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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/06/22 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. Last nights mooch along with a lovely meal ??
    11 points
  3. A woman buys a rod and reel for her grandson’s birthday. As she doesn't know which one to get, she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Wal-Mart associate is standing there wearing dark glasses. She says, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says, "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes." She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10lb test line. I
    7 points
  4. And stuff bred the same way still going...humble pie comes to mind ?
    7 points
  5. Very transitiony spell, at the moment. Letting the horses into the compound for a couple of hours a night. Like them to munch the vegetations back for me. Just happened to stand up, having decided I'd better put them away again. Looked out the window and, was that? Is it ....? Yep. Little dark spot, trundling down the track towards us was a fox! Little bugger must have thought; " Hmm. About time he'll be putting those horses away and feeding me. Better get down there. " I might have called out, " Won't be long, Fox fox! ", as I ushered the hairy ones inside. Gave them their supp
    6 points
  6. Country Spare Ribs. Cheers Arry
    5 points
  7. I've worked with hundreds of Farmers and Landowners,.. very few have any real concept of rabbits or rabbit control , other than a bit of ferreting as nippers, and driving around at night, bunny bashing... As you can imagine,.. for anyone offering paid rabbit management, this sometimes causes a few problems...? Farmers that are cruising around the place seeing conies scuttling back and forth, in and out of the hedgerows, frequently over estimate the population on their land,.. and to be perfectly honest,...they often exaggerate.? As an aside,. if the Rifles aren't doing the job,
    5 points
  8. Plenty of hares about this year
    5 points
  9. You want Hairy brothers,.. I'll give you,.. fecking Hairy?
    5 points
  10. 4 points
  11. I have been drawn to watching a few of these pod casts as been said they are comedy gold especially the one that opens up with Apollo Creed here the voice of the common people and calls that teacake from Doncaster Brittney or doughnut boy.lol
    4 points
  12. It's been done many times in the past and will in the future brother x sister mother x son father x daughter aswel
    3 points
  13. Wasn't pie the bullx put to his own sister to produce the likes of dee spike and other siblings extra didn't do them any harm I've done it with terriers with no problems as a one off if needed them bullxs I mentioned and the terriers were all top draw grafters
    3 points
  14. A quick run up to the shoot this evening to start baiting a ride over the piggeries with some smelly stuff, my plan was to go up Saturday night to see if anything could be temped out onto the ride, I’m now having second thoughts because the flies were insane, I’m back out on the moor tomorrow night after them rabbits and I’ll definitely be bathing in jungle juice before I go out
    3 points
  15. Think there's already been a thread on 'could bull cross kill lynx,wolf, honey badger and werewolf'.?
    3 points
  16. I support the reintroduction of prey species. They are needed.
    3 points
  17. Keep telling my mrs this. She wanted a new kitchen etc. told her hard times are coming keep saving ? be deals to be had when it comes I hope
    3 points
  18. First one in, only about another 9 to do
    3 points
  19. It's horses for courses mc,there not poor,there just no bread for that course mate,tho as I said the sal bull grey is a good animal mate
    3 points
  20. I think if you and Greb should get on YouTube with your beef, it would take over Decca and Dean. I can only imagine the call out and training vids. Pure comedy gold and THL at its best lol
    3 points
  21. Not quite an armadillo trap but big enough for a cat sized thing. A boot sale find ; l had to figure out making a trigger mechanism and it could probably be improved upon but it works. There is a wooden treadle with a hollow for bait. The doors are lined with tin to foil gnawing and scratching . And a random one from this morning; the supermarket shelving fox trap strikes again!
    3 points
  22. Cooked out over the wknd went to local tasty place Bresaola starter pork chop dinner
    3 points
  23. Anniversary dinner at prawn on lawn in Padstow today, one of our favourite places to eat...any foodies heading to the south west this summer its worth booking... Few hours kip on the beach now to sleep it off!
    3 points
  24. 36 celsius all week with a heat index of 40 celsius. Root Hog or Die!!! Confederate proverb
    3 points
  25. You know what the say up.north ,your not a man till u got a saluki
    2 points
  26. Brother to sister worked well for the Whittakers.
    2 points
  27. Something a bit different to slip the dogs on ?
    2 points
  28. First 5 in and filled by hand, I managed to get him to go and get the proper coils to fix them together so I can put a cage together now in 5 minutes instead of 45, 4 more to go on top tomorrow then maybe make a 45 degree one to finish the end, it’s a bit to hot to be doing this and is supposed to be hotter tomorrow ?
    2 points
    2 points
  30. Brother lives in Exmouth, hes got a first x beddy/Whip... no chance of a real big cat around there with her about!! Lol
    2 points
  31. Drone discovers two big cats being illegally kept in North Norfolk village - Norfolk Live WWW.NORFOLKLIVE.CO.UK In the wild serval cats can take down big prey including young antelope and can jump up to two metres in height
    2 points
  32. Ironic isn't it, all the people who regularly moan about the price of Hancock's lurchers...he currently has a litter for £650...somewhat cheaper than a lot of "working dogs."?
    2 points
  33. 800 notes for a cross bred terrier is bit much but there his pups to charge what he wants , lads out there selling lurchers 600 , 800 for beddy whippets , collie greys and 1000 plus for saluki crosses , if people willing pay it that's there own stupid fault , I gave 50 notes for last terrier I had and the guy drove and met me half way with it and that was when people where charging 1500 for covid dogs lol
    2 points
  34. Thanks.? I must admit, after my recent kelpie/beardy thread, I found another old notebook from when I had Jem (the 3/4 collie) and my current line of thinking would be to get another 3/4 collie when my eldest kelpie dies. My reasoning is that I've had kelpies for over twenty years and know them really well but I don't want to reach a stage where I look back and regret not trying another hairy beast. Then I'd have one of each and can judge better what to use after that...as my retirement dogs.?
    2 points
  35. "Skinnys on the roof"
    2 points
  36. Trying to justify £800 for pups bred from young untested stock ????
    2 points
  37. The worst was yesterday, clicked on a link and some blonde polish lady in a thick polish accent was chatting about "Grapist enablers" I just couldn't take it seriously, she was like an Alan partridge or little Britain sketch character, have you ever heard anyone with a strong polish accent say "Grapist enabler"? ??
    2 points
  38. I've found where my chicken killers are hanging around! I just need some grass cutting!
    2 points
  39. One of my mildly bizarre creations using a upvc off- cut liberated from a skip.? Superb workmanship , not? It does work though.
    2 points
  40. Was it the bloated belly ,or fly encrusted eyes he found attractive?
    2 points
  41. All comes down to manners really,let's be honest,you go out to town,you behave,ain't hard is it?you gob off you really need to be able to back it up....or take a slap,quite simple imo...nothing worse than some plastic gangster shouting "do you know who I am!" ?f**k off you simpleton cnuts?
    2 points
  42. Gabion’s turned up, fu*king flat pack and with no wire coils to put them together just rolls of high tensile wire, it’s going to take me a day to put them together, he got them like this because they were cheaper, by the time he’s paid me to put them together it would of been cheaper to get the wire coils that you put in with a drill, some people are idiots and the more I do this type of stuff the more idiots I’m finding ?
    2 points
  43. Probably have to deal with less spades than he would if he retired to the UK ! Lol ?
    2 points
  44. Sound like every terrier litter I've ever bred...riding the other pups is a dominance thing,seen pups do it from 4/5 weeks old,split them up, separate crates etc,when they step out of line, if it was me then,a little blast with a water pistol soon sort them out?
    2 points
  45. Rabbit numbers are low by me they’ve been in decline for the last 10yrs getting lower an lower In numbers season by season the ferrets have now been gone for 5yrs now because there is no point in them no more there not worth the effort I used to borrow a hob just for a little ferreting now an then but he’s no longer with us he was the last of the strain I kept an bred since I was a kid my dog numbers have declined as there’s no point in having many dogs or set rabbit dogs no more I’ve got one retired bitch and a bitch that’s 3 that I can use for a bit of everything but got to the middle of las
    2 points
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