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About Mark_mjs93

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/12/1993

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  • Interests
    airgunning, pest control, air pistols, woodwork, fishing, guitar

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  1. Hello all, long time no see, I hope you’re all keeping well given the last few years. I for one have used this year to get back on the horse and have secured a new permission, shooting rabbits for a local rugby club. After a walk of the boundary and a chat with the groundskeeper last week I decided I’d swing over this evening to have a look and get acquainted with the site. Due to the training schedule at the club there is no chance of getting on before 10pm so I drove over, arriving at 10 as the the last stragglers left the bar. I used the time to have a wander
  2. I got lucky, my force (beds) contacted the doctor directly as I had a notifiable condition (history of depression) and the first I knew about it the police got in touch and told me they'd received the info from the doctors. Didn't have to pay a penny and it was done in like a week. One of them things I guess, usual post code lottery. Not to start an argument or debate but BASC were pretty useful to me when I applied for my SGC. Quickly responded to my questions but you need to be a member.
  3. Hello all, long time no see, hope you all had a good Christmas and New year. Now, on to business. I've just moved house and have decided that I want an upgrade on my cabinet. My current one was second hand and is a bit tatty and got a few funny looks from the FEO during my initial grant visit. I was looking into the lokaway lok2k but might go up a size but I'm interested to hear what you guys have/recommend. I'd like something a little more secure as my hope is to look at getting my FAC this year and expand the collection a little. Keen to hear your thoughts. Tak
  4. The numbers do seem to be out there at the mo. I missed a good day on the pigeons the other week, had other things to get done but it seems it was a bumper day. Seen a lot of flocks around me getting on the drillings. Mate text me the other day to say hes got loads on his grass feeding on the clover. Quite surprised really with how mild it's been and how much natural food there is about.
  5. On a similar note I've been asked to help out with ferreting a hedgerow this week. When I popped into the RFD earlier to pick some cartridges up for my new auto the dude behind the counter was shocked I had a chance to ferret or shoot rabbits at all.
  6. I appreciate myxy is a horrible disease, what I'm saying about RHD is not so much that is worse than myxy, maybe I presented my point in a weird light. I'm not disputing how deadly myxy is, I'm just saying that with new diseases like RHD appearing in our rabbits, the catastrophic scenes that people like yourself witnessed with myxy, back in the day, are now showing up again and the mixture of old and new diseases with different transmission rates, infection rates and mortality rates is making for another hard hit to the populations. With that said Im no expert and other folks on here will give
  7. RHD or VHD in its first strain had an immense impact on rabbit population. But it's impact was MASSIVE with rabbits dying a few hours after onset of the disease. It had a massive mortality rate in its first strain and would kill them off quick! Myxy has a longer term effect and as Micky said it has been the bane of many over the years but in terms of short term effects RHD or VHD was highly affective in a short space of time. The newer strain, RHDv2 has a lower mortality rate and isn't as catastrophic as its predecessor. A quick Google can tell you plenty.
  8. RHD is one of them, Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease I think it's called? Basically just causes catastrophic bleeding. Nasty thing it is, absolutely lethal and infectious as can be. Has a far worse impact than Mixy from what I can gather but i'm definitely not an expert by any stretch.
  9. Seconded Jimmy. Yeah he's a proper character haha the lads all have an unspoken rule to leave a swim be if he's in it. Mostly cause if you don't he's likely to grief you all night haha
  10. As they dont know their arseholes from the elbows Jimmy Its no surprise they haven't a monkeys on guns. This is no different to the trophy hunting debate that's ongoing. The media are running in their direction with it and making us honest, responsible shooters look like idiots. Absolute Nightmare but the heat will die down in 6 months as usual. Long and short is the RSPCA are pushing their agenda on this rather than acknowledging that this is some utter prat who is no friend to the majority of the shooting community. Personally I love swans... Have a proper lairy one at my local club lake, th
  11. Seen this plastered all over the news at the moment. A lot of places touting it as an airgun attack. No way in hell its an airgun with the amount of shot in the things! Frustrating to see the misinformation being put out but no surprise really. Can't get me head round why some muppet would shoot em anyway! Not to mention dump them in the way they have for people to find, it's just fuel for antis! Makes us all look bad and in the current climate as well. With the publicity this is getting... We will see airgun licensing sooner rather than later. Utter Twats. Rant over...
  12. Limpets you would be better off prying off the rocks with a knife just after the tide goes out. Shooting them... There will be bugger all left and you will. Just blunt the crap out of any speargun you used. Generally, molluscs like scallops, oysters etc aren't shot, they are hand dived on breath hold. You can spear lobsters and crabs but don't know what local byelaws are like and I'd be careful as the Mexicans And South Americans have some Strict laws around this sort of thing. Plenty of fish can be speared but usually it has to be done on breath hold and there are a load of different spear t
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