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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/18 in Posts

  1. If you know anyone in the food industry,should be able to sort you out,
    12 points
  2. My dogs consider Muslims smelly b*****ds please keep them in their own country.
    9 points
  3. Me brother in law is bent is sound like but at Xmas I offer a plate of mince pies round and when he says can I have a mince pie I stand out the way and say sorry I thought you wanted to mince by He found it funny me father in law dint tho
    7 points
  4. Byron, aren't you needed at home, im sure someone is dependant on you with an illness, unless ive read wrong, im struggling here also, but im needed until the day comes when im not, then ive got my future planned out, chin up matey
    7 points
  5. Young lad loveing getting my pals Harris hawk couple days worth of food
    6 points
  6. Just a couple of picks of Fleet now 7 1/2 months old 20 tts at the moment and will make about 22 when done, great nature and coming along fine, loves his work, should be a cracker in another year or so.
    6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. Just take it easy, things can only get better. theres always someone worse off like peterhunter for example..
    6 points
  9. f***ing hell ow.... Bit of a frier tuck going on there kid?
    6 points
  10. Food delivery to juvenile Hobby's [/url ]Hobby juveniles having a squabble by Martin Billard, on Flickr
    6 points
  11. my old man was on the catchers.38/39..he still believed in it till he died.. south georgia...that season was the last of the fraca's..somewere in the region of fourty thousand taken..they knew then,and before,, that it had to be controlled, else the whole system was breaking down etc..if anyone's round hull, the maritime museum is a interesting place to visit..ask em to see my old mans contract..tommy webb..he spent his full life deep sea.i donated it to them after he died..google hecktoria..the first mother ship to bring up the arse end.. same as stern draggers today do i believe in it no..b
    6 points
  12. Most guns on pegs are far from fcukwits , anyone that does fall into that category doesn’t get past the first drive and in ten years I’ve never seen anyone shoot a thrush , redwing or any other bird or mammal that was either protected or not in season ...A lot of the days are just ordinary working fellas that save a few quid and have a day or so a year on the pheasants as a treat , sure there’s people that shoot once a fortnight and one or two teams that Shoot one a week but these are the exception..All this talk of teams of guns from the city shooting everything that walks talks flies or crie
    5 points
  13. So much simpler when I was a kid and didn't have to think about this shit
    5 points
  14. i would say it matters when your conversations can be recorded without your consent.
    5 points
  15. 4 points
  16. Yeah I've a bitch out this litter not done to much with her yet just letting her be a pup for the time being here's lass be good to see some more out of this litter atb longers01
    4 points
  17. It is f***ing terrifying where big data is taking us! Artificial intelligence techniques are mainstream in industry now and as they advance will make processing HUGE amounts of data easy and frankly 'weaponised'. The implications and questions on the concept of freedom are scary.
    4 points
  18. They are onto you,been watching sandfield road for months,just a matter of time...………..
    4 points
  19. Listen to Jordan Peterson.
    4 points
  20. Press the off button, take your dressing gown and slippers off , get dressed and go and do something fulfilling.
    4 points
  21. The grounds still like iron in south east,dogs prob struggling with grip,etc.wait till wheat shoots are just coming up threw,grounds a bit softer.
    4 points
  22. You need to stop believing everything you read , animal rights propaganda probably.As far as I’m aware no one I know is dumping birds . Yes the bottom has dropped out of the export market, the guy who used to take my birds to Belgium stopped taking them as he couldn’t make it pay . The game dealers that are going , none that I know of are now paying for birds . “Why would they now”. But they are still taking them , and pheasants are still going in the food chain . There can be all sorts of reasons birds get dumped . If you start shooting early September/October it can be a nightmare stopping t
    4 points
  23. Think I’ve read it wrong mushroom ?? Sorry if I have ?
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. As the title suggests I just want to say a massive thanks to all the people that either helped or offered to help. The response i had from people on here left me completely speechless (you know who you are) and as a result of this im going for my dog tomorrow. I don't think this would of been possible if it wasn't for people on here. Thanks again.
    3 points
  26. The worm was only designed to go up, and that didn't work ? So I flattened the end, drilled a hole for the rope and attempted to go from the top again. I cut it shorter so I didn't have more liner than I needed to wrestle with. I then stood on the chimney stack with a foot each side and twisted it. RESULT!!! ?
    3 points
  27. Hope everything is ok Byron?
    3 points
  28. Through karma, do nice things for people and life will repay you
    3 points
  29. Yep called smart phone for a reason....
    3 points
  30. Remember when they first came out lads saying a cut down garden fork was just as good of a tool. Lol. Bet a few of them lads now own a sharptooth but wouldn’t like to admit it.
    3 points
  31. A few recent photos of the young one I'll be running this season
    3 points
  32. Shooters spend £2.5 billion on goods and services .. Shooting supports the equivalent of 74000 full time jobs Nearly 2 million Hectares are actively managed as a result of shooting Shoot providers spend £250 million a year on conservation . Shooters spend 3.9 million working days on conservation , the equivalent of 16000 full time jobs .. Then you have backward left wing councils that stop grouse shooting and surrender the moor to a bunch of tree hugging bunny strokers that don’t want or don’t have the money to support the moor ..Shooting driven pheasants might not b
    3 points
  33. Just over 4 weeks now and coming on nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_R9m8g2J-Y
    2 points
  34. If only more people did .
    2 points
  35. Trying isn't good enough when your dispatching an animal.That family need to sit and watch a film about how to ferret properly before going out.
    2 points
  36. Sideways, frontways and backways.
    2 points
  37. Mine are getting bigger by the day! one of the male before work this morning
    2 points
  38. The Chinese do in masses, cut their fins off and chuck em back alive to die slowly, horrible people!
    2 points
  39. A credit to you trev a very nice litter i bet socks can't wait to get his picked up
    2 points
  40. don't really want to go into it dytkos as I am sick of he said this an that bullshit ..... as for the lad your on about I did turn him away from the gun an put him towards a lurcher....top honist lad do anything for you enytime you ask... hes 65 shortly an still walks the moors with my old man 3 days a week
    2 points
  41. I was in Mallorca couple years ago and watched a pack of Ibiza hounds working rabbit, tuff juckels and the ground they worked was mostly rocks, good luck on getting out with a pack.
    2 points
  42. Probably not a good idea giving muppets like this any air time....wont do any of us any good in the long run..
    2 points
  43. 2 points
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