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Showing content with the highest reputation since 27/06/24 in Posts

  1. Well that’s me done I finished my last shift last night on the Railway, I’ve really enjoyed it the railway people are a different class of people, character’s helpful friendly and always willing to share skills knowledge and experience. The job I have just given up was high adrenaline and sometimes sad but it suited me lone worker managing incidents and getting things moving again I have had a varied career Pway which is track maintenance, Road Railers for a number of years and also level crossing inspections for about seven years, and the rest of my career as a Mom, Mobile Operations Man
    51 points
  2. As a few lads on here know we hosted my cousins wedding a couple of weeks back, it was a big ask as we are part way through renovating and having nearly 90 people here for the day, plus all the family staying here... Anyway, I think we completely pulled it off, it was a great day night.. loads of food, drink, music and great company... I said never again,... but... we've had 3 enquiries and these would pay us, no more family favours!! Lol
    26 points
  3. Hi folks, just little post, as I've had some great replies from the folks on here since my wife Lesley died in Feb. As I've always said there some real good people on here deff. I cook for my self now, and done OK, norm it just quick meals pasta etc. I've had couple Sunday dinners before. Got the veg OK and gravy, but over cook the meat, it OK but bit burned, chops or very small joint etc. Well I've been really busy in garden cutting lawns watering Tom's, French beans, they nice veg that. Done that sewn all bushes/branches hanging over old Buck kennel, bloody hell took me a hour to cut it al
    22 points
  4. Had my old line bred collie x bitch pts yesterday it’s true what they say it never gets any easier I remember picking her up in 2010 like it was yesterday got some grate memories with this gentle giant that will never be forgotten me an my misses picked her up in 2010 me an my misses were there at her end and berried her together rip millie
    20 points
  5. In France, badger hunting is being challenged in court. Lots of legal fights, some won, some lost. Badger hunters demonstrated in Limoges (the French love demonstrations).
    20 points
  6. I was a Maintenance Manager and the owner started kicking off f***ing and blinding at me. I warned him I would walk. He carried on I threw my tools in my truck and f****d off I was 62 at the time. If they start walking over you it will get worse and worse. Struggled for a while nobody want you at 62 but bought some tools mower, strimmer, chainsaw etc drove machines and farm work made nice little living and no stress. Never realised that job was killing me, boy did he do me a favour in kicking off. Cheers Arry
    20 points
  7. Hi all thought I would have a look in at THL it’s been a while. still mooching mind. here’s my current hounds.
    18 points
  8. Met up with Max Hardcore at my local whippet club to give his lurcher bitch a couple of trials. Gave it a solo run out of the traps and with a muzzle. It ran well and did a very respectable time. Later on gave it another trial of a level break with a good non-ped racing whippet, again, out of traps with muzzles. A very good race over 150 yards with the lurcher coming from behind to be beaten by just half a length, again in a good time. I enjoyed the morning and the craic, Max certainly knows his running dogs ! Cheers.
    18 points
  9. Iv just been told if im not willing to do 7 till 7 hours next week don’t bother coming in …..My Answer was get f****d iv just jacked
    18 points
  10. Just like to say a big thanks to stiffy who messaged me the other day offering me a book which has just arrived today many thanks mate and good luck with the move
    18 points
  11. I retired 5 weeks ago and I absolutely love it! No problem having late nights as I can lie in next day, can suit myself where I go and when (single man, my ex missus died a few months ago). I plan some days and some days I just roll with it and now my favourite phrase is "no rush" even though I've got terminal lung cancer Cheers, D.
    18 points
  12. Vaughan Gethin has resigned...first and last ethnic in Wales to be in power
    17 points
  13. Mate dropped in some free range eggs so thought I'd used some up in a Quiche. Cheers Arry
    17 points
  14. Take your pick mate : television used as a dumbing down tool with every tv show having gratuitous sex and violence in it . the rise and access of free porn cocaine a general lack of morals parents Married to jobs to pay the credit cards , the new Audi on the drive of the persimmon home with no intention of knowing what their own kids are about . If you really want to see a race to the bottom , look at the “love island” heart race challenge with a chaser of naked attraction afterwards . vile , cheap nasty shows. A plague on our young adults
    17 points
  15. Well JP certainly got the send off he deserved with 100’s of people from all over the country, Ireland and France turning up and showing their respect they had for him His family did him proud and it was lovely to hear memories from the past from some of his life long friends. there were many tears in the mass crowd when the hunting horn was heard as he was exiting his service “Gone away and gone to ground” He will be missed by many but not forgotten !
    16 points
  16. Noticed one of the display pictures while shopping around today at Bass pro, though y'all would enjoy it
    16 points
  17. Theres the right to protest, yes, then theres these wankers who just think its ok to block public roads, stop people from getting to work to pay their bills, you know the type, the loony left greenies, they peotest against oil yet came down on public transport fuelled by the oil industry, the greta turdburg scare tactics type, the cwis packham type that can label you everything and get you cancelled and shut down, yet never face the music they create? Nah the time for revenge is here
    15 points
  18. Bidens already been on and wished Michelle Obama a speedy recovery
    15 points
  19. The man is f***ing ledge ! Fist pumping the air after getting shot at. let me get my shoes !! Yes MAGA
    15 points
  20. My youngest cooked for us yesterday, it was really good... a japenese salmon and soba noodle cold salad... and Victoria sponge for afters...
    15 points
  21. I completely agree with Stiffmeister in his post, however, I think there is a caveat……hands up who here has not done stupid stuff or stuff that their 40+ year old self would now regard as howling ? I have, plenty of times…..stuff so f***ing howling it would make most normal people say “f***ing hell !!!” But nobody gives you a manual for life, you can’t be a good judge of lived experiences unless you have been down in the depths a bit yourself and know what you are on about. Most people grow and learn and are made wise by all of it, some never do and never are….that’s l
    15 points
  22. People have said to me “ why bother, a tin of peas is 30p, eggs £2 a dozen from the supermarkets. My reply is “ I get dozens of bags of peas from a 30p packet of seeds, my veggies are organic without the additional price, I use my own compost, no chemicals, no weed killer, every weed is ho’ed or hand pulled and I can have veggies on my plate half an hour from picking them, they are not flown in from all over the world” ! My eggs are from hens I’ve bred myself, they are free range and fed on organic layers pellets and home made mash , the culls when they stop laying are “recycled “ as
    14 points
  23. But the point is (imho), he didn’t. This is the logical culmination when accusations and name calling and curtailment of rights to speech, where saying something 10 years ago on the internet can ruin your life, where pretending that men can be women and being burned at the social stake if you disagree, where believing just having an opinion means you hate something or someone…..this is where it ends up. Ban books, ban speech, ban individual thought, ruin (and I mean ruin) or even put in jail those who transgress from the approved narrative…..and finally, if they won’t shut up, y
    14 points
  24. This is probably going to be one of the most iconic images of American history……and there’s a Sunderland shirt billowing in the wind above him.
    14 points
  25. With ever bed, sofa and available bit of floor space taken up... it was a case of drinking all night, before I hit the hay...literally...lol
    14 points
  26. I have to admit, I f***ing hate those type of people, they are the enemy within and the country is f***ing choc a block with them. See, we gas amongst ourselves on here but it’s an echo chamber in reality because it’s all lads with similar interests and naturally views are broadly similar as well……but go to any town or city and down those streets it ain’t like that……it’s the bloke next door killing the nation, it ain’t really the darkie getting off the boat because he is just taking advantage of a situation of our own peoples making. Look at the last election, yes 4 million people vo
    14 points
  27. Tikka lamb shoulder …
    14 points
  28. That's a lot of the problem. Many well meaning people just can't see what's happening. I'm a traditional Labour voter ( im a binman, so you couldnt really get much more working class), but the thought of labour getting into power , frightens the shit out of me. I haven't got much , and if labour get into power ,they'll take what little I do have , and give it to someone that has never done a single thing to help the country. I live in the street that I grew up in . I knew everyone in the street . I now know about five families , and most of the rest of the street don't even speak E
    14 points
  29. Misses birthday yesterday, went to a wine and cheese restaurant in Cheltenham had a wild mushroom and garlic fondue a fiery chilly fondue and a cold meat board with salad all very nice
    13 points
  30. 13 points
  31. Started picking and eating a lot of things from the allotment. Have got second and third crops of some things growing well. Various tomatoes; Onions and garlic on the drying racks; Green cucumbers and melon cucumbers; Hot chillis and sweet peppers starting to show; Swedes coming on well; First lot of peas and sugar snaps ready for the freezer; A lot more stuff growing well, caulis, broccoli, scallions , green beans, runner beans, rhubarb, pak Choi, Chinese cabbage. Poultry all laying well. Just n
    13 points
  32. saw a couple of fatty pork chops on the eat now or die shelf ...in the co-op ...yep i will have them thank you......made loads of deliceous gravy with the juices and put in a jar in the fridge and have with pie&chips and gravy sometime get in there
    13 points
  33. Yes mate, got just the one bitch on at the minute. She was 4 Yr old last week. Same breeding has my previous 3 bitches
    13 points
  34. Couple of Oggy's for tea tonight. Cheers Arry
    13 points
  35. Home made “peaches & cream” sponge cake; Cheers.
    13 points
  36. Nobody tells the dai dog what to do.... especially with 100k in his sky rocket. Maybe don't go mad on the hookers and cocaine....at least until you find another job
    13 points
  37. FairPlay to you mate I’d walk out of any job as soon as they started behaving like they owned me I look at it slightly different and consider them lucky to have me
    13 points
  38. finished off the belly pork today with a tandorri .and vedge,,,
    13 points
  39. Fired the BBQ up for a Rib Eye. Picking my own Tomatoes now as well as the Cucumbers and Lettuce. Cheers Arry
    13 points
  40. Biden said “ Trump should be put in a bullseye” . Now I don’t for one moment think he was encouraging anyone to shoot Trump, but if Trump had said exactly the same thing about Biden, the left would be screaming for him to be charged with incitement to murder. Double standards. Cheers.
    12 points
  41. Young dog 9 Months old done couple bits of myxi build his confidence turning out a fine looking young animal last 2 months he's took a good Strech sitting around 24" now end the year can't come quick enough What saplings everyone else rearing at the minute. Atb Jay
    12 points
  42. This bitch could run and catch anything and game too.
    12 points
  43. More than welcome P Good luck in your future endeavours buddy !
    12 points
  44. 12 points
  45. Chicken and Chips. Cheers Arry
    12 points
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