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king last won the day on October 14 2021

king had the most liked content!

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11,972 Excellent

1 Follower

About king

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/05/1918

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The coal shed.
  • Interests
    Dogs dogs dogs

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  1. Do you believe the tweets that you post on here scotty
  2. I think it's great news... So now it's either reform or labour..
  3. king


    There you go building up a pad for a Pilling rig..enjoy.. Only 1.122mtrs to finish level.. And you can clearly see the finished model..
  4. king


    Fair play mate..sounds like a cracking trip..that bottom pic the mountains look like a film set..
  5. They fly off the line don't they mate and fling some muck up..that lad goes well on it fair play..i didn't think they went that well..little rockets lol..
  6. It's a 2 stroke mate is it..I bet the young lad will be made up with that bike.. I bought my lad a qr50 yrs ago..what a cracking little bike..it would run all day everyday and wouldn't miss a beat..excellent build quality from Honda.. Yea get a vid on mate be nice to see the lad go on it and hear the little beast..
  7. king

    RIP Geoff Capes

    Funny you should mention that mate.. He came to a nightclub in Neath 1 evening with a van full of security/ bouncers..to take over the door.. After 5 mins talking in the office to the head door man..he walked out called all the lads back in the van and fecked off..never to return..
  8. That crankshaft is a fair chunk of steel mate..what was wrong with the 1 in the bike..
  9. Smart looking bike..have you got it running now mate..
  10. Feck I bet you are fun at party's..is that your best banter... There you go there's a 250mm layer of type 1 with a 1% fall to the right for you to enjoy...
  11. It is good footage..the power in there bite is something else mate.. That fin camera is a clever thing floats to the surface and gives of a signal to retrieve it..
  12. Ok maybe 1 shark has seen a cow
  13. Just because you haven't seen one it doesn't mean they don't exist.. Just remember a shark has never seen a cow....
  14. When you've got the balls to jump off a mountain strapped to a paraglider come and talk to me.. Until then you are just a lightweight..
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