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byron last won the day on May 29

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About byron

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    Extreme Hunter

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    the dust track.....

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  1. Thank fxck I'm old..
  2. Chin up Ray mate.six years coming up since i lost my Mrs.it don't get any easier mate.but..ya gradually get ya head around it.ya do that much thinking about things,it nare on wrecks ya head.out in the nature is your friend ray,and a good healer.out at moment dossing about in me camper.dont give in.. Good luck..
  3. Mate of mine, all his three brothers topped them self's.knew another lad. smashing kid,just stuck his head on line.like stiff said once ya heads gone no one's gonna stop ya. Know a train driver,happened to him twice, back in eighties.he said there's just nowt you can do.must be horrendous for him.
  4. Welbeck Estate.under keeper there at time, told me years later about the lads from local pit Village all poached it.even him in his younger years.he said we was duck shooting one night with the big wigs and was invited back to the big house.he said I was drinking whiskey out of proper cut glass glasses.couldnt get me head round it he was telling me.and he said all I kept thinking was if my mates could see me now.lol.he said they new the place like the back of there hands.
  5. Aye tats them two inch cases ya needed,the noise difference between them and two and a half's was like noticable.lol.
  6. A stick of dynamite..lol.another yarn..by the way I ain't no bullshitter all these yarns are true.. back in the day, when we got winters. We used to shoot a drain inland.flat land (test ya running dogs on this land)plenty of long ears here.big reservoir couple of fields back.well this grass field run along side of this drain.but, this field used to flood in one part.and teal used to pour into it.anyways it froz over,so someone come up with idea about fxckin dynamite.some one new some one who could get some.anyways me mate comes in to our local with a stick.ffs.lol.best is we use to light
  7. Keep going matey.fxck.. them that retire sit in a chair and give up.
  8. HIs second name want brook's was it Harry? That panther,a lad(not long passed) hounded my mates brother for it.sold him it for 15quid.he wrapped it round a lamp post a week later.lol.
  9. Old man was born/lived 52Dorset St.mate.that maritime museum is summat.i advise any one To go look.i gave them my old man's whaling contract.over the moon they was.
  10. It's all because we're becoming a third world country gnash.all the shit and rubbish strewn about..lol.
  11. Aye arry. We went down the same road eh.we shared a folding 410 with a silencer made out of alli ?not sure.full of washers it was.in the sixties.wonder what happened to it.remember had to stash it one day when someone was on to me.went back few days later to a rust bucket.lol did we look at it as poaching/trespassing.dunno.just young and mad.them old tips were great for ratting.mates brother used to bring his old panther and chair along,(motorbike) kicked like a Mule on start up,gotta get the compression up.and light up the tip.hahaha.used to go on holiday park right near were I live now
  12. Good times eh dai.same here. i used to shoot the pigeons on a night under the pier. lol.used to walk the coast, terriers on couple's,spaniel hunting away.bliss..bag and shovel over shoulder, hoping to drop on summat.i mean who poached foxes,know one blinked an eye.
  13. We're I live, is/was snided with foxes,they all feed em.ya know the type, look at me I'm a conservationists.about six to seven months back I noticed mange in one or two.as the months have rolled on, there dripping fur.fxck me now I'm maybe seeing one or two.there all collecting monies to feed em meds.it ain't worked, but nature has.over populated? seen one cub,about week back cross Rd in front of me about size half grown bunny.never seen one as small this time of year.any one noticed mange round your way?
  14. More if ya wan it.. Went thru catapults to Diana pistols (not the shitty gat ones)we killed some stuff on a night with them.. I regret doing that..on to air rifles.the mighty relum tornado.all junk shops sold second hand jobbies..window licking at its finest. Catalogues sold guns in them days.drooling over the pictures wishing you had the ten Bob a week to pay for it..lol Oh. The exchange and mart.abbots of Norfolk sending ferrets on the train. First shotgun was a sawn of double hammer gun.24 and a quarter inch barrells.just above limit.. lol. 15quid if I remember.right ba
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