. Don’t know the bloke and I’ve never had anything to do with him so I can’t comment but by f**k does he write some shite on Facebook ?
    4 points
  10. Basically, add wood to the fire and make note of when you have to leave the room/open the windows and doors/waft the smoke alarm. It's one less log than that.
    4 points
  11. To be a dealer in dogs, you need to have a certain mindset... I remember a commercial breeder once telling me,.."You would never be any good at it, Phil,..you ask the buyer, too many questions" All things considered, I've always regarded his poignant words,.. as a compliment... My Deerhound hybrids, Angel and Royal...circa the 1980s
    4 points
  12. Me and my brother dropped a load of air conditioning on the weekend.... the unit that housed the fans and motors is a booody great lump on a steel frame.. its now winging its way to my place to be erected in the woods as a tree house... once it's wood clad, glazed and got a wood burner in it I might move in.. pic shows it now, I'll update as I go!!
    3 points
  13. Got that shooting itch we all know so well, whilst at work today. Well actually, I went to work with it and had nothing but shooting on my mind all day. Unfortunately for me, my shifts mean that at this time of year I don't finish in daylight unless I'm finishing a night shift... But I could not let this itch go unscratched, so with a bit of effort, a torch ducktaped to a camera tripod, and some shoot and see's I managed to get half an hour paper punching in the garden when I got in from work. Despite it being dark and shooting by torch light I managed to shoot fairly well even over the
    3 points
  14. Went out for a few hours this morning seen 2 ferrals and got 1, Got a nice 60 mtr shot on a woody and dropped it like a brick,
    3 points
  15. She loves the ferrets and is doing quite well at the shows with them all good fun , think I will make a small flight out in garden for her birds
    3 points
  16. It will be money well spent very good piece of equipment.
    3 points
  17. Lad that makes them is from Northern Ireland,
    3 points
  18. Chocolate dog is lostvto ground last season
    3 points
  19. It got what they were looking for. Racist or a very very clever marketing ploy
    3 points
  20. of course nothing would have been said if he was white......why would it....how often is the term monkey used in the same derogerty fashion as its used against black people..... i cant belive whilst doing the photo shoot.....they couldnt see the shit storm it would cause,,,,and like has been said...what were the parants thinking.
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Damned if you do damned if you dont..........
    3 points
  23. Pull up a chair gents!
    3 points
  24. If you worked for a private corporation porn, gambling and streaming media would all be blocked on company computers. Is it unreasonable for the same to apply to government IT?
    3 points
  25. Here's the sequence Baz. It didn't make safety
    3 points
  26. My young bitch 14 months, just started switching on, may try her this weekend ?
    3 points
  27. Randomly this article was on one of my news feeds. Nice to see not all articles online are anti http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/sports/outdoors/4383919-trapline-wisdom-19-jarid-rankila-quickly-gaining-experience-having-success
    2 points
  28. As most of you guys know, our Jimmy very kindly sent down his Photon 4.6 XT for me to have a play with and I am very grateful mate as it has saved me a load of money.......... I have been using both a home brew NV and a NiteSite Viper which have worked very well for me but fancied a change and the Photon having a very quick and easy zero change capability would be very handy so that I could switch ammo on either air rifle or on my rimfire. That was the main reason to go this route but to be very honest I found the Photon to be a total pain in the rear to set zero in daylight or at night i
    2 points
  29. Out for a walk with my whippet and bedyxwhippet today, we waik this land when ever it's just a quick hour and back home. It holds a few bunny's and pheasants and my dogs love hunting to see what they can flush, the little bitch was taking a interest in a Heage near a gateway the whippet was ten yards out in field when all of a sudden a baby munty bolted and worse still went in whippets direction, he had it in his mouth in seconds, I never cleared a fence quicker. It was bleating away why he held it, he dropet it in my hand and it was placed in my wax coat while I got dogs secure. After checkin
    2 points
  30. If its that big a deal why didn't the parents who will have been at the shoot say "Nope,my kids not wearing that top"? Exactly.
    2 points
  31. This is my typical Friday evening entertainment... Let me know if I need to put you a bed up!
    2 points
  32. I do appreciate it very much. Sometimes miss certain things but tbh in the age of internet and Amazon you can get pretty much anything delivered. Even got a new. M&S FOOD STORE opened just before Xmas lol Good thing about here there only one road in and one road out.but aye it's not for everyone living rural .
    2 points
  33. Best of luck, I don't know hardly anything about your neck of the world, what I do know, no matter where it is, a lot of hard work can be undone very quickly by a couple of stupid moves. you only need a dog running amok through the cover a couple of times and the birds soon move on, usually by innocent passers by. keep your feeders full, try a few drops of aniseed in them. partridges will either like the ground or not, seems no matter what you do, they either stay or leave ! get some good cover for the pheasants, feed in some straw so they scratch around, wher
    2 points
  34. Always a pleasure mate .Trust me mate you aint the first chap to have ever done the same and wont be the last .Its what happens next that matters .
    2 points
  35. they might not be running stuff they might be shooting it, but if I was shooting stuff ilegaly at night I would use night vision not a lamp, if you sin against poor farmers its worse than being terrorist.
    2 points
  36. Fair play sir no need to kill a little un if u can help it
    2 points
  37. My old bitch and the veteran Russell after multiple digs.
    2 points
  38. nothing more than opinions really..... if any of you take a good look at the start of the fight.....the doorman is getting dragged round by his coat over his head.....the fella that gets hit 3 times and ulimatly knocked out.....is the same fella that is unloading uppercuts on the doorman at the begining.....so you could argue he got what was coming....
    2 points
  39. Everyone. The issue isn't watching porn the issue is watching porn at work at the taxpayer's expense whilst simultaneously saying you need to save money and become more efficient, and saying that the public can't watch porn because it's bad for them. Basically, pull your puddin on your own time!
    2 points
  40. Eh up Arry. You can't be looking hard enough lol. Not only was I given one which, incidentally, is in full use up on the allotment, but have been offered at least 3 more for the sake of collection. Watch your local rag and all the usual social media adverts. I also see loads of unused greenhouses just driving through the local villages. I'm betting you will pick one up and all the gubernatorial that goes with it like butts, hoses, watering cans pots and trays etc. Just keep your eyes open pal. Jok.
    2 points
  41. Nowadays you would be able to outrun a bullmastiff ?
    2 points
  42. Few years back but did this fella ever get any of his dogs back? Bad carry on that, someone stealing another mans dogs is one thing but these stolen dogs don't vanish into thin air! They go somewhere and someone or people have them and they're just as bad as the thief in my eyes. There was a dog stolen from a friend of mine a long time ago now but we got the dog back lucky enough, best thing about it was his friend was the one had the dog taken. Too many scumbags about any wonder most men move in small circles.
    2 points
  43. Went down allotment to grab some cabbage,decided to have quick tidy up whilst I was free from the kids? It was pretty tidy seeing as I hadn't worked down there since I harvested the sweetcorn and sheeted over part of it. so quick fork over removed some weeds and give the resident robin and female blackbird chance of some food. cabbage was sown from seeds purchased from real seeds, it's a pick & grow style one.
    2 points
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