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About culltheweak

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    England durham

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  1. Lime burns fine when dry but like willow, poplar its burns fast you need a conveyor belt to feed it lol best mix it with other more suitable wood more ash coming down than ever at present not complaining mind birch is my favourite to burn
  2. There’s a powerline under that lot too makes things interesting that’s for sure
  3. It will get getting chipped for biomas
  4. Been real busy with these storms loads of ash die back trees plenty of fire wood tho so can’t complain
  5. Nice dogs but do yous still at actually work them to ground genuine question
  6. Piss wet thru climbing ash trees yuk ha I’m like a drowned
  7. Seen a pic of this dog over looking the terriers in a yard what a framer ?
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